Pollination Agents Summary
Resource type Worksheet
Recommended age 7 - 9 years
File information pdf, 1 pages, 138 KB
Objective: Identify different pollination agents and understand their importance for plants reproduction.

This is a summary about pollination agents, which includes a short explanation about what they do and a graphic organizer with the three main pollination agents. Students can glue it on their Science notebook or put it in a folder, and use it to study.

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Plants Assessment
ProfeCoins 5
Resource type Assessment
Recommended age 8 - 10 years
File information pdf, 2 pages, 192 KB
CN03 OA01: Observe and describe what plants need in order to survive, and relate this with the stem, leaves and roots.

CN03 OA03: Observe and describe some changes that plants go through during their life cycle (germination, growth, reproduction, among others).

This assessment is to evaluate how students are learning the main concepts of the unit. It includes parts of a plant and their functions, parts of a flower and their functions, reproduction, germination and pollination, among other topics.

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Plants Classification
Resource type Worksheet
Recommended age 8 - 9 years
File information pdf, 1 pages, 266 KB
Objective: Understand plants classification according to the way on which they reproduce. 

The idea of this concept web is to organize plants according to the presence or absence of seeds, and presence or absence of flower, for students to understand that there are different types of plants, which reproduce in different ways. This worksheet is for students to paste it on their Science notebook or put it in their Science folder, so they can use it to study.

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Exit Ticket Vertebrate Animals
ProfeCoins 5
Resource type Assessment
Recommended age 6 - 8 years
File information pdf, 1 pages, 250 KB
Use this exit ticket to check if your students understood some main characteristics of vetebrate animals.
Ask them to choose their favorite animal and describe it by writing the group the animal belongs to, body covering/temperature, type of reproduction and habitat.

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Growing a Plant Project Growing a Plant Project Growing a Plant Project Growing a Plant Project
ProfeCoins 20
Resource type Project
Recommended age 8 - 11 years
File information pdf, 10 pages, 310 KB
CN03 OA01: Observe and describe what plant need to survive, through experimentation, and relate this with its parts and structure. 

CN03 OA: Observe and describe some changes that plants go through during their life cycle (germination, growth, reproduction, among others).

On this project, students get in the role of Scientists and follow every single step of the Scientific Method, in a guided way. They ask a question (guided), formulate an hypothesis (guided) and plant two seeds and expose them to different environments. They have to observe them and record their observations on a chart. Finally, they establish a conclusion and finally they do a final reflection. 

For younger children this project needs to be constantly guided by the teacher.

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Rubric for "Growing a Plant Project"
ProfeCoins 5
Resource type Assessment
Recommended age 8 - 11 years
File information pdf, 2 pages, 100 KB
CN03 OA01: Observe and describe what plant need to survive, through experimentation, and relate this with its parts and structure. 

CN03 OA03: Observe and describe some changes that plants go through during their life cycle (germination, growth, reproduction, among others).

This rubric is to evaluate the project "Growing a Plant", uploaded previously. It is a detailed guideline that shows what is expected from students during this project, and it evaluates the learning process.

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Reproducción de las Plantas: la Polinización
ProfeCoins 5
Downloads count 13
Resource type Lesson
Recommended age 8 - 11 years
File information Private link to www.youtube.com
Comments count 2
Este video explica el proceso de reproducción de las plantas mediante la polinización. En él se identifican las estructuras femeninas y masculinas de las flores que permiten que éstas se reproduzcan, además de cómo la planta logra crear una nueva semilla. Adicionalmente, se habla de los distintos agentes polinizadores que existen y que permiten que se transporte el polen de una flor a otra. Al término del video, incorporé una actividad muy fácil de hacer en las casas para observar cómo ocurre la polinización con los insectos. El video es muy claro y tiene mucho apoyo visual. ¡Espero que puedan usarlo!
Antonia Cox  antoniacoxo

Berni, me encantó. Busque artos videos en youtube y ninguno era tan claro como este para los niños. Esta bacán, gracias por compartirlo.

ProfeCoins 5
Downloads count 3
Resource type Lesson
Recommended age 10 - 18 years
File information pdf, 15 pages, 2.76 MB
Este es un tipo de recurso que puede utilizar para desarrollar la temática de Reproducción, los tipos que existen y tiene, además, una actividad de inicio para orientar los estudiantes hacia el concepto de Reproducción y saber qué ideas previas tienen acerca del mismo. Espero les sirva y me dejen un Me gusta y lo descarguen.

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Reproducción de las plantas Reproducción de las plantas Reproducción de las plantas Reproducción de las plantas Reproducción de las plantas
Downloads count 19
Resource type Lesson
Recommended age 12 - 18 years
File information pptx, 34 pages, 23.1 MB
Es una diapositiva base para presentar contenidos e imágenes sobre la reproducción y desarrollo de las plantas. No trae actividades complementarias, por lo que cada docente debe plantearlas de acuerdo a su diseño y estrategia didáctica.  La información e imágenes fueron tomadas en su mayoría del libro: Biología. La vida en la Tierra, su información está en la siguiente imagen. 
cita biología la vida en la tierra.png

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Evaluación reproducción de las plantas con flor y usos de las plantas Evaluación reproducción de las plantas con flor y usos de las plantas
ProfeCoins 5
Downloads count 2
Resource type Assessment
Recommended age 7 - 18 years
File information pdf, 4 pages, 987 KB
Evaluación escrita sobre la reproducción y los usos de las plantas . Incluye comprensión de lectura de un texto informativo, enumeración de los pasos de la polinización, identificar la función de las partes de una flor, explicar el proceso de polinización, agentes polinizadores y clasificar los beneficios de las pantas según sus usos. 

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