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Constanza Wichmann - @cwichmann

Constanza Wichmann

Joined on 21 Jan, 2021
69 Posts
7 Followings

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Writing an Essay Booklet Writing an Essay Booklet Writing an Essay Booklet Writing an Essay Booklet Writing an Essay Booklet
ProfeCoins 10
Resource type Assessment
Recommended age 10 - 13 years
File information pdf, 12 pages, 1.04 MB
This booklet is for students to learn step by step how to write an essay, and follow the writing process. It helps students organize their ideas and end up with a good piece of writing. You might want to spend some lessons showing different essays and teaching the structure of a formal essay, to make sure students understand what they need to do. 
It is important to model each part of the writing process.

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Solar System Mobile Project Solar System Mobile Project Solar System Mobile Project Solar System Mobile Project Solar System Mobile Project
ProfeCoins 30
Resource type Project
Recommended age 8 - 10 years
File information pdf, 19 pages, 1.57 MB
Comments count 2
This project is to be completed during all the unit of Solar System.
You might want to complement it with videos and Power Points, or any other source of information, because the idea is for students to take notes of thing that catch their attention about the Sun and Planets, and in the end they just colour and "build" the mobile. If you want students to research, this is also a perfect project to get students started on it, but it needs to be really guided and give them the sources of information, to make sure they are reliable.
My 3rd graders really enjoyed this project, they learnt to take notes and they also acquired more autonomy.

They way I did it, was that I gave them 2 options: The mobile (this project) and also a fact fan (that is also uploaded) and they chose the one they wanted to do. Both booklets are organized in such a way that students have to do exactly the same thing in both, but the "format" of the final project changes. Students were also very enthusiastic about having the option to choose their final project.
Constanza Wichmann  cwichmann

@aldo Hi! I do, but it is not mine, I did it with a partner, so I can't share it before talking to her. Somehow, I can share websites and other resources I used for them to do some research.

Solar System Fact Fan Project Solar System Fact Fan Project Solar System Fact Fan Project Solar System Fact Fan Project Solar System Fact Fan Project
ProfeCoins 30
Resource type Project
Recommended age 8 - 10 years
File information pdf, 19 pages, 1.46 MB
This project is to be completed during all the unit of Solar System.
You might want to complement it with videos and Power Points, or any other source of information, because the idea is for students to take notes of thing that catch their attention about the Sun and Planets, and in the end they just colour and "build" the fact fan. If you want students to research, this is also a perfect project to get students started on it, but it needs to be really guided and give them the sources of information, to make sure they are reliable.
My 3rd graders really enjoyed this project, they learnt to take notes and they also acquired more autonomy.

They way I did it, was that I gave them 2 options: The fact fan (this project) and also a mobile (that is also uploaded) and they chose the one they wanted to do. Both booklets are organized in such a way that students have to do exactly the same thing in both, but the "format" of the final project changes. Students were also very enthusiastic about having the option to choose their final project.

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Plants and Healthy Lifestyle Test 2nd version. Plants and Healthy Lifestyle Test 2nd version.
ProfeCoins 5
Resource type Assessment
Recommended age 8 - 10 years
File information pdf, 4 pages, 294 KB
This resource may be used as an assessment, or as a review. In the first part, students must identify and label the main parts of a plant, the second part consists of multiple choice questions, and finally, on the last part, students must cut out and classify food according to the food group to which they belong and nutrients that they contain. 

This is a simpler version of another test I uploaded before. 

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Plants and Healthy Lifestyle Test Plants and Healthy Lifestyle Test Plants and Healthy Lifestyle Test
ProfeCoins 5
Resource type Assessment
Recommended age 8 - 10 years
File information pdf, 6 pages, 249 KB
This resource may be used as an assessment, or as a review. In the first part, students must identify the parts of a plant and the parts of a flower, the second part consists of multiple choice questions, and finally, on the last part, students must classify food according to the food group to which they belong and nutrients that they contain. On this last part, there might be some foods that could fit more than one space. I counted all of them as correct.

I will also upload a simpler version of this assessment, which you may want to use for your whole class, or you could use it for students with special need (if you have any in your class).

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¿Cuál es tu perfil ambiental? ¿Cuál es tu perfil ambiental?
ProfeCoins 7
Downloads count 5
Resource type Activity
Recommended age 8 - 10 years
File information pdf, 4 pages, 516 KB
Esta es una buena para introducir el cuidado  del medio ambiente, y para que los y las estudiantes se hagan conscientes del rol que tienen ellos en esto, y cómo pueden contribuir. 
Consiste en un "test" para que los alumnos y las alumnas puedan ver realmente cuánto están contribuyendo al cuidado del ambiente, y reflexionen sobre formas concretas de hacerlo. Deben responder unas preguntas y de acuerdo a las respuestas que den, obtendrán un puntaje, y según este resultado, obtendrán su "perfil ambiental". 

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Exit Ticket Wh Questions
Downloads count 27
Resource type Activity
Recommended age 7 - 11 years
File information pdf, 1 pages, 169 KB
Comments count 1
Objective: Formulate written questions using "Wh" words in an accurate way.

The idea is to give students this exit ticket after a "Wh" and question formulation lesson, in order to check how many children understood and are able to apply this content. 
Encourage students to formulate the questions by telling them that you will answer them and bring the answers for the next English lesson. 
Why Do We need Food? Assessment Why Do We need Food? Assessment
ProfeCoins 7
Resource type Assessment
Recommended age 8 - 11 years
File information pdf, 3 pages, 194 KB
cn03oa06:  Classify food, identify their effects over human health and purpose good eating habits for a healthy lifestyle.
cn03oa07: Purpose and communicate good hygienic practices when manipulating food, in order to prevent diseases.

Once students have learnt about different food groups, nutrients and their functions in the human body, his resource can be used either as a review workshTeet, or as an assessment, depending on what the teacher wants to do. 

It includes questions of True or False (false statements have to be replaced by a true statement), multiple choice questions and a part on which students have to connect what they have learnt with their real life, since they need to look in their house to find different types of food, and classify them according to the food group they belong to, or nutrients they contain. 

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Plants Classification
Downloads count 1
Resource type Worksheet
Recommended age 8 - 9 years
File information pdf, 1 pages, 266 KB
Objective: Understand plants classification according to the way on which they reproduce. 

The idea of this concept web is to organize plants according to the presence or absence of seeds, and presence or absence of flower, for students to understand that there are different types of plants, which reproduce in different ways. This worksheet is for students to paste it on their Science notebook or put it in their Science folder, so they can use it to study.

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Healthy Lifestyle Poster: Evaluation Guideline
ProfeCoins 5
Downloads count 1
Resource type Assessment
Recommended age 8 - 8 years
File information pdf, 1 pages, 176 KB
CN03 OA06:  Classify food, identify their effects over human health and purpose good eating habits for a healthy lifestyle.
CN03 OA07: Purpose and communicate good hygienic practices when manipulating food, in order to prevent diseases.

This evaluation guideline is for the activity "Healthy Lifestyle Poster". It is important to read it in detail with the students before the activity, so they know what is going to be assessed and what the poster needs to include. 

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