Wild animals Wild animals Wild animals Wild animals Wild animals
ProfeCoins 8
Tipo de recurso Actividad
Edad recomendada 7 - 10 años
Info. del archivo pptx, 11 páginas, 3,5 MB
Hola colegas, este ppt lo preparé para trabajar con contenido sobre wild animals pero utilizando las cuatro habilidades. Por lo cual en este material encontrarás ejercicios para practicar "the speaking skill" con paisajes en donde puse animales en movimiento (gifs) para hacer más llamativa la clase, luego puse una bella canción para practicar listening (aquí yo utilicé mímica para hacer a los animales mencionados de la canción) ah! cuando llegues a la canción para avanzar a la siguiente diapositiva tienes que hacer un click en  el cocodrilo verde que aparece abajo de la canción. Después agregué una actividad para practicar la habilidad de escritura (writing skill) y (reading skill) y añadí además en gramática el uso del artículo indefinido (a y an), para finalmente terminar con un idiom.
Espero sea de gran utilidad para sus clases.

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ProfeCoins 5
Cantidad descargas 2
Tipo de recurso Actividad
Edad recomendada 4 - 7 años
Info. del archivo pdf, 17 páginas, 1,78 MB
Versión en inglés. Adivinanzas a través de imagenes de insectos.
¿Cómo se juega?
 Se presenta la primer imagen y se intenta dar pistas para que adivinen. Cuando esto haya sucedido, se mostrará la segunda lámina que completa el insecto.

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Adaptación de cuadernillo de colores " I see how many books" (metodo TEACCH) Adaptación de cuadernillo de colores " I see how many books" (metodo TEACCH) Adaptación de cuadernillo de colores " I see how many books" (metodo TEACCH) Adaptación de cuadernillo de colores " I see how many books" (metodo TEACCH) Adaptación de cuadernillo de colores " I see how many books" (metodo TEACCH)
ProfeCoins 5
Tipo de recurso Guía de trabajo
Edad recomendada 5 - 7 años
Info. del archivo docx, 21 páginas, 2,49 MB
Este cuadernillo tiene la finalidad de trabajar los  numeros ( 1 al 10), algunos animales, objetos y colores básicos en inglés ( rojo, azul y amarillo) con algun escolar que presente TEA, mutismo selectivo o dificultad para hablar a traves de imagenes en pictogramas las cuales el estudiante debe ir pegando. 

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Coloring with Ice Coloring with Ice
ProfeCoins 5
Tipo de recurso Guía de trabajo
Edad recomendada 4 - 6 años
Info. del archivo pptx, 3 páginas, 240 KB

Here you will have an activity that you can do on summer! This activity help children to enjoy art crafts but instead of using the classic things, they will use ice!!
In the picture you will see that I used food coloring, but you can also use paint!!

This will be an amazing experience for your students!!

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Counting seeds
ProfeCoins 5
Tipo de recurso Actividad
Edad recomendada 4 - 6 años
Info. del archivo pdf, 1 páginas, 215 KB
I use this activity as a math center. It is a very simple and fun hands on way to practice counting up to 12. I gave each students a play dough watermelon and a hand full of black beans as seeds. They have to take a card and put the amount of "seeds" of the card on the watermelon. This was a great way for them to count and help them relate amount- number while having fun and working fine motor skills!

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I have ... who has....? addition game I have ... who has....? addition game I have ... who has....? addition game
ProfeCoins 5
Tipo de recurso Actividad
Edad recomendada 6 - 7 años
Info. del archivo pdf, 7 páginas, 173 KB
The best game to play with the entire classroom and practice different skills:
-Reading numbers and operations.
-Menthal math
-Addition with one digit addens.
-Attention and concentration.

Print out the “I Have, Who Has” flashcards on card stock or paste the sheet on construction paper, cut each card and laminate them so they will last for many years to come.

How to play the game?:
Distribute the cards randomly to your students (some students may get more than one card)
Select a student to begin by reading their card aloud (example: I have 14. Who has 3+4?)
The student who has the card with the correct answer to the previous student’s
“Who Has...” question reads their card aloud (example: I have 7. Who has 10+5?) And so on.
Students must listen for their turn and try not to break the chain.
When the chain circles around to the first student, the game is over.

Practice the game once with your students so they understand how the game works, then see if they can “beat the timer.” Set a timer for 2 minutes, 5 minutes, or whatever. Challenge them to finish the game before the timer goes off.

Disclaimer: I downloaded this resource from superteacherworksheets with a paid account.

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Jobs and Occupations (Part I) Jobs and Occupations (Part I) Jobs and Occupations (Part I) Jobs and Occupations (Part I) Jobs and Occupations (Part I)
ProfeCoins 15
Cantidad descargas 1
Tipo de recurso Clase
Edad recomendada 6 - 7 años
Info. del archivo pptx, 15 páginas, 2,44 MB
Book "Family and Friends 1" Vocabulary unit 4.

In this Power Point you can find jobs and occupations vocabulary. Also you will find some exercises to practise personal pronouns: he or she as well how to ask and answer with these pronouns.
At the end of the class you will be able to practise speaking with everything your learned. Ask your students to work in partners (see the example).

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ProfeCoins 5
Cantidad descargas 1
Tipo de recurso Actividad
Edad recomendada 7 - 14 años
Info. del archivo Link privado a view.genial.ly
This Genially is a great resource for your "Landscapes of Chile" unit.
Learning Goal: To evaluate the learning acquired in the unit: "Landscapes of Chile"

The resource you'll get is a breakout with questions of the whole series "Landscapes of Chile". Your students will have a great time with this game! We recommend downloading at least resources number 5 & 6 of the series, as it follows a funny story.

This Genially is the seventh of the series "Landscapes of Chile"
See the other Geniallys & resources of the series here:
  1. What are the landscapes of Chile? 
  2. Landscapes of Chile
  3. Chile's different zones
  4. Landscapes in the Northern Zone
  5. Landscapes in Central Chile
  6. Landscapes in the Southern Zone
  7. Integrating what I've learned (This resource)

This resource was made for Chile's curriculum "HI02OA08", but you may also use it as an activity for the following:
  • HI05OA09
  • HI06OA10
  • HI08OA20
*Disclaimer: To use it in these other levels, it is recommended to edit the resource, as some of the activities weren't created for these specific levels.

This resource greatly works with the book: 2 primary Social Sciences - Savia

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PPT Adverbs PPT Adverbs PPT Adverbs PPT Adverbs
ProfeCoins 10
Tipo de recurso Clase
Edad recomendada 6 - 8 años
Info. del archivo pdf, 10 páginas, 884 KB
Cantidad comentarios 2
I prepared this presentation to introduce adverbs. The students will see the difference between a sentence with and without an adverb. At last you will find a game. This is how I do it: I choose two students who read the sentences, run and touch the correct option. They normally use a flyswatter to touch the answer!
Send me a message and I'll send you the PPT.
Most of the pictures are from https://www.freepik.com/
Vanessa Palominos  vaneppc

@aldo Hola! -Lo tengo, al comprarlo me llega mensj y te lo envío por mail. El archivo era muy pesado para subirlo a la plataforma. Saludos!

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Vertebrate and Invertebrate Animals Vertebrate and Invertebrate Animals Vertebrate and Invertebrate Animals Vertebrate and Invertebrate Animals
ProfeCoins 10
Tipo de recurso Clase
Edad recomendada 7 - 8 años
Info. del archivo pdf, 10 páginas, 1,12 MB
I made this to introduce vertebrate and invertebrate animals. First, I compare an insect and a mammal (try to elicit the answer). Then, I continue by asking about bones. Do all animals have bones? They'll see some examples. You may try asking for more. 
Send me a message and I'll send you the PPT.

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