Can/Can't game - abilities
ProfeCoins 5
Downloads count 10
Resource type Activity
Recommended age 8 - 15 years
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Comments count 1
Es un juego interactivo en genially, los niños deben responder de acuerdo a las alternativas. Lo entretenido es que con cada respuesta correcta se va destapando una imagen de Frozen, la cual es a modo de ''recompensa'' para que contesten. 
Can- Could Can- Could Can- Could Can- Could Can- Could
ProfeCoins 8
Downloads count 2
Resource type Activity
Recommended age 10 - 15 years
File information pptx, 43 pages, 15.8 MB
Materia: Ingles
Tema: Can/ Could
Este recurso busca ser un apoyo para aprender y practicar acerca de Can y Could, incluye una breve explicación de como  y cuando se usan, además de ejercicios para practicar.

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Can y can't
ProfeCoins 5
Downloads count 2
Resource type Activity
Recommended age 7 - 12 years
File information png, 156 KB
Esta actividad se puede utilizar como guías de trabajo o como fichas plastificables y reutilizables. Busca ejercitar el uso de can y can't a través de la observación de la imagen y el verbo señalado arriba. 

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ProfeCoins 5
Downloads count 25
Resource type Worksheet
Recommended age 11 - 15 years
File information pdf, 1 pages, 134 KB
La guía contiene algunos ejercicios relacionados a una tabla donde expone las habilidades que tienen algunos personajes.
Contiene la forma interrogativa, y también el uso de forma positiva y negativa.

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Twister Template
I took this idea from 
I use it with synonyms, but you can try with different vocabulary. Students spin the wheel and click on the corresponding color/number. Then, they have to read the word and touch or step on the synonym that is already pasted on the floor. 

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Days of the week, the weather Days of the week, the weather Days of the week, the weather Days of the week, the weather
ProfeCoins 5
Downloads count 2
Resource type Lesson
Recommended age 8 - 12 years
File information ppsx, 9 pages, 16.6 MB
This resource contains days of the week and weather vocabulary with audio. You can teach the days of the week an listen to the pronunciation is the weather. I'm glad to share. You can share with your students.

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Starbucks MODE ON
Downloads count 7
Resource type Activity
Recommended age 8 - 18 years
File information jpg, 1.98 MB
Use these slides to activate 'Starbucks Mode' in your classroom. Project these slides on your board to display the expectations for 'Starbucks Mode.' Additionally, you'll find a student log for 'Starbucks Mode.' Students will jot down their short-term goal for what they would like to accomplish during Starbucks time. When the time is up, they will record what they achieved. This helps students know where they left off and where to continue working next time!

This is a way to engage in independent work, fostering independence and motivation among students. It's enjoyable to imagine that we are in a coffee shop. You can tailor it to the needs of your school and, most importantly, your students.

Sending you a sweet hug,
Kris Mega

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Water Review
ProfeCoins 14
Resource type Worksheet
Recommended age 7 - 9 years
File information pdf, 2 pages, 159 KB
CN02 OA11: Describe the water cycle in nature, recognizing water as a valuable resource and purposing actions they can take to protect water.

This worksheet is useful for students to do a "round up" of everything they learnt during the unit, about the water cycle and its stages. It is also useful for students to reflect and purpose concrete actions they could take to save water. 

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¿Cómo se vería el rock en una partitura? ((I can't get no) Satisfaction - The Rolling Stones)
Resource type Activity
Recommended age 13 - 18 years
File information pdf, 1 pages, 30.7 KB
Uno no siempre espera leer una partitura y darse cuenta de que es una canción sumamente conocida; como para salir en la radio o cualquier otro medio popular. ¡Ese es el objetivo de esta pequeña muestra!, muéstrale esta partitura a tus alumnos sin revelar qué canción es, que la lean, la solfeen, la analicen; se pregunten "¿con qué instrumento se podría tocar esta pequeña pieza?", ¡hazlos tocarla con distintos instrumentos, a distintos tempos para darles la sorpresa de que es en realidad una canción mucho más popular de lo que ellos imaginaban!

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Ask Me
ProfeCoins 5
Resource type Socialemotional development
Recommended age 7 - 10 years
File information pdf, 1 pages, 143 KB
Some of your students finish activities very quickly? What can they do? It may be a good opportunity to ask them to give their classmates a hand. They will feel very important and useful!
*Print the cards, laminate them and hang some strings. Then, your students can wear them and walk around the classroom. 
The pictures are from: productionpollockco, Kidaha and Gerd Altmann Pixabay

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