Cootie Catcher Pack Cootie Catcher Pack
ProfeCoins 10
Resource type Activity
Recommended age 7 - 9 years
File information pdf, 5 pages, 309 KB
Interactive activity to play with natural and artificial materials. Here you will find 3 different templates to learn about materials. 
Cn 01 OA 8
Explorar y describir los diferentes tipos de materiales en diversos objetos, clasificándolos según sus propiedades (goma-flexible, plástico-impermeable) e identificando su uso en la vida cotidiana.

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Countable-Uncountable Nouns - A/AN - THERE IS/ARE - HEALTHY HABITS Countable-Uncountable Nouns - A/AN - THERE IS/ARE - HEALTHY HABITS Countable-Uncountable Nouns - A/AN - THERE IS/ARE - HEALTHY HABITS Countable-Uncountable Nouns - A/AN - THERE IS/ARE - HEALTHY HABITS Countable-Uncountable Nouns - A/AN - THERE IS/ARE - HEALTHY HABITS
Rating 5.0 out of 5 (1 review)
Downloads count 76
Resource type Activity
Recommended age 7 - 18 years
File information pptx, 25 pages, 9.12 MB
Comments count 2
Creado originalmente para:
· Estudiantes de 7° año de enseñanza básica, unidad 2 del semestre 1: "Healthy Habits".

·  Creado para interactuar a través de la plataforma zoom, pero es adaptable.

Objetivo: Demostrar el conocimiento de los sustantivos contables e incontables, asociados al uso de "There is" y "There are", utilizando adjetivos numerales y artículos indefinidos (a/an).
· Actividad de Inicio

· Objetivo de las actividades 

· Flashcards con Vocabulario: 

              - Countable/Uncountable Nouns (Food):  Sandwich, Apple, Egg,                                 Cookie, Rice, Sugar, Water, Bread, Cup, Glass, Liter, Slice,
                - Containers:
· Explicación y ejemplos sobre Countable/Uncountable Nouns

· Explicación y ejemplos sobre uso de "a/an"

· Explicación y ejemplos uso de 'There is/there are"

· Ejercicios y actividades de práctica:

               - Traducir oraciones
                - Clasificar Contables/Incontables a través de emojis/reacciones (actividad pensada para plataforma zoom pero es adaptable)
                 - Encontrar el sustantivo contable
                 - Encontrar el error en la oración
· Pregunta de reflexión del aprendizaje

Frases Útiles
ProfeCoins 5
Downloads count 1
Resource type Activity
Recommended age 5 - 18 years
File information jpg, 40 KB
  1. Hello / Hi - Hola
  2. Good morning - Buenos días
  3. Good afternoon - Buenas tardes
  4. Good evening - Buenas noches
  5. How are you? - ¿Cómo estás?
  6. What's your name? - ¿Cuál es tu nombre?
  7. Nice to meet you - Encantado/a de conocerte
  8. Please - Por favor
  9. Thank you - Gracias
  10. You're welcome - De nada
  11. Yes - Sí
  12. No - No
  13. Excuse me / Pardon me - Disculpe / Perdón
  14. I'm sorry - Lo siento
  15. Can you help me? - ¿Puedes ayudarme?
  16. Where is...? - ¿Dónde está...?
  17. How much does this cost? - ¿Cuánto cuesta esto?
  18. I don't understand - No entiendo
  19. I don't speak English very well - No hablo muy bien inglés
  20. Could you repeat that, please? - ¿Podrías repetir eso, por favor?
  21. I need a doctor - Necesito un médico
  22. Where is the bathroom? - ¿Dónde está el baño?
  23. I'm lost - Estoy perdido/a
  24. Can I have the check, please? - ¿Puedo tener la cuenta, por favor?
  25. What time is it? - ¿Qué hora es?
  26. I love you - Te quiero / Te amo
  27. Happy birthday - Feliz cumpleaños
  28. Happy anniversary - Feliz aniversario
  29. Have a nice day - Que tengas un buen día
  30. Safe travels - Viajes seguros
  31. Cheers - ¡Salud! (al brindar)
  32. Excuse me, could you take a photo for me? - Disculpa, ¿podrías tomar una foto para mí?
  33. Can I have a glass of water, please? - ¿Me das un vaso de agua, por favor?
  34. I'm allergic to... - Soy alérgico/a a...
  35. Can you recommend a good restaurant / hotel? - ¿Puedes recomendarme un buen restaurante / hotel?
  36. Where can I buy tickets? - ¿Dónde puedo comprar entradas?
  37. What's the weather like today? - ¿Cómo está el clima hoy?
  38. I don't eat meat / dairy - No como carne / lácteos
  39. Could you please speak more slowly? - ¿Podrías hablar más despacio, por favor?
  40. Congratulations - Felicidades

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Plants Glossary
ProfeCoins 7
Resource type Worksheet
Recommended age 8 - 10 years
File information pdf, 2 pages, 421 KB
Objective: Understand important concepts from the unit and become familiar with the vocabulary.

The idea is to give this glossary to students at the beginning of the unit, read it with them and explain some concepts. Also, as you move forward with the content, you cover the words from the glossary again. 

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Coloring by numbers - Animals edition
ProfeCoins 20
Resource type Activity
Recommended age 5 - 8 years
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Guía para colorear con números. incluye 18 animales: 
  • Donkey
  • Unicorn 
  • Monkey 
  • Tiger
  • Duck
  • Giraffe
  • Elephant 
  • Crocodile 
  • Octopus 
  • Sea Horse 
  • Walrus 
  • Owl
  • Grasshoper 
  • Crab
  • Lion 
  • Bear
  • Dolphin 
  • Seal 
También incluye el nombre del animal en formato trace para que los estudiantes puedan trazar. perfecto para early beginners. 

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PPT Subject Verb Agreement Simple Present PPT Subject Verb Agreement Simple Present PPT Subject Verb Agreement Simple Present PPT Subject Verb Agreement Simple Present
ProfeCoins 10
Resource type Lesson
Recommended age 6 - 8 years
File information pdf, 9 pages, 558 KB
I made this PPT to introduce simple present. It is focused on how animals move.
I explained  that if there is one animal in the naming part, they have to add an S to the action. If there are more than one animal, they don't do anything to the verb. 
Send me a message and I will send you the PPT.
The border is from

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Features of Informative Text Posters Features of Informative Text Posters Features of Informative Text Posters
ProfeCoins 10
Resource type Lesson
Recommended age 9 - 11 years
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Step into a world of learning with these eye-catching educational posters! These visuals aids break down the features of informative texts, making learning effective and enjoyable in YOUR classroom. Equip your students to master informational text effortlessly!
What is included?
16 posters that cover the different Features of Informative Text:
  • Table of contents
  • Index
  • Glossary
  • Heading
  • Subheadings
  • Keywords
  • Photographs
  • Illustrations
  • Captions
  • Diagram
  • Labels
  • Timelines
  • Text Boxes
  • Maps
  • Bullets
  • Graphics
Each poster includes:
  • Text Feature
  • Definition
  • Example
How to Use this Resource:
  1. Visual Reference: Keep the posters visible in your classroom as a constant visual reference. This creates a supportive environment where your students can independently refer to the posters while working on assignments or writing tasks.
  2. Collaborative Projects: Divide your students into groups and assign each group a specific poster. Challenge them to create short presentations that elaborate on the concepts presented in their assigned poster, promoting teamwork and creativity.
  3. Bulletin Board Display: Create an attractive bulletin board display featuring the posters. This not only serves as a visual focal point for the class but also allows students to revisit and reinforce their understanding of informational text regularly.
Are you looking for this resource in Spanish? Here is the link

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Features of Informative Text Flap Book Features of Informative Text Flap Book Features of Informative Text Flap Book
ProfeCoins 20
Resource type Activity
Recommended age 8 - 12 years
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Unlock the power of personal expression with our interactive flap book! Designed for your students to explore and practice the features of informative text by sharing their unique stories. This engaging resource turns the spotlight on self-expression while honing essential writing skills. Teachers, get ready to inspire creativity and foster a love for informative writing in your classroom!
What is included?
  • Interactive formats to build the flap book.
  • Each format includes the instruction of what they have to do.
  • An example that the students can follow.
  • A motivational video showing how to build it.
Bonus! 16 posters that cover the different Features of Informative Text:
  • Table of contents
  • Index
  • Glossary
  • Heading
  • Subheadings
  • Keywords
  • Photographs
  • Illustrations
  • Captions
  • Diagram
  • Labels
  • Timelines
  • Text Boxes
  • Maps
  • Bullets
  • Graphics
How to Use this Resource:
  1. Back-to-School Icebreaker: kick off the school year with a fun and informative activity. Have your students complete their flap books as a way to introduce themselves to the class. To add an element of mystery, collect the flap books and randomly distribute them. Challenge the class to guess who each flap book belongs to based on the informative content inside. This not only reinforces the features of informative text but also makes for an engaging icebreaker.
  2. Feature Exploration Stations: create interactive stations in the classroom, each focusing on a specific feature of informative text (e.g., headings, details, conclusion). Have your students rotate through these stations with their flap books, applying and practicing each feature as they go. This hands-on approach allows for targeted skill development while keeping the activity dynamic and educational.
  3. Student-Teacher Conferences: use the flap books as a basis for one-on-one conferences with students. Discuss the content, ask clarifying questions, and provide personalized feedback on their use of informative text features. This individualized approach not only reinforces the importance of these features but also allows for a deeper connection between teachers and students as they share personal stories.
These ideas aim to integrate the features of informative text seamlessly into classroom activities while also incorporating a back-to-school theme and an element of curiosity.

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Set de mensajes editables para lápices
ProfeCoins 20
Downloads count 2
Resource type Socialemotional development
Recommended age 4 - 18 years
File information Private link to
Holaaa! 😊 Este nuevo set contiene 8 plantillas que te servirán para darles un ,mensaje especial a tus estudiantes, ya sea como inicio escolar o en cualquier momento del año🥰
Es un material con textos editables por si quieres personalizar el mensaje a tu gusto 🥰
*Material en formato Word. Son 9 hojas en tamaño A4.
*Yo lo imprimí en papel fotográfico glossy adhesivo.
Mensajes para lápices.jpeg

*Créditos: Canva.
*Inspiración: Pinterest.

Si gustas, puedes seguirme en  Facebook e Instagram 🌈💗🌵
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