Fruits and Vegetables Fruits and Vegetables Fruits and Vegetables Fruits and Vegetables Fruits and Vegetables
ProfeCoins 6
Cantidad descargas 3
Tipo de recurso Actividad
Edad recomendada 8 - 11 años
Info. del archivo pptx, 13 páginas, 6,28 MB
Buenas tardes a continuación les comparto una ruleta de frutas y verduras que confeccioné en un ppt. Con esta ruleta alumnos pueden practicar la pregunta Do you like...? y las respuestas cortas Yes, I do or No, I don't y además las preguntas What is it? o What are they?
El ppt tiene una música de fondo y para hacer girar la ruleta debes presionar en el botón de START y luego para detener la ruleta volver a presionar el mismo botón. La flecha te indicará una fruta o verdura y para que te lleve a la pregunta debes hacer clic sobre la fruta o verdura señalada por la flecha. Cuando el estudiante responda la pregunta vuelves a la ruleta con el botón que está a la izquierda.
Espero que sea de mucho provecho para tu clase. Si te gusta y te sirve este PPT dame un like y descarga el material. Chao

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Test: Ecology part II Test: Ecology part II
ProfeCoins 10
Tipo de recurso Evaluación
Edad recomendada 13 - 18 años
Info. del archivo docx, 3 páginas, 496 KB
This is the second part of the Ecology evaluation. The open answer questions in this evaluation assess students' understanding of ecological interactions and the impact of introduced species on native populations.
Students are asked to identify four ecological interactions present in the Cerros Isla ecosystem and describe each interaction, mentioning the species participating in each case. This question assesses students' ability to identify and describe the different types of ecological interactions that can occur between species.
Students are then asked to explain one of the ecological interactions present in the text, indicating whether the interaction is positive, neutral, or negative for each participant. This question assesses students' ability to apply their knowledge of ecological interactions to real-world examples.
Next, students are asked to explain two ways in which introduced species alter native populations, including their knowledge of ecological interactions in their answer. This question assesses students' ability to understand the complex ways in which introduced species can interact with native species and impact native populations.
Finally, students are asked to give one example of an introduced invasive species and explain its impact on native flora and/or fauna. This question assesses students' ability to identify and describe the impact of introduced invasive species on native ecosystems.
Overall, the open answer questions in this evaluation provide a comprehensive assessment of students' understanding of ecological interactions and the impact of introduced species on native populations.

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The Cell Lesson Plan The Cell Lesson Plan The Cell Lesson Plan
ProfeCoins 90
Tipo de recurso Actividad
Edad recomendada 9 - 12 años
Info. del archivo pdf, 6 páginas, 963 KB
In this lesson plan, you will find EVERYTHING you need to work the animal and plant cells with your students. 
It is designed for 6 to 7 hours of class (1 hour = 45 min).
  • Introduction: using an adaptation of the visible thinking routine "I used to think... Now I think..." students will complete an interactive notebook. 1 hour.
  • Exploration of the topic: research and construction of a model of animal and plant cells through project-based learning. 3 hours. 
  • Practice of acquired concepts: practice of acquired concepts through game-based learning. 1 to 2 hours. 
  • Assessment: assessment of concepts, evaluating both memorization and understanding and application of them. 
  • Extra or in-depth activity 
For each activity, you will find:
  • Time 
  • Methodology used 
  • Objectives 
  • Competences 
  • Materials 
  • Description of the activity with corresponding time 
  • Activation of prior knowledge 
  • Considerations for evaluation 
  • Modifications for students with educational needs and for high-achieving students 
***You can modify, copy, and paste the entire description of the didactic sequence to adapt it and use it in the format required by your educational institution.***
This lesson is designed for students to take notes in an interactive notebook that they paste into their notebooks. However, in the materials, you will find a digital study guide in case you prefer your students to work this way. 
All the materials you need are included in this lesson. If you use three slides from the teacher's presentation in the introduction, you will find them in the lesson plan. However, each of these materials is also attached as a file in case you find it more convenient to use them with your students. 
  • Teacher's presentation 
  • Interactive notebook with instructions and answer guide 
  • Digital study guide 
  • Text "The Cell" 
  • Text "The Cell" (in-depth) 
  • YouTube video with a read-aloud of the text "The Cell" 
  • Quizlet game for activation of prior knowledge 
  • Steps, evaluation rubric, and checklist for the project 
  • Letter to parents - materials for the model 
  • Snowman game for activation of prior knowledge 
  • Vocabulary cards 
  • Game instructions. Includes instructions for the Memory and I Have... Who Has games, which are used in this lesson, as well as instructions for other games in case the teacher wants to explore other options. 
  • Memory game cards 
  • I Have... Who Has game cards 
  • Maze 
  • Crossword puzzle 
  • Evaluation cards 
  • Answers to evaluation cards 
  • Multiple-choice questions in Google Form format 
  • Extra or in-depth activity for students who finish early
If you are looking for this resource in Spanish, here is the link:

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Present perfect simple Present perfect simple Present perfect simple Present perfect simple Present perfect simple
ProfeCoins 20
Cantidad descargas 2
Tipo de recurso Guía de trabajo
Edad recomendada 5 - 18 años
Info. del archivo pptx, 144 páginas, 7,18 MB
Lesson 1: In this lesson, you learned what the Present Perfect Simple is and how to form it using the auxiliary verb "have" or "has" followed by the past participle of the main verb.

Lesson 2: You learned how to correctly form the Present Perfect Simple by following the structure of subject + have/has + past participle of the verb.

Lesson 3: You explored the use of the Present Perfect Simple to talk about past experiences, recently completed actions, and present results of past actions.

Lesson 4: You learned about common words and expressions used with the Present Perfect Simple, such as "just," "already," "yet," and "ever."

Lesson 5: You discovered how to use the Present Perfect Simple with time expressions like "today," "this week," "recently," and "lately."

Lesson 6: You learned about forming questions and answers in the Present Perfect Simple, using the inversion of the auxiliary verb and subject, as well as the corresponding affirmative and negative responses.

Lesson 7: You explored the use of the Present Perfect Simple with the words "just" and "already" in affirmative and negative sentences to indicate completed actions in relation to the present.

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Matter interactive notebook Matter interactive notebook Matter interactive notebook
ProfeCoins 30
Tipo de recurso Actividad
Edad recomendada 9 - 13 años
Info. del archivo pdf, 7 páginas, 999 KB
This interactive notebook is designed with the Launch, Explore, Discuss Model. I provide a brief explanation at the beginning of the notebook to familiarize you with this model, and I also detail the steps as we use them.
The notebook has a total of 54 worksheets to cover the following topics:
  • What is Matter 
  • How Matter is Measured 
  • States of Matter 
  • Changes in States of Matter 
  • Description of Matter: Qualitative - Quantitative 
  • Physical and Chemical Properties and Changes 
  • Mixtures and Solutions 
  • Law of Conservation of Matter 
  • Experiments 
  • Review Questions 
For most of the topics, you don't have just a single format, but different options so you can choose according to your students' needs.
In addition to the interactive notebook, you will find three other supporting files to work the topic:
  • Answers: in the same format as the interactive notebook for your personal use.
  • Teacher's presentation: in Google Slides that you can use to pose questions to your students while working on the interactive notebook and also to present the answers if you want students to grade and review themselves. 
  • Vocabulary flashcards: with the most relevant vocabulary for printing and posting on your word wall, making constant reference to them while working on the unit. 
The following resources are included:
If you are looking for this resource in Spanish, here is the link:

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ProfeCoins 25
Cantidad descargas 1
Tipo de recurso Actividad
Edad recomendada 4 - 8 años
Info. del archivo Link privado a
Cantidad comentarios 3

The video that appears in the presentation is illustrative, the file contains the question statements in English, and the pictogram activity appears with traditional carols from the United States and England.
banner agradecimiento (1080 x 1080 px).jpg

Type of file: Jamboard (digital)

Description: A Flipaguía Christmas is here! In this delivery we offer a didactic resource of 8 interactive activities, so that it can be carried out in class or on the contrary it can be applied as recreational vacation activities. Enjoy the material. Happy Holidays! Wishes you Flipaguia!

Age of application: 4 to 8 years old

*To enable the interactive activity on android or iphone you need to have the Jamboard app installed.

** If you have problems opening the link, do not hesitate to write us through social networks: Facebook: Facebook: flipaguiatienda Instagram: @flipaguia or mail flipaguí[email protected]

Terms of use
Remember that all pages in this teaching resource are copyrighted. The following restrictions are prohibited, within the limits established by law and under the legal provisions provided for: you must grant the corresponding credit, provide a link to the license and indicate if changes were made. You may not use the material for commercial purposes. 
If you remix, transform, or build on the material, you cannot distribute the modified material. This resource is for the exclusive use of the teacher who acquired the material. Please do not share with your colleagues. If they are interested in making use of this teaching material, they can buy it in my store © Flipaguía in Profe Social
You have permission to use this material with your students online or in print, through a password protected on the page only.
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Flipaguía  flipaguia

@aldo ¡Listo profe! ya el material está listo para descargar. El material en su versión inglesa tiene pictogramas con villancicos tradicionales de Estados Unidos e Inglaterra. Quise dejarle la sopa de letras con las tradiciones hispanoaméricanas para que sus estudiantes reconozcan situaciones comunicativas propias del español. De antemano ¡Gracias por su compra! y por aquí ¡A la orden! 🟨🟦🟥

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PPT Neo-Darwinism and Speciation PPT Neo-Darwinism and Speciation PPT Neo-Darwinism and Speciation PPT Neo-Darwinism and Speciation PPT Neo-Darwinism and Speciation
ProfeCoins 20
Tipo de recurso Clase
Edad recomendada 13 - 18 años
Info. del archivo pptx, 26 páginas, 7,25 MB
The following lesson contains two different topics: Neo-Darwinism as the new theory of evolution and Speciation. This presentation has different activities like questions and videos in the beginning, and a study case in the end with two different situations in which the student will have to identify the type of speciation described. Please write to me if the videos don't show so I can send you the links :)

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ProfeCoins 5
Tipo de recurso Actividad
Edad recomendada 7 - 9 años
Info. del archivo PPT, 19 páginas, 1,4 MB
  | Unidad | Unidad 3. “I want to be a...”
| Objetivo de Aprendizaje | (OA 14) Escribir, sobre la base de imágenes, para: identificar animales, acciones,expresar cantidades en números hasta el veinte, agregar información; por ejemplo: I run and jump, describir ubicación de objetos y acciones que ocurren al momento de hablar; por ejemplo: in/ on/under …; is/are sleeping 

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The little prince The little prince The little prince The little prince The little prince
ProfeCoins 5
Cantidad descargas 2
Tipo de recurso Actividad
Edad recomendada 8 - 12 años
Info. del archivo pdf, 13 páginas, 10,6 MB
Cantidad comentarios 3
Activity: The little prince

Objective: To create a space for reflection

Bear in mind: This material is a powerpoint presentation, which contains: Reflection questions taking into account key elements addressed during the book
Class trivia / speaking Class trivia / speaking Class trivia / speaking Class trivia / speaking
ProfeCoins 5
Cantidad descargas 5
Tipo de recurso Actividad
Edad recomendada 10 - 18 años
Info. del archivo Link privado a
Trivia class with different kind of questions, you can use it as a warm-up activity or in the middle of the class to practice speaking. You can also edit the presentation and add other questions related to your vocabulary or content you are specifically teaching :) 

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