My house review My house review My house review My house review My house review
ProfeCoins 25
Downloads count 1
Resource type Lesson
Recommended age 6 - 7 years
File information pptx, 12 pages, 1.19 MB
In this Power Point you will find a game "Help me find Sally and Tom" to review house vocabulary and short answers. 
Students have look at the picture and answer Is Sally/Tom in the .....? 

Have fun!

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Past Simple worksheet
ProfeCoins 5
Downloads count 3
Resource type Worksheet
Recommended age 10 - 13 years
File information docx, 2 pages, 154 KB
Hola a continuación les comparto una guía en Word que confeccioné para trabajar el tiempo pasado (forma afirmativa e interrogativa) y así fortalecer la escritura y gramática en niños de 7mo y 8vo básico.

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Grammar Worsheet Grammar Worsheet
ProfeCoins 6
Downloads count 2
Resource type Worksheet
Recommended age 10 - 14 years
File information docx, 3 pages, 357 KB
Estimados colegas, a continuación les comparto una guía para fortalecer y/o evaluar el dominio de los tiempos verbales (presente, pasado y futuro). Esta guía trabaja exclusivamente la gramática inglesa y también las habilidades lectoras y de escritura. Espero sea de gran utilidad para sus clases, yo la utilicé en segundo ciclo específicamente en séptimo y también en octavo básico.

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Written test Past simple
ProfeCoins 6
Downloads count 1
Resource type Assessment
Recommended age 12 - 14 years
File information docx, 2 pages, 110 KB
Hola les comparto una prueba simple en donde practicamos el uso del tiempo pasado en la forma afirmativa, interrogativa y las respuestas cortas. Este recurso lo cree para trabajarlo con estudiantes de séptimo y octavo básico. Espero les sirva.

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A song: Is He Worthy?
ProfeCoins 8
Resource type Worksheet
Recommended age 10 - 13 years
File information docx, 2 pages, 38.5 KB
Esta guía es para fortalecer la habilidad auditiva y al mismo tiempo aprender nuevo vocabulario. También es una buena estrategia para practicar el uso del verbo To be en forma interrogativa y los auxiliares do y does para pregunta junto con sus respectivas respuestas cortas (short answers)
He añadido el link de la canción en la guía (esta es una bella canción cristiana)
Espero sea de gran ayuda para sus clases.
En esta actividad los estudiantes escuchan una vez la canción, luego se les entrega la guía y se les dice que las estrofas están cambiadas de posición por lo cual deben ordenarlas agregando los números correspondientes en los paréntesis y luego que se ha ordenado correctamente la canción, se comienza a trabajar estrofa por estrofa. Aprender vocabulario y a disfrutar cantando.

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Fruits and Vegetables Fruits and Vegetables Fruits and Vegetables Fruits and Vegetables Fruits and Vegetables
ProfeCoins 6
Downloads count 3
Resource type Activity
Recommended age 8 - 11 years
File information pptx, 13 pages, 6.28 MB
Buenas tardes a continuación les comparto una ruleta de frutas y verduras que confeccioné en un ppt. Con esta ruleta alumnos pueden practicar la pregunta Do you like...? y las respuestas cortas Yes, I do or No, I don't y además las preguntas What is it? o What are they?
El ppt tiene una música de fondo y para hacer girar la ruleta debes presionar en el botón de START y luego para detener la ruleta volver a presionar el mismo botón. La flecha te indicará una fruta o verdura y para que te lleve a la pregunta debes hacer clic sobre la fruta o verdura señalada por la flecha. Cuando el estudiante responda la pregunta vuelves a la ruleta con el botón que está a la izquierda.
Espero que sea de mucho provecho para tu clase. Si te gusta y te sirve este PPT dame un like y descarga el material. Chao

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Exit Ticket Past Tense
ProfeCoins 5
Resource type Assessment
Recommended age 6 - 7 years
File information pdf, 1 pages, 214 KB
You can use this exit ticket to check comprehension of simple past tense. Your students should write a sentence that answers to the question: what did you do yesterday? If this is the first time they use the past, I would suggest to introduce a short list of regular verbs to write the sentences. 

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Christmas Scavenger Hunt Christmas Scavenger Hunt Christmas Scavenger Hunt
ProfeCoins 30
Resource type Activity
Recommended age 9 - 13 years
File information Private link to
This resource is a scavenger hunt for students to learn about different celebrations we have around the world. 
It presents the following challenge:

Milli, the elf, believes that everyone celebrates Christmas. What do you think? We are going to accompany her on a journey through different cultures to find out what kind of celebrations they have and answer this question.
To answer this challenge, students will have 10 cards with a short text explaining different celebrations around the world. At the end of the text there is a question that has the answer in another of the texts.

Students should record the answers and this will give them the clues for the keyword and answer the challenge.

The answer sheet has the presentation of the challenge and you also have a power point presentation. At the end of the presentation you will find 4 slides with some optional reflection questions. If you want to use them, you can ask your students to respond by sharing with a classmate, a group, or by taking notes in their notebook.
The celebrations that students will learn about are as follows:

 1. Al-Hijra
 2. Ramadan
 3. Kwanzaa
 4. Chinese New Year
 5. Rosh Hashanah
 6. New Year's Eve
 7. Enkutatash
 8. Christmas Diversity
 9. Hanukkah
 10. Holi

Each text explains what culture or religion celebrates this holiday, at what time of year it is celebrated, what meaning it has and some of the activities that are carried out.
The cards and answer sheet are in color and black and white.
If you are looking for this resource in Spanish, here is the link:

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Mystery picture: short divitions
ProfeCoins 5
Resource type Worksheet
Recommended age 9 - 10 years
File information pdf, 2 pages, 253 KB
In this worksheet the students have to calculate te quotient for each division. Each quotient is a different color to paint the parrot. It also includes the answer key.

 Disclaimer: I downloaded this resource from superteacherworksheets with a paid account. 

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ProfeCoins 5
Downloads count 2
Resource type Lesson
Recommended age 7 - 9 years
File information pptx, 7 pages, 19.6 MB
In this activity children listen to two short stories and then answer some questions. The vocabulary in the stories is included before the stories, so children can work first with the words and relate to them. After working with the short stories they can say if they like it or not by using their hands or saying  I like or I don't like and then answer the questions.

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