Genially Invertebrate Animals
ProfeCoins 5
Resource type Lesson
Recommended age 6 - 7 years
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I made this Genially to talk about invertebrate animales. First, you could start asking about the difference between vertebrate and invertebrate animals and then focus on the ARTHROPODS. I just mentioned: insects, spiders and crustaceans. 
Students can match pictures and find key vocabulary in a word search.
There is a video you can watch.

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Crustaceans Graphic Organizer
ProfeCoins 10
Resource type Worksheet
Recommended age 7 - 9 years
File information pdf, 1 pages, 383 KB
CN02 OA2: Identify, describe and classify characteristics of invertebrate animals, such as insects, arachnids and crustaceans, among others, and compare them with vertebrate animals. 

This worksheet is a good chance to begin with guided investigation. The idea is for students to research about crustaceans and complete the graphic organizer with the information they find. They don't necessarily need to research in books or in the internet, but they may also use worksheets, videos and Power Points from their 
Science lessons or their Science notebook to look for the information. It depends on the kind of activity the teacher wants to use it for.

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ProfeCoins 5
Resource type Worksheet
Recommended age 7 - 8 years
File information pdf, 2 pages, 273 KB
I made this worksheet to classify arthropods. You can use it after teaching invertebrates. 
I just focused on: crustaceans, insects and arachnids. The students have to cut and paste the pictures into the correct column.

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Insect Facts
ProfeCoins 10
Resource type Worksheet
Recommended age 7 - 9 years
File information pdf, 1 pages, 82.6 KB
CN02 OA2: Identify, describe and classify characteristics of invertebrate animals, such as insects, arachnids and crustaceans, among others, and compare them with vertebrate animals. 

This worksheet is a good chance to begin with guided investigation. 
The idea is for students to research about insects and complete the worksheet with the information they find. They don't necessarily need to research in books or in the internet, but they may also use worksheets, videos and Power Points from their Science lessons or their Science notebook to look for the information. It depends on the kind of activity the teacher wants to use it for.

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Vertebrates and Invertebrates Classification
ProfeCoins 15
Resource type Assessment
Recommended age 7 - 8 years
File information pdf, 2 pages, 125 KB
CN02 OA01: Observe, describe and classify vertebrate animals into mammals, birds, amphibians, reptiles or fish, according to some of their characteristics, such as body covering, breathing structure, presence or absence of mammal glands, among others. 

CN02 OA02: Observe, describe and classify invertebrate animals into different groups, such as crustaceans, insects and arachnids, and compare them with vertebrate animals.

This is an assessment on which students have to apply what they learnt about vertebrate and invertebrate animals, by searching for examples on magazines, newspapers or internet, and classify them according to whether they have or not a backbone. They also need to classify vertebrates into mammals, birds, amphibians, reptiles and fish, and invertebrates into crustaceans, insects and arachnids, relating each of these groups with to different colours.

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ProfeCoins 5
Downloads count 37
Resource type Activity
Recommended age 7 - 8 years
File information pdf, 1 pages, 76 KB
Comments count 3
Siempre es mejor usar el tiempo en actividades entretenidas que en escribir tanto en el cuaderno, por eso les dejo está guía simple que los deben completar con las partes de los crustáceos: cefalotórax y abdomen.

 Es muy útil para el estudio y también para hacer un cierre de la clase haciendo la guía en conjunto o quizás como ticket de salida.
Crustáceos: Organizador gráfico
ProfeCoins 7
Downloads count 1
Resource type Worksheet
Recommended age 7 - 9 years
File information pdf, 1 pages, 389 KB
CN02 OA02: Observar, describir y clasificar, por medio de la exploración, las características de los animales sin columna vertebral, como insectos, arácnidos, crustáceos, entre otros, y compararlos con los vertebrados.

Esta es una buena actividad para comenzar con investigación guiada. el objetivo es que los alumnos busquen información sobre los crustáceos, ya sea en internet, en sus apuntes personales, en libros, etc., y completen el organizador gráfico con dicha información.

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Cuadernillo invertebrados: los crustáceos
ProfeCoins 8
Resource type Worksheet
Recommended age 6 - 10 years
File information pdf, 2 pages, 407 KB
Hola!! Les dejo este "cuadernillo" de los crustáceos. Tiene una portada para pintar y por dentro deben completar con la información de los crustáceos, partes de su cuerpo y atrás anotar el nombre de algunos crustáceos.
Se dobla como si fuera un cuaderno. 
Ojalá les sirva!!

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Animales invertebrados: los crustáceos Animales invertebrados: los crustáceos Animales invertebrados: los crustáceos Animales invertebrados: los crustáceos Animales invertebrados: los crustáceos
ProfeCoins 10
Resource type Lesson
Recommended age 6 - 10 years
File information pptx, 14 pages, 5.85 MB
Hola!!  les dejo esta clase sobre los invertebrados, específicamente los crustáceos para segundo básico. Incluye ejemplos, características, dos actividades que también están en mi perfil y un video.
Ojalá les sirva !!!

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sopa de letras: crustaceos
ProfeCoins 5
Resource type Worksheet
Recommended age 6 - 10 years
File information pdf, 1 pages, 185 KB
Hola, les dejo esta sopa de letra sobre los invertebrados, específicamente los crustáceos. Deben encontrar 7 palabras relacionadas a este contenido.
Es una manera entretenida de aprender sus nombres .

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