Cantidad descargas 5
Tipo de recurso Actividad
Edad recomendada 11 - 18 años
Info. del archivo pdf, 8 páginas, 16,1 MB
Hello, hello!

Greetings everyone! I'm delighted to be here, and I'd like to share the Mafia game, some of you may know it as Werewolves or by another name. In the Mafia game, participants take on secret roles such as the police, the mafia, the doctor, the clown, and the citizen.

The police's task is to identify mafia members during the night.
The mafia aims to eliminate citizens.
The doctor has the ability to protect one player each night.
On the other hand, the clown seeks to be eliminated without revealing their identity, acting unpredictably.
The citizens, in turn, strive to uncover mafia members during daytime discussions and vote to eliminate them, ultimately aiming to keep the city alive or unveil all mafia members.

Success depends on being clever, working together, and reading others' subtle cues. Have fun and let excitement be your guide in this thrilling game with your students!

Best and a big hug,
Kris Mega

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Card game: Back to school Card game: Back to school Card game: Back to school Card game: Back to school Card game: Back to school
ProfeCoins 10
Cantidad descargas 1
Tipo de recurso Actividad
Edad recomendada 6 - 16 años
Info. del archivo pdf, 11 páginas, 426 KB
¡Hola a todos! Se aproxima el regreso a clases y hoy les traigo un tarjetario de cartas en inglés con preguntas alusivas a Mis Vacaciones en pdf para imprimir y plastificar. Viene con 24 preguntas que nos invita a recordar y reflexionar sobre estas vacaciones que ya esta culminando. (Link de la misma actividad en powerpoint para proyectar)

Instrucciones de uso:
1.       Imprimir el material, enumerar las cartas por el espaldar y si deseas termolaminar para mayor duración.
2.       Puedes pegarlas en el tablero con cinta cada carta, colocarlas sobre la mesa de trabajo, guardarlas en una caja o repartirlas al azar. Puedes trabajarlo de forma grupal/individual, de varias maneras de acuerdo a la edad y el grado de los estudiantes creando un espacio de conversación muy practico y entretenido.
3.       Cada niño debe tomar una carta y responder la pregunta que salga. No hay opciones de respuesta, el objetivo es permitir que el estudiante se exprese y comparta con sus compañeros algunas vivencias de sus vacaciones, lo que más le agradó, juegos, actividades que les gustó mas, que extrañará, que nuevas metas tienen, entre otras.
4.       Te dejo al final la plantilla de 8 cartas vacias para que agregues mas preguntas al juego. 

Espero se diviertan! Si te gustó no olvides acompañarme y seguirme para recibir mas contenido en mis redes, dejarme un corazón y comentarme tus dudas, experiencias o sugerencia en comentarios y reseñas. Saludos.

Acompáñame también en mis redes y formemos una linda comunidad: Youtube - Instagram

Otras actividades socioemocionales en inglés:
Reach for the Star: Back to School
Motivational Activity (Positivism up)
My Favorite things (Wheel)
Lucia's Myopia (Pack with 4 activities)
New Year Resolutions

💖 Cuando adquieras este material úsalo de manera responsable y no lo vendas, republiques o reclames como propio en cualquiera de las redes disponibles. Gracias. 💖

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Six Thinking Hats. A dynamic to develop creative thinking Six Thinking Hats. A dynamic to develop creative thinking
ProfeCoins 30
Tipo de recurso Actividad
Edad recomendada 4 - 18 años
Info. del archivo pdf, 4 páginas, 1,16 MB
The Six Thinking Hats by Bono is a powerful tool developed by the thinker, psychologist, and writer Edward de Bono in the 1980s to enhance creative and critical thinking in decision-making and problem-solving and to develop lateral thinking.
In the educational context, this technique can inspire a deeper and collaborative approach to learning.
This technique involves using six imaginary or physical hats to focus on the problem or challenge from six different perspectives.
Hats and perspectives:
  • White Hat. Information: Facts and data 
  • Black Hat. Pessimistic: Critique and caution 
  • Yellow Hat. Optimistic: Benefits and advantages 
  • Red Hat. Intuition: Emotions and feelings 
  • Green Hat. Creativity: Alternatives and proposals 
  • Blue Hat. Executive: Organization and processes 
How to use the Six Thinking Hats:
  1. Choose a topic, event, problem, or project to analyze. 
  2. Divide the students into groups of six or divide the entire class into six groups. 
  3. If you divide the students into groups of six, each student will be assigned a hat and thinking style to analyze. For example, one student will have the White Hat, which is informative, and will have to investigate the facts and data being analyzed. If you divide the class into six groups, each group will be assigned a hat and thinking style to analyze. For example, one complete group will have the White Hat, which is informative, and will have to investigate the facts and data being analyzed. 
  4. Once they have completed the analysis, either each member within their team or each team within the classroom will share their part of the analysis. 
  5. Others can ask questions or request further information, but always from their hat and thinking style.
It's also possible to ask each student to consider a situation or problem from the six perspectives if you want to conduct this activity individually.
PDF containing: 
• Explanation and theory of the topic 
• Posters with guiding questions for each hat and thinking style. You can project and explain these to the students or print them and place them in different parts of the classroom or a hallway to indicate the different workstations for each thinking type. 
• Interactive notebook format. Two formats of interactive notebooks with the guiding questions for your students to follow. Two blank interactive notebook formats for the teacher to add questions or even for asking students to think of questions related to the topic and each thinking style. 
Google Form with questions. You should modify the Google Form as per the instructions to add what you want your students to work on.
PDF with topic explanation, printable posters, and interactive notebook formats
Google Form
If your are looking for this resource in Spanish, here is the link:

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EARTH DAY_ Eco Bucket List English EARTH DAY_ Eco Bucket List English EARTH DAY_ Eco Bucket List English EARTH DAY_ Eco Bucket List English
Cantidad descargas 4
Tipo de recurso Actividad
Edad recomendada 12 - 18 años
Info. del archivo Link privado a
Hello, hello!
In celebration of Earth Day, I'm excited to share with you a fun and engaging activity that you can use with your students to promote environmental awareness and action. This Earth Day Bucket List is designed to inspire students to take meaningful steps towards caring for our planet while having fun along the way.

The Earth Day Bucket List contains a variety of eco-friendly activities that students can choose from to complete on or leading up to Earth Day. These activities range from simple everyday actions to more hands-on projects, allowing students to tailor their participation based on their interests and abilities. Whether it's planting a tree, organizing a community clean-up, or starting a compost bin, there's something for everyone to get involved in.

How to Use:
  1. Download the Earth Day Bucket List PDF 
  2. Share the PDF with your students and encourage them to choose activities they would like to complete.
  3. Students can either complete the activities independently or work together in groups, depending on your preference and classroom dynamics.
  4. As students complete each activity, they can document their progress by checking off the corresponding boxes on the bucket list.
  5. Students can also use the Canva link to create a copy of the Earth Day Bucket List template and customize it with their own ideas and reflections. This allows for greater personalization and creativity in their Earth Day initiatives.
By engaging students in this Earth Day Bucket List activity, we empower them to become active participants in environmental stewardship. 

Together we can make a difference and create a brighter, more sustainable future for all.

Wishing you and your students a joyful and impactful Earth Day!
Kris Mega

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Civics and Ethics, 8º grade,Lesson "Group identity and solidarity". Civics and Ethics, 8º grade,Lesson "Group identity and solidarity".
ProfeCoins 5
Cantidad descargas 1
Tipo de recurso Clase
Edad recomendada 12 - 15 años
Info. del archivo pdf, 4 páginas, 373 KB
General Aim
· Appreciate the influence of people and social and cultural groups on personal identity development.
Specific Aims
· Identity and sense of belonging
Influence of surroundings in personal identity development: family, friends, and social groups 

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ProfeCoins 6
Cantidad descargas 1
Tipo de recurso Clase
Edad recomendada 11 - 15 años
Info. del archivo Link privado a
Unit 3: Going Places.
 | Objetivo: Creación de diálogo grupal en relación a viajes futuros utilizando vocabulario y expresiones gramaticales de la Unidad.
| se pide a los estudiantes formar los grupos de trabajo que han mantenido durante todo el desarrollo de la Unidad o crear nuevos grupos de 3 o 4 integrantes para desarrollar actividad grupal en relación a creación de diálogo grupal sobre viajes y visitas turísticas alrededor de todo el mundo. El docente da a conocer el objetivo de la lección. DESARROLLO: Con los grupos conformados se da comienzo a la creación de los escritos de cada diálogo grupal centrándose en el contexto de la unidad 3: “Going Places”” y en el contenido del apunte  Notes – Dialogue Group activity,  para ver las instrucciones e indicaciones a seguir, guiadas por el docente mediante explicación de contenido (Sugerencia: Los estudiantes tienen de 45 a 60 minutos para desarrollar y crear su diálogo escrito, indicando labores que deben desempeñar todos los estudiantes en el desarrollo de la actividad y viendo que la organización sea efectiva) El contexto del diálogo se mantiene en relación a viajes y visitas turísticas ficticias, en la que los y las estudiantes utilizan el contenido gramatical y de vocabulario utilizado y aprendido durante la lección. El docente entrega respuestas a las inquietudes que tengan los y las estudiantes y se aclaran dudas en el transcurso de la creación de diálogo escrito. Se explica que la actividad grupal de presentaciones de diálogos será evaluada la próxima lección.  

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Group Tags Group Tags
ProfeCoins 5
Tipo de recurso Clase
Edad recomendada 4 - 8 años
Info. del archivo pdf, 5 páginas, 156 KB
This beautiful tags are perfect if you want your students to work in groups. I usually print them and paste them in each desk. I also paste a tag for each group on the board to give them stars if they follow the rules, work as a team or follow instructions. 

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Group Tags Group Tags Group Tags Group Tags
ProfeCoins 9
Tipo de recurso Clase
Edad recomendada 4 - 8 años
Info. del archivo pdf, 9 páginas, 170 KB
This beautiful tags are perfect if you want your students to work in groups. I usually print them and paste them in each desk. I also paste a tag for each group on the board to give them stars if they follow the rules, work as a team or follow instructions. 

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Tricky Words Group 2 Tricky Words Group 2
ProfeCoins 5
Tipo de recurso Guía de trabajo
Edad recomendada 6 - 8 años
Info. del archivo pdf, 3 páginas, 122 KB
Actividades para practicar las Tricky Words de forma entretenida y diferente.
Tricky Words Group 2:
  • Your
  • You
  • Come
  • Some
  • Said
  • Here
  • There
  • They
  • No
  • So
  • Go
  • My

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