Written expression Digital study guide Written expression Digital study guide Written expression Digital study guide
ProfeCoins 20
Resource type Activity
Recommended age 10 - 14 years
File information Private link to docs.google.com
This product is a digital study guide to work the topic of written expressions.
It includes:
  • Introductory activity where students have to brainstorm key words for the different operations
  • 24 exercises to practice the topic
  • Answers

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Written expression interactive notebook Written expression interactive notebook Written expression interactive notebook Written expression interactive notebook Written expression interactive notebook
ProfeCoins 20
Resource type Activity
Recommended age 10 - 12 years
File information pdf, 19 pages, 41 MB
You can use this product to work written expression with your students.

It includes:
  • Introductory activity
  • Word bank
  • 24 exercises to practice
The exercises are organized like an interactive notebook to make it more fun for the students.

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The Arts Introduction & Talking about Artistic expressions. The Arts Introduction & Talking about Artistic expressions. The Arts Introduction & Talking about Artistic expressions. The Arts Introduction & Talking about Artistic expressions.
ProfeCoins 5
Downloads count 3
Resource type Lesson
Recommended age 11 - 16 years
File information pptx, 8 pages, 3.19 MB
Estimados colegas,
Este recurso en una presentación Power Point, contiene elementos del arte y les sirve para presentar la Unidad 3 del currículo nacional de Chile: 'The Art'. La presentación contiene anexado un video para presentar para qué sirve el arte y un juego diseñado en Wordwall para reforzar y jugar con vocabulario relacionado al mundo de Las Artes. 

Espero les sea útil,


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Welcome to the fair!
ProfeCoins 5
Rating 5.0 out of 5 (1 review)
Downloads count 146
Resource type Activity
Recommended age 5 - 10 years
File information Private link to view.genial.ly
Comments count 4
Hello, teachers!

Esta actividad es un escape room con saludos, despedidas y frases de cortesía para verificar que los alumnos comprendan el significado y la aplicación de estas frases en inglés. 

Los alumnos van ganando un juguete virtual al superar cada una de las cuatro actividades. Sugiero entregar una insignia o un sello al finalizar la actividad. Al juntar determinado número de sellos, se pueden otorgar ciertos privilegios a los alumnos, tales como: una película, 10 minutos de tiempo de relajación (en el que los alumnos eligen una actividad para desarrollar como leer, jugar un juego de mesa, etc), una clase en el patio, un viernes de pijamas, etc. 
Past and Present
ProfeCoins 5
Downloads count 1
Resource type Worksheet
Recommended age 6 - 7 years
File information pdf, 1 pages, 127 KB
You can download this worksheet that is about past and present. 
Students have to color the correct answer. They should pay attention to the time expressions.

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Card game: Back to school Card game: Back to school Card game: Back to school Card game: Back to school Card game: Back to school
ProfeCoins 10
Downloads count 1
Resource type Activity
Recommended age 6 - 16 years
File information pdf, 11 pages, 426 KB
¡Hola a todos! Se aproxima el regreso a clases y hoy les traigo un tarjetario de cartas en inglés con preguntas alusivas a Mis Vacaciones en pdf para imprimir y plastificar. Viene con 24 preguntas que nos invita a recordar y reflexionar sobre estas vacaciones que ya esta culminando. (Link de la misma actividad en powerpoint para proyectar)

Instrucciones de uso:
1.       Imprimir el material, enumerar las cartas por el espaldar y si deseas termolaminar para mayor duración.
2.       Puedes pegarlas en el tablero con cinta cada carta, colocarlas sobre la mesa de trabajo, guardarlas en una caja o repartirlas al azar. Puedes trabajarlo de forma grupal/individual, de varias maneras de acuerdo a la edad y el grado de los estudiantes creando un espacio de conversación muy practico y entretenido.
3.       Cada niño debe tomar una carta y responder la pregunta que salga. No hay opciones de respuesta, el objetivo es permitir que el estudiante se exprese y comparta con sus compañeros algunas vivencias de sus vacaciones, lo que más le agradó, juegos, actividades que les gustó mas, que extrañará, que nuevas metas tienen, entre otras.
4.       Te dejo al final la plantilla de 8 cartas vacias para que agregues mas preguntas al juego. 

Espero se diviertan! Si te gustó no olvides acompañarme y seguirme para recibir mas contenido en mis redes, dejarme un corazón y comentarme tus dudas, experiencias o sugerencia en comentarios y reseñas. Saludos.

Acompáñame también en mis redes y formemos una linda comunidad: Youtube - Instagram

Otras actividades socioemocionales en inglés:
Reach for the Star: Back to School
Motivational Activity (Positivism up)
My Favorite things (Wheel)
Lucia's Myopia (Pack with 4 activities)
New Year Resolutions

💖 Cuando adquieras este material úsalo de manera responsable y no lo vendas, republiques o reclames como propio en cualquiera de las redes disponibles. Gracias. 💖

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Writing Expression Writing Expression
ProfeCoins 7
Resource type Worksheet
Recommended age 6 - 9 years
File information pdf, 3 pages, 27.9 KB
This file contains 3 different versions of the worksheet. The difference is in the difficulty, so you can pick the one that fits best your students or differentiate the activity by groups (I use it like that). I gave each group a set of pictures and they had to write sentences about them. Ask your kids to try silly sentences, they love it!

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Classroom Language Expressions Classroom Language Expressions Classroom Language Expressions
ProfeCoins 5
Resource type Lesson
Recommended age 4 - 18 years
File information pdf, 7 pages, 623 KB
Cinco posters con vocabulario sencillo para Starters/Begginers, que se pueden decorar en clase para poder aprender expresiones comunes en inglés. Con este material se podra utilizar y vivir la verdadera experiencia en inglés.

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Features of Informative Text Flap Book Features of Informative Text Flap Book Features of Informative Text Flap Book
ProfeCoins 20
Resource type Activity
Recommended age 8 - 12 years
File information Private link to docs.google.com
Unlock the power of personal expression with our interactive flap book! Designed for your students to explore and practice the features of informative text by sharing their unique stories. This engaging resource turns the spotlight on self-expression while honing essential writing skills. Teachers, get ready to inspire creativity and foster a love for informative writing in your classroom!
What is included?
  • Interactive formats to build the flap book.
  • Each format includes the instruction of what they have to do.
  • An example that the students can follow.
  • A motivational video showing how to build it.
Bonus! 16 posters that cover the different Features of Informative Text:
  • Table of contents
  • Index
  • Glossary
  • Heading
  • Subheadings
  • Keywords
  • Photographs
  • Illustrations
  • Captions
  • Diagram
  • Labels
  • Timelines
  • Text Boxes
  • Maps
  • Bullets
  • Graphics
How to Use this Resource:
  1. Back-to-School Icebreaker: kick off the school year with a fun and informative activity. Have your students complete their flap books as a way to introduce themselves to the class. To add an element of mystery, collect the flap books and randomly distribute them. Challenge the class to guess who each flap book belongs to based on the informative content inside. This not only reinforces the features of informative text but also makes for an engaging icebreaker.
  2. Feature Exploration Stations: create interactive stations in the classroom, each focusing on a specific feature of informative text (e.g., headings, details, conclusion). Have your students rotate through these stations with their flap books, applying and practicing each feature as they go. This hands-on approach allows for targeted skill development while keeping the activity dynamic and educational.
  3. Student-Teacher Conferences: use the flap books as a basis for one-on-one conferences with students. Discuss the content, ask clarifying questions, and provide personalized feedback on their use of informative text features. This individualized approach not only reinforces the importance of these features but also allows for a deeper connection between teachers and students as they share personal stories.
These ideas aim to integrate the features of informative text seamlessly into classroom activities while also incorporating a back-to-school theme and an element of curiosity.

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Greeting - FlashCards Greeting - FlashCards Greeting - FlashCards
ProfeCoins 5
Resource type Lesson
Recommended age 6 - 18 years
File information pdf, 6 pages, 1 MB
Greeting Flashcards - An easy didactic resource to teach beginners in English everyday expressions, such as: Good morning - Good afternoon - Good night - Hello - Hi - What's your name? - You're welcome, among others...I hope you find them useful for your class!

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