Unit 6 - Minibeasts - 4th grade Unit 6 - Minibeasts - 4th grade Unit 6 - Minibeasts - 4th grade Unit 6 - Minibeasts - 4th grade Unit 6 - Minibeasts - 4th grade
ProfeCoins 5
Cantidad descargas 7
Tipo de recurso Clase
Edad recomendada 8 - 10 años
Info. del archivo pptx, 35 páginas, 8,04 MB
Este power point está diseñado para acompañar las clases hibridas o presenciales, utilizando el libro de inglés "Get ready with English 4" de 4to básico. 
En esta unidad se ve vocabulario relacionado a "minibeast" y descripciones de estas. Contiene vocabulario y ejercicios. 

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Unit 6 - My free time - 2nd grade Unit 6 - My free time - 2nd grade Unit 6 - My free time - 2nd grade Unit 6 - My free time - 2nd grade Unit 6 - My free time - 2nd grade
Calificación 5.0 de 5 (1 reseña)
Cantidad descargas 87
Tipo de recurso Clase
Edad recomendada 6 - 10 años
Info. del archivo pptx, 26 páginas, 6,89 MB
Cantidad comentarios 3
Este power point está diseñado para acompañar las clases hibridas o presenciales, utilizando el libro de inglés "Get ready with English 2" de 2do básico. 
En esta unidad se ven actividades del tiempo libre. Contiene vocabulario y ejercicios. 
My family My family My family My family My family
ProfeCoins 15
Cantidad descargas 5
Tipo de recurso Clase
Edad recomendada 6 - 7 años
Info. del archivo pptx, 20 páginas, 1,56 MB
Book "Family and Friends 1" Vocabulary unit 6. 

In this Power Point you can find family members vocabulary and also you can practise the use of "this is..." - "these are..." / "he is ..." - "she is..." 

On the activity attached the students need to identify which family members refers to a girl and which ones refers to a boy. 

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Phrasal verbs with keep
Cantidad descargas 9
Tipo de recurso Actividad
Edad recomendada 15 - 18 años
Info. del archivo Link privado a www.liveworksheets.com
Hello, teachers!

Un ejercicio no editable y rápido, drag and drop con algunos phrasal verbs con "keep" para checar su significado. Basado en el ejercicio 6 del Objective First Certificate, Unit 6.1. 

Hope it's useful!

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English test unit 1 6th grade English test unit 1 6th grade
Cantidad descargas 19
Tipo de recurso Evaluación
Edad recomendada 9 - 12 años
Info. del archivo pdf, 3 páginas, 305 KB
Prueba unidad 1 para 6to básico, puedes evaluar contenido relacionado con la comida, la evaluación tiene como objetivo que los estudiantes sean capaces de manejar vocabulario relacionado con la unidad, que sean capaces de expresar d emanera escrita gustos y preferencias relacionada con la comida, también puedes evaluar comprensión lectora con un pequeño ejercicio de reading al final de la evaluación. Espero les sirva.

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Crisis and Conflict Resolution_ 4 Week Unit on Crisis and Conflict Solution with SDG Crisis and Conflict Resolution_ 4 Week Unit on Crisis and Conflict Solution with SDG Crisis and Conflict Resolution_ 4 Week Unit on Crisis and Conflict Solution with SDG Crisis and Conflict Resolution_ 4 Week Unit on Crisis and Conflict Solution with SDG Crisis and Conflict Resolution_ 4 Week Unit on Crisis and Conflict Solution with SDG
ProfeCoins 50
Tipo de recurso Proyecto
Edad recomendada 10 - 18 años
Info. del archivo Link privado a drive.google.com
4 Week Unit on Crisis and Conflict Solution with SDG

Hello, hello there!
My name is Kristen, and this is a 4 week unit.
Engage and inspire your 6th to 12th-grade students with this exciting and immersive 4-week unit on crisis and conflict solution, integrated with essential Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) such as reducing inequalities, promoting quality education, and establishing peace, justice, and strong institutions. This unit is specifically designed to foster critical thinking, empathy, and global citizenship skills among your students, all while exploring the power of photography and photojournalism in conflict resolution.
Key Features of the Unit:
  1. Create a Conflict Word Web: Kickstart the unit by building a comprehensive understanding of conflict through the creation of a conflict word web. Students will delve into the different aspects and causes of conflicts, enhancing their vocabulary and analytical skills.
  2. Hone Your Skills as a Photographer: Discover the art of photography and empower your students to express their perspectives on conflicts and their potential solutions. Engage them in fun and interactive photography exercises, fostering creativity and visual storytelling abilities.
  3. Investigate Global Conflicts: Encourage students to delve into real-world conflicts and crises, analyzing their causes, consequences, and potential solutions. This inquiry-based approach will ignite their curiosity, research skills, and broaden their global awareness.
  4. Create a Photojournalism Story about a Conflict Scenario: In this exciting phase of the unit, students will combine their newfound photography skills with their research on global conflicts to create compelling photojournalism stories. They will learn the power of visual narratives and explore how photography can promote conflict resolution and social change.
Key Questions Addressed:
  • What is conflict, and why is it important to understand conflict?
  • Why is dialogue essential in preventing the escalation of conflict?
  • How can photography and photojournalism be used to promote conflict resolution?
Benefits for Teachers:
  • Comprehensive lesson plans with clear learning objectives and step-by-step instructions.
  • Varied and engaging activities that cater to different learning styles.
  • An integrated approach to teach conflict resolution, empathy, and critical thinking skills.
  • Opportunities for cross-curricular connections with language arts, social studies, and visual arts.
  • Access to ready-to-use worksheets, graphic organizers, and assessment tools.
Benefits for Students:
  • Active and collaborative learning experiences that encourage student participation.
  • Development of critical thinking and problem-solving skills.
  • Enhanced global awareness and empathy towards diverse conflicts and communities.
  • Opportunities for creative expression through photography and visual storytelling.
  • A deeper understanding of the Sustainable Development Goals and their relevance in today's world.
Included 3 Files:
  1. PDF Presentation
  2. PDF Worksheets
  3. Google Slides
Don't miss this opportunity to empower your students with skills for conflict resolution and understanding, equip them with the tools they need to make a positive impact on the world.

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ProfeCoins 6
Cantidad descargas 1
Tipo de recurso Clase
Edad recomendada 11 - 15 años
Info. del archivo Link privado a drive.google.com
Unit 3: Going Places.
 | Objetivo: Creación de diálogo grupal en relación a viajes futuros utilizando vocabulario y expresiones gramaticales de la Unidad.
| se pide a los estudiantes formar los grupos de trabajo que han mantenido durante todo el desarrollo de la Unidad o crear nuevos grupos de 3 o 4 integrantes para desarrollar actividad grupal en relación a creación de diálogo grupal sobre viajes y visitas turísticas alrededor de todo el mundo. El docente da a conocer el objetivo de la lección. DESARROLLO: Con los grupos conformados se da comienzo a la creación de los escritos de cada diálogo grupal centrándose en el contexto de la unidad 3: “Going Places”” y en el contenido del apunte  Notes – Dialogue Group activity,  para ver las instrucciones e indicaciones a seguir, guiadas por el docente mediante explicación de contenido (Sugerencia: Los estudiantes tienen de 45 a 60 minutos para desarrollar y crear su diálogo escrito, indicando labores que deben desempeñar todos los estudiantes en el desarrollo de la actividad y viendo que la organización sea efectiva) El contexto del diálogo se mantiene en relación a viajes y visitas turísticas ficticias, en la que los y las estudiantes utilizan el contenido gramatical y de vocabulario utilizado y aprendido durante la lección. El docente entrega respuestas a las inquietudes que tengan los y las estudiantes y se aclaran dudas en el transcurso de la creación de diálogo escrito. Se explica que la actividad grupal de presentaciones de diálogos será evaluada la próxima lección.  

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How to make pancakes - Adverbs of sequence How to make pancakes - Adverbs of sequence How to make pancakes - Adverbs of sequence How to make pancakes - Adverbs of sequence How to make pancakes - Adverbs of sequence
ProfeCoins 5
Cantidad descargas 5
Tipo de recurso Clase
Edad recomendada 11 - 13 años
Info. del archivo pptx, 11 páginas, 3,63 MB
Estimados colegas, 
Este recurso es una presentación PPT que pueden ocupar en 6° o 7° básico y está basado en el currículo nacional de Chile, Unit 1: Feeling and Opinions de 7° básico, pero también puede ser útil en la unidad 2 de 7° básico: 'Healthy Habits'. Esta presentación contiene Adverbios de Secuencia, verbos para cocinar y orden de imágenes para utilizar los adverbios de secuencia y ejemplos.

Espero les sea útil!


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ProfeCoins 5
Cantidad descargas 2
Tipo de recurso Actividad
Edad recomendada 7 - 14 años
Info. del archivo Link privado a view.genial.ly
This Genially is a great resource for your "Landscapes of Chile" unit.
Learning Goal: To identify the geographical elements that constitute Chile’s natural and cultural landscape.

The resource you'll get is a memory game with different landscapes of Chile, with their definition.

This Genially is the second of the series "Landscapes of Chile"
See the other Geniallys & resources of the series here:
  1. What are the landscapes of Chile?
  2. Landscapes of Chile (This resource)
  3. Chile's different zones
  4. Landscapes in the Northern Zone
  5. Landscapes in Central Chile
  6. Landscapes in the Southern Zone
  7. Integrating what I've learned

This resource was made for Chile's curriculum "HI02OA08", but you may also use it as an activity for the following:
  • HI05OA09
  • HI06OA10
  • HI08OA20
*Disclaimer: To use it in these other levels, it is recommended to edit the resource, as some of the activities weren't created for these specific levels.

This resource greatly works with the book: 2 primary Social Sciences - Savia

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ProfeCoins 5
Cantidad descargas 1
Tipo de recurso Actividad
Edad recomendada 7 - 14 años
Info. del archivo Link privado a view.genial.ly
This Genially is a great resource for your "Landscapes of Chile" unit.
Learning Goal: To associate the characteristics of certain landscapes with their location in Chile.

The resource you'll get is a puzzle game with the three zones of Chile. It includes a tag with the name of each region and a little explanation of the characteristics of each zone.

This Genially is the third of the series "Landscapes of Chile"
See the other Geniallys & resources of the series here:
  1. What are the landscapes of Chile? 
  2. Landscapes of Chile
  3. Chile's different zones (This resource)
  4. Landscapes in the Northern Zone
  5. Landscapes in Central Chile
  6. Landscapes in the Southern Zone
  7. Integrating what I've learned

This resource was made for Chile's curriculum "HI02OA08", but you may also use it as an activity for the following:
  • HI05OA09
  • HI06OA10
  • HI08OA20
*Disclaimer: To use it in these other levels, it is recommended to edit the resource, as some of the activities weren't created for these specific levels.

This resource greatly works with the book: 2 primary Social Sciences - Savia

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