Sherlock Holmes Sherlock Holmes Sherlock Holmes Sherlock Holmes
ProfeCoins 5
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Resource type Lesson
Recommended age 10 - 18 years
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Diapositivas de contextualización de la obra clásica Sherlock Holmes de Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Excelente material para trabajar en clase para que los estudiantes puedan comprender y analizar las diversas capacidades del detective más famoso del mundo. Características, contexto y acercamiento al personaje de Sherlock Holmes.
Cada una de las diapositivas es completamente editable, también incluye imágenes y un ejercicio de análisis de detective de observación. Asimismo, contiene referencias finales para que los estudiantes puedan buscar más información útil sobre el tema. Esta actividad te servirá de apoyo visual, informativo y complemento perfecto para los que quieren conocer más sobre la saga literaria Sherlock Holmes.

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He/ She's got...
ProfeCoins 5
Resource type Lesson
Recommended age 6 - 7 years
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After My hair class we learned the used of "she's got / he's got" and in order to practise these in a fun way, we played this matching game created in Wordwall.

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Simple sentences: Printable sheets /Oraciones simples: Fichas imprimibles. Simple sentences: Printable sheets /Oraciones simples: Fichas imprimibles.
ProfeCoins 5
Downloads count 1
Resource type Activity
Recommended age 6 - 12 years
File information pdf, 3 pages, 148 KB
Las tarjetas didácticas, flashcards, son tarjetas de memorización que permiten aprovechar la memoria visual y combinarla con información textual de manera sencilla y dinámica. Son una herramienta muy eficaz para el estudio y permiten repasar todo tipo de temas, en cualquier momento y las veces que sea necesario.

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Yes, she is - No he isn't Yes, she is - No he isn't Yes, she is - No he isn't Yes, she is - No he isn't Yes, she is - No he isn't
ProfeCoins 12
Resource type Lesson
Recommended age 6 - 7 years
File information pptx, 12 pages, 1.33 MB
In this Power Point you will find exercises about the positive and negative of verb to be present of 'he/she'.
Students will have to find the correct use of he and she by looking at the image of jobs, so vocabulary of occupations is also treated.

You can complement this class with:

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ProfeCoins 10
Downloads count 95
Resource type Lesson
Recommended age 8 - 11 years
File information pptx, 8 pages, 1.31 MB
Comments count 3
✨✨🎉Hola, les saluda Miss Cinthia🎉 ✨✨
En esta oportunidad les presento la clase de: ''¿Qué es lo bello?''. Espero les sea tan útil como me lo fue para mi clase, con mis niños.

🔴📚Objetivo: Lograr que nuestros estudiantes reflexionen y analicen que lo bello no solo son nuestras apariencias o de nuestro físico, sino también implica nuestras actitudes, acciones, nuestra forma de ser hasta de cómo nos expresamos.

🟠📋Detalles:  (la historia de sherk, reflexionamos con ideas fuerzas, actividad para trabajar con los niños en clase). 
  • Algunas características del producto:
🟢📌Contiene 8 slides.
🟤💙Es editable, en ppt.

  • Notita final:
📍Si te gusto este material, no olvides darle me gusta y dejarme un comentario o recomendación.
¡Muchas gracias, queridos colegas!
Reported Speech Reported Speech Reported Speech Reported Speech Reported Speech
ProfeCoins 8
Downloads count 1
Resource type Activity
Recommended age 10 - 18 years
File information pptx, 38 pages, 9.5 MB
Comments count 1
Tema: Reported speech
Este recurso busca ser un apoyo para practicar el tema de Reported Speech, Incluye la definicion y uso de este, estructura, ejemplos y una practica para revisar lo aprendido en clase. 
My family My family My family My family My family
ProfeCoins 15
Downloads count 4
Resource type Lesson
Recommended age 6 - 7 years
File information pptx, 20 pages, 1.56 MB
Book "Family and Friends 1" Vocabulary unit 6. 

In this Power Point you can find family members vocabulary and also you can practise the use of "this is..." - "these are..." / "he is ..." - "she is..." 

On the activity attached the students need to identify which family members refers to a girl and which ones refers to a boy. 

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Jobs and Occupations (Part I) Jobs and Occupations (Part I) Jobs and Occupations (Part I) Jobs and Occupations (Part I) Jobs and Occupations (Part I)
ProfeCoins 15
Downloads count 1
Resource type Lesson
Recommended age 6 - 7 years
File information pptx, 15 pages, 2.44 MB
Book "Family and Friends 1" Vocabulary unit 4.

In this Power Point you can find jobs and occupations vocabulary. Also you will find some exercises to practise personal pronouns: he or she as well how to ask and answer with these pronouns.
At the end of the class you will be able to practise speaking with everything your learned. Ask your students to work in partners (see the example).

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Jobs and Occupations (Part II) Jobs and Occupations (Part II)
ProfeCoins 5
Downloads count 1
Resource type Lesson
Recommended age 6 - 7 years
File information pptx, 5 pages, 779 KB
Complementary with Jobs and Occupation class

Book "Family and Friends 1" Vocabulary unit 4.

In this Power Point you can find a review for jobs and occupations vocabulary associated with the correct use of personal pronouns he or she. 

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Parts of the house Parts of the house Parts of the house Parts of the house Parts of the house
ProfeCoins 15
Resource type Lesson
Recommended age 6 - 7 years
File information pptx, 17 pages, 3.61 MB
Book "Family and Friends 1" Vocabulary unit 8.

In this Power Point you can find house vocabulary: kitchen, living room, bedroom, etc. Also, students will be able to practise the use of is, are, he, she and they. About these last contents in this Power Point there are explanations and excercises. 

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