Visible thinking routine ''3-2-1''
ProfeCoins 5
Resource type Activity
Recommended age 6 - 12 years
File information pdf, 1 pages, 381 KB
We are all familiar with how important is for students to develop a sense of metacognition and being aware of their learning process.
This routine is perfect for students to organize their ideas at the end of the class but is more helpful for the teacher so she can gather information of the student's knowledge.
This routine has a lot of variations, but this template is from squareheadteachers.

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Visible thinking routine: K-W-L Chart
ProfeCoins 5
Downloads count 2
Resource type Activity
Recommended age 6 - 12 years
File information pdf, 1 pages, 81 KB
 We are all familiar with how important is for students to develop a sense of metacognition and being aware of their learning process.
TThis chart is very helpful to gather information about the student knowledge about a certain topic, specially at the beginning of studying a new unit.
How to use:
-Print a copy for each student.
-At the beginning of the unit only complete the K and W column: what they know about the new topic and what they wonder.
-After they studied the topic, they can complete the L column of what they'd learned.

This routine has a lot of variations, but this template is from Pinterest. 

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Exit Ticket "KWL"
Downloads count 23
Resource type Activity
Recommended age 8 - 11 years
File information pdf, 1 pages, 132 KB
Comments count 2
This exit ticket is given to the students at the beginning of the first lesson of plants. They complete the 2 first columns with what they know and what they would like to learn about plants,  before starting the lesson, and after discussing about the importance of plants and introducing their structure and functions of each part, students complete the last column with one new thing they learnt about plants during that lesson. Then, they give it to the teacher, so he/she can check how much students knew before the class and how they are learning, to set a "start point".
The Cell interactive notebook The Cell interactive notebook The Cell interactive notebook The Cell interactive notebook
ProfeCoins 20
Resource type Activity
Recommended age 9 - 12 years
File information pdf, 8 pages, 1.18 MB
Are you looking for an activity to work on the topic of cells with your students? This interactive notebook is very comprehensive and will help your students develop their thinking skills.
The interactive notebook has two main activities:
  1. Introduction: using an adaptation of the visible thinking routine "I used to think... Now I think..."
  2. Research on the topic by completing the interactive notebook.
It includes:
  • 3 different formats for you to choose the one that suits your students best.
  • Modifications for students with special educational needs and high-achieving students.
  • A teacher's guide that you can use as a reference while doing the work.
  • Guided text with a read-aloud option.
  • Ideas for a lesson plan.
If you are looking for this resource in Spanish, here is the link:

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The Cell Lesson Plan The Cell Lesson Plan The Cell Lesson Plan
ProfeCoins 90
Resource type Activity
Recommended age 9 - 12 years
File information pdf, 6 pages, 963 KB
In this lesson plan, you will find EVERYTHING you need to work the animal and plant cells with your students. 
It is designed for 6 to 7 hours of class (1 hour = 45 min).
  • Introduction: using an adaptation of the visible thinking routine "I used to think... Now I think..." students will complete an interactive notebook. 1 hour.
  • Exploration of the topic: research and construction of a model of animal and plant cells through project-based learning. 3 hours. 
  • Practice of acquired concepts: practice of acquired concepts through game-based learning. 1 to 2 hours. 
  • Assessment: assessment of concepts, evaluating both memorization and understanding and application of them. 
  • Extra or in-depth activity 
For each activity, you will find:
  • Time 
  • Methodology used 
  • Objectives 
  • Competences 
  • Materials 
  • Description of the activity with corresponding time 
  • Activation of prior knowledge 
  • Considerations for evaluation 
  • Modifications for students with educational needs and for high-achieving students 
***You can modify, copy, and paste the entire description of the didactic sequence to adapt it and use it in the format required by your educational institution.***
This lesson is designed for students to take notes in an interactive notebook that they paste into their notebooks. However, in the materials, you will find a digital study guide in case you prefer your students to work this way. 
All the materials you need are included in this lesson. If you use three slides from the teacher's presentation in the introduction, you will find them in the lesson plan. However, each of these materials is also attached as a file in case you find it more convenient to use them with your students. 
  • Teacher's presentation 
  • Interactive notebook with instructions and answer guide 
  • Digital study guide 
  • Text "The Cell" 
  • Text "The Cell" (in-depth) 
  • YouTube video with a read-aloud of the text "The Cell" 
  • Quizlet game for activation of prior knowledge 
  • Steps, evaluation rubric, and checklist for the project 
  • Letter to parents - materials for the model 
  • Snowman game for activation of prior knowledge 
  • Vocabulary cards 
  • Game instructions. Includes instructions for the Memory and I Have... Who Has games, which are used in this lesson, as well as instructions for other games in case the teacher wants to explore other options. 
  • Memory game cards 
  • I Have... Who Has game cards 
  • Maze 
  • Crossword puzzle 
  • Evaluation cards 
  • Answers to evaluation cards 
  • Multiple-choice questions in Google Form format 
  • Extra or in-depth activity for students who finish early
If you are looking for this resource in Spanish, here is the link:

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Rutina del pensamiento: Puentes 3-2-1
ProfeCoins 5
Downloads count 1
Resource type Activity
Recommended age 7 - 18 years
File information docx, 1 pages, 253 KB
Esta rutina del pensamiento se puede trabajar con estudiantes de 1° básico en adelante. 

La rutina Puentes 3-2-1 tiene como propósito observar cómo puede cambiar o enriquecerse el pensamiento sobre un tema cuando  se incorpora nueva información. 
Los hábitos de mente que se ponen de manifiesto son: activar conocimientos previos, conectar, ordenar, reflexionar y expresar. 
Si los estudiantes no comprenden el concepto de analogía o metáfora, es conveniente clarificar. 
Se puede realizar esta rutina en un video, exposición, imagen, experimento, etc. 

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Rutina del pensamiento: antes pensaba-ahora pienso
ProfeCoins 5
Downloads count 3
Resource type Activity
Recommended age 7 - 18 years
File information docx, 1 pages, 298 KB
La rutina del pensamiento Antes pensaba-Ahora pienso, busca que los estudiantes puedan reflexionar sobre su pensamiento acerca del tema que se ha trabajado en clases, por lo que se puede documentar el pensamiento con lo que ellos sabían, con lo que aprendieron.  Así, pueden  razonar con evidencias y concluir cómo su pensamiento fue cambiando. 

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Rutina del pensamiento: pensaba-pienso
ProfeCoins 5
Resource type Activity
Recommended age 7 - 18 years
File information docx, 1 pages, 23.2 KB
La rutina del pensamiento pensaba-pienso  puedes aplicarla en cualquier asignatura. 
Esta rutina ayuda a los estudiantes a reflexionar sobre su pensamiento acerca de un tema y darse cuenta de por qué el pensamiento ha cambiado.
Esta rutina permite consolidar nuevo aprendizaje.  
Pide a los estudiantes que compartan y expliquen sus cambios de pensamiento, puedes hacerlo con el grupo completo o en pequeños grupos.  

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Estrategia de pensamiento visible
ProfeCoins 5
Resource type Worksheet
Recommended age 6 - 11 years
File information pdf, 1 pages, 43.4 KB
¿Conoces las estrategias de pensamiento visible?

Según David Perkins "Las rutinas de pensamiento son estructuras con las que los alumnos, de una manera individual o colectiva, inician, discuten, gestionan su pensamiento a la vez que descubren modelos de conducta que permiten utilizar la mente para generar pensamientos, reflexionar y razonar".

Esta guía de trabajo la hice tomando como ejemplo una de las cuantas estrategias de pensamiento visible que hay. 
Lo entretenido de esta guía es que nos permite utilizarla en cualquier asignatura y trabajarla con cualquier tema dado. Se puede usar en una clase o se puede ir completando a medida que vayan avanzando en la unidad. 

En la primera columna se deberá anotar todo lo que saben respecto a un tema determinado, luego deberán anotar lo que les gustaría aprender de este tema en particular y finalmente, después de indagar y de adquirir nuevos conocimientos, deberán completar la última columna con todo lo que aprendieron. 

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Rutina de pensamiento 321 PUENTE
ProfeCoins 5
Downloads count 2
Resource type Worksheet
Recommended age 6 - 15 years
File information docx, 2 pages, 88.7 KB
Guía de pensamiento visible, que sirve para hacer conciente las ideas previas antes de conocer una nueva unidad, y luego hacer un contraste con las ideas nuevas. Importante conversar acerca de cómo fueron cambiando sus ideas. Se piden 3 ideas que tengan acerca de un tema, luego dos preguntas y por último 1 imagen que relacionen con el tema.

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