ProfeCoins 5
Cantidad descargas 13
Tipo de recurso Clase
Edad recomendada 6 - 7 años
Info. del archivo pptx, 32 páginas, 11,7 MB
Cantidad comentarios 1
En este PPT encontraran actividades para reforzar vocales y otras consonantes. También diversos tipos de textos como poemas, cuentos y adivinanzas.
Se puede dividir y editar para dos clases.
Objetivo de aprendizaje: 
1.Reconocer que los textos escritos transmiten mensajes y que son escritos por alguien para cumplir un propósito.
2.Reconocer que las palabras son unidades de significado separadas por espacios en el texto escrito.
3.    Identificar los sonidos que componen las palabras (conciencia fonológica), reconociendo, separando  y combinando sus fonemas y sílabas.
4. Leer palabras aisladas y en contexto, aplicando su conocimiento de las correspondencias letra-sonido en diferentes combinaciones: sílaba directa, indirecta o [...].
13. Experimentar con la escritura para comunicar hechos, ideas y sentimientos, entre otros.
17. Comprender y disfrutar versiones completas de obras de la literatura, narradas o leídas por un adulto.
Guess Who
I took this picture from
I play guess who with my students when I want them to use the vocabulary they already know. It is also a good way to practise questions: is it...? does he...?, etc.
I ask a student to choose a character. Then, I project the full picture on the board. The rest of the class starts asking questions. 
It would also be great to print the whole picture, laminate it and ask the students to work in pairs. 

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Past Tense Past Tense Past Tense
ProfeCoins 7
Tipo de recurso Actividad
Edad recomendada 6 - 8 años
Info. del archivo pdf, 7 páginas, 294 KB
I took this idea from
I made my own set of cards. You can use them, or check the link above, there are more cards.
You have two piles of cards: present and past. Flip them over. Did you find a match? Slap it!
Great to use in learning centers.

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Sight Word Hopscotch
I found this idea in Pinterest. 
The students toss a stone and jump through the sight words. Once they are standing on the word, they have to make a sentence with it. 
It is a fun activity you can play everywhere! Materials? a piece of chalk and a stone

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Game Who am I?
Great idea from
The objective is to get your students asking questions and guessing the character. I've done it like this but I've also used it as a matching activity: synonyms, antonyms, verbs, etc. If you don't have a headband you can use a post it.

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Sight Words Dominoes Sight Words Dominoes
ProfeCoins 5
Tipo de recurso Actividad
Edad recomendada 6 - 8 años
Info. del archivo pdf, 3 páginas, 228 KB
I made this template to play sight words dominoes. I use it in learning centers. 
Ask them to read and spell the words aloud. You can download this or print a customized set

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GATE Differentiation Matrix of Life Cycles GATE Differentiation Matrix of Life Cycles
ProfeCoins 5
Cantidad descargas 1
Tipo de recurso Clase
Edad recomendada 7 - 9 años
Info. del archivo pdf, 4 páginas, 62,8 KB
Gifted and Talented Education is a wonderful topic! These students need differentiated curriculum in order to meet their needs, interests and abilities. GATE children needs to go beyond the learning standards!

This is why I created this differentiation matrix that has different activities and assessments in the unit of life cycle. You can see the differentiation by readiness, interest and learning profile in the content, process and products.

Hope you can help your gifted students thrive!

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Game Synonyms/Antonyms
ProfeCoins 5
Tipo de recurso Actividad
Edad recomendada 6 - 7 años
Info. del archivo pdf, 2 páginas, 693 KB
I found it on Pinterest. It belongs to
This fishing game is something like "La pesca milagrosa". The students need to fish the pictures with a wooden (or pencil) rod, a magnet and a paperclip. I did it with synonyms/antonyms, but you can adapt it to phonics, proper/common nouns, etc,
I added some fish shapes that I downloaded from
The border belongs to

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