Compound Words Compound Words Compound Words Compound Words
ProfeCoins 10
Resource type Lesson
Recommended age 7 - 8 years
File information pdf, 10 pages, 902 KB
Try using this PPT when teaching compund words. First, I start with a brief explanation of what a compound word is. Then, I elicit some examples. Finally, the students see the pictures and try to guess the compound word. You can also try giving them a set of cards and ask them to match them and make as many compound words as they can.
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Compound Words
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It is important to have a diverse set of activities in order to maximaze the learning opportunities. I like the link you can make between pictures and words. Just don't forget to use English as much as you can! Instructions, questions, etc. It may be good to ask them to spell the words. 

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Compound Words Compound Words
ProfeCoins 10
Resource type Activity
Recommended age 7 - 8 years
File information pdf, 4 pages, 421 KB
This is another type of craft you can use when teaching compound words. 
The students have to cut out the eggs and match them with the compound word (chicks). 
If you want to make it more challenging, try giving them half egg and ask them to find a match.

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Compound Words
ProfeCoins 5
Resource type Worksheet
Recommended age 6 - 7 years
File information pdf, 1 pages, 454 KB
I prepared this worksheet to practise compound words. The students have to look at the pictures and write the new word. 
I like adding borders to my worksheets. I think they should be colorful and attractive. 

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ProfeCoins 6
Downloads count 2
Resource type Lesson
Recommended age 6 - 10 years
File information Private link to
Hola, les comparto una clase de compound words, con diferentes imagenes para la formacion de palabras en inglés, también cuenta con un juego de memoria y una de botella para reconocer la palabra, es un power point editable, espero les guste y sea de utilidad 

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Juego "Magic words" (Compound nouns) Juego "Magic words" (Compound nouns) Juego "Magic words" (Compound nouns) Juego "Magic words" (Compound nouns) Juego "Magic words" (Compound nouns)
ProfeCoins 15
Downloads count 47
Resource type Activity
Recommended age 5 - 18 years
File information ppsx, 23 pages, 16.3 MB
Comments count 2
Hola Profe! Que gusto encontrarte de nuevo! Te presento el juego: "Magic Words", aqui podrás jugar con tus alumnos mientras practican las "Compound words" o palabras compuestas.
El juego contiene 10 palabras
-Los alumnos eligen que palabras componen la palabra secreta (de la imagen)
-Tienes que dar click encima de la opción a elegir. Saldrá una palomita si es correcta y una X si es incorrecta compañado con efectos de sonido.
-Para descubrir la palabra, tienes que darle click a la varita y se mostrará otra diapositiva con la palabra secreta.
-Tienes que darle en la flecha de abajo para continuar con la siguiente palabra.
Si te gustó el juego, te invito a seguirme y darme una reseña postiva.
¡Muchas gracias por tu apoyo!

Compound Words Craft Compound Words Craft
ProfeCoins 25
Resource type Activity
Recommended age 6 - 9 years
File information pdf, 4 pages, 420 KB
Objective: Understand that some words, when combined, can form a new words with a totally different meaning. 

The goal of this activity is for students to match the eggs with simple words with their corresponding "compound word chick", and understand the meaning of both, the simple words and the compound words. 

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Task Cards Volume rectangular prisms Task Cards Volume rectangular prisms Task Cards Volume rectangular prisms
ProfeCoins 10
Resource type Activity
Recommended age 8 - 13 years
File information pdf, 7 pages, 2.84 MB
In this product, you will find 20 task cards to work or assess volume of rectangular prisms
Topics included:
  • Volume W x H x L
  • Base x High
  • Compound figures
  • L figures
Print the task cards, laminate them, and paste them around the classroom for students to go around answering the questions.

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