Creating sentences Creating sentences
ProfeCoins 20
Resource type Worksheet
Recommended age 6 - 8 years
File information pdf, 4 pages, 983 KB
This activity is very entertaining for students as they have to cut out the images and assemble sentences while respecting the rules for constructing a sentence. These rules include coherence, starting with a capital letter, ending with a period, and ensuring there is space between each word.

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Creating the alphabet Creating the alphabet Creating the alphabet Creating the alphabet Creating the alphabet
ProfeCoins 14
Downloads count 1
Resource type Activity
Recommended age 4 - 8 years
File information pdf, 15 pages, 3.04 MB
This activity is ideal to create your own class alphabet posters.

Students need to draw and write a word with the given letter. Then, you can display the mini-posters in the class, for visual support.

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ProfeCoins 5
Downloads count 7
Resource type Worksheet
Recommended age 4 - 10 years
File information pdf, 6 pages, 542 KB
¡Hola, profes! Les comparto este ppt para trabajarlo en clases con tus estudiantes. Acá tus estudiantes podrán realizar las siguientes actividades:
  1. Dibujar y colorear los "Monsters" siguiendo las descripciones que hay para cada uno de ellos.
  2. Moldear con plastilina uno de los "monsters" elegidos por ellos.
El objetivo:
Identificar vocabulario de las partes del cuerpo, adjetivos calificativos, colores. Comprender el uso del verbo HAS dentro de una oración.

Todas las imágenes son de

muestra creating a monster.png

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Creating a list of ingredients Creating a list of ingredients
ProfeCoins 5
Downloads count 1
Resource type Lesson
Recommended age 6 - 15 years
File information Private link to
 El objetivo principal de esta clase es poder identificar ingredientes y poder escribir una simple receta de cocina. Recomendada para pre escolar o básica. Hay notas al profesor en cada una de las slides.

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Fact Family
ProfeCoins 5
Resource type Activity
Recommended age 6 - 8 years
File information pdf, 1 pages, 66.8 KB
I used this resource after introducing fact families. We did it as a craft for our bulletin board creating a Fact Family Neighbourhood! Student have to pick 3 numbers that are fact family (I gave them a few options to use)  and write them in the circles on the roof. Then, complete the fact family, color the house and cut it to place it on our bulletin :)

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My community project My community project My community project My community project My community project
ProfeCoins 55
Resource type Activity
Recommended age 6 - 7 years
File information pdf, 12 pages, 551 KB
Are you ready to embark on an amazing project about our community? In the following presentation, clear and concise instructions are provided to ensure your students have a fantastic time during class. They will be tasked with creating their own community using the resources provided by the teacher. It's important to emphasize following instructions and proceeding step by step while maintaining order.
Copia de Week 7 Social St.pdf 310 KB

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Seasons Seasons Seasons Seasons Seasons
ProfeCoins 45
Resource type Lesson
Recommended age 6 - 8 years
File information pdf, 22 pages, 5.05 MB
This activity is for students from 6 to 8 year all. 
Recognize the seasons of the year.
Create your own model using the resources attached.
Analyze all the differences between each season.
Have fun creating the activity!
au-l-53354-the-seasons-cloze-activity-sheet-english_ver_3.pdf 527 KB
Seasons model.pdf 181 KB

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Planning my first book!
ProfeCoins 7
Resource type Worksheet
Recommended age 5 - 9 years
File information pdf, 1 pages, 126 KB
Planning my first  book is a very adjustable worksheet. Younger students can plan their fist book by using only pictures, while older students can use drawings and writing. The planning includes the characters, settings and the sequence of the book: beginning, middle and end. I'm having my students plan their fist book in pairs, so they can have some team work! And of course this requires a lot of monitoring from the teacher.
The idea is that after the planning, they can start creating their books.

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Back to school activities Back to school activities Back to school activities Back to school activities Back to school activities
ProfeCoins 30
Resource type Activity
Recommended age 6 - 18 years
File information Private link to
On the first day of class, I have three objectives:
  1. To make my students feel accepted.
  2. To make my students feel loved.
  3. To have them enjoy themselves.

If I achieve this, they'll want to come back to study the next day. On the first day, don't worry about procedures, rules, or academics. You'll have plenty of time for that. But you only have one chance to make the first impression that your students will have of you.
This manual includes:
  • Ideas on how to turn the first day of class into a party for your students and thereby achieve these objectives.
  • An editable Canva template for creating an invitation for your students.
  • 2 activities to get to know the teacher.
  • 10 activities for students to get to know each other, and for you to start getting to know them a bit.

  • Word search: find your classmates' names.
  • My object: select an object, take a photo, and describe why it's important to you.
  • My cubicle: decorate your cubicle with things that are meaningful to you.
  • Compliments hallway: walk through your classmates' cubicles and leave them a compliment, a quality, or something good you remember about them.
  • Create a calligram.
  • Star of truth: write an assertion about yourself in each corner of a star. Three must be true, and two false.
  • Star of truth: write five assertions about yourself, but you can only use a number or a word. Your classmates will have to guess what you mean with that information by asking you questions.
  • Unconventional puzzle.
  • My 10.
  • Friendship diagram.

The students' activities are available in Google Slide format if you want to use them that way, and in PowerPoint format for printing. If you prefer printed activities, you can use the Google Slide presentation as a guiding presentation for your students.
Some activities may need to be modified or adapted by the teacher.

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