Organs Crossword
ProfeCoins 7
Tipo de recurso Guía de trabajo
Edad recomendada 7 - 9 años
Info. del archivo pdf, 1 páginas, 237 KB
Objective: Identify major organs of the human body.

Have your students watch the following video:

After they have watched the video once or twice, tell them to look at the pictures and to read the words from the word bank. Then, tell them to solve the crossword writing the correct name for the corresponding organs. Finally, you can play the video again, making some pauses if necessary, to check the students' answers. 

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PPT Organs Human Body Review PPT Organs Human Body Review PPT Organs Human Body Review PPT Organs Human Body Review PPT Organs Human Body Review
ProfeCoins 6
Cantidad descargas 1
Tipo de recurso Actividad
Edad recomendada 7 - 8 años
Info. del archivo pdf, 57 páginas, 19,3 MB
You want to review and prepare your students for the human body evaluation? Well, here you have a perfect resource for this.
This PPT contains questions and fun facts about each organ that was studied. Let them sit in a circle, and show each question, while you give them time to think. They can answer their questions using mini whiteboards!! THEY LOVE IT!!

You can complement this with:
An introduction ppt
Human Body Mini Book

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Digestive System
ProfeCoins 5
Tipo de recurso Guía de trabajo
Edad recomendada 6 - 7 años
Info. del archivo pdf, 1 páginas, 277 KB
This worksheet is to introduce the main organs from the digestive system. The students have to label the picture with the words from the word bank. You can also project a picture of a body on the board and print organs. Then, ask your students to put them in the correct place.
I would suggest to watch this video 
It explains the digestive system in a friendly way. Students can get engaged by the jokes or interesting facts that Dr. Binocs tells.

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Human Body Mini Book Review Human Body Mini Book Review
ProfeCoins 5
Cantidad descargas 1
Tipo de recurso Guía de trabajo
Edad recomendada 7 - 8 años
Info. del archivo docx, 3 páginas, 160 KB
Studying the human body is the most exciting thing for kids! Lungs, heart and stomach are amazing organs that interests the mind of our students.

Here you can find a review of the three organs.
This is a good worksheet to use, after you taught the three organs separately. This resource can be used to prepare them for a test, or even as an informal assessment for you to see where they are.

You can complement this with:
PPT Review
PPT Introduction

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PPT Introduction to Human Body PPT Introduction to Human Body PPT Introduction to Human Body
ProfeCoins 7
Tipo de recurso Clase
Edad recomendada 7 - 8 años
Info. del archivo pdf, 7 páginas, 1,22 MB
Here is a PPT to help you introduce the subject of human body. It contains some questions you can discuss with the whole group, and explanations about what does each organ do.

I did this ppt with my friend Carmen Ortúzar.

You can complement this with:
Human Body Mini Book
PPT Review

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Muscles Exit Ticket
ProfeCoins 5
Tipo de recurso Guía de trabajo
Edad recomendada 7 - 8 años
Info. del archivo pdf, 2 páginas, 674 KB
Use this exit ticket to work with muscles!
Students have to understand that muscles cover and protect the bones.
Fun facts are great! Let them guess how many bones and muscles are in their body!

Watch this video to explain muscles.
Complement it with the ppt review!

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Human Body bulletin
ProfeCoins 5
Calificación 5.0 de 5 (1 reseña)
Cantidad descargas 12
Tipo de recurso Clase
Edad recomendada 8 - 9 años
Info. del archivo pdf, 2 páginas, 317 KB
Cantidad comentarios 1
On second grade, when students learn about human body we use a big skeleton on the Science board as a display, so every time that we learn something new about organs, bones, tendons and muscles we add the description and also the organ or body part to the skeleton. That way students can visually integrate what they are learning and what they have learnt.  
I got the skeleton and body parts for free on Pinterest. Here is the link if you want it: 
PPT Evidences of Evolution PPT Evidences of Evolution PPT Evidences of Evolution PPT Evidences of Evolution PPT Evidences of Evolution
ProfeCoins 20
Tipo de recurso Clase
Edad recomendada 13 - 18 años
Info. del archivo pptx, 43 páginas, 17,4 MB
The following lesson contains 43 slides full of activities, questions, examples and definitions of the main five evidences of evolution: Fossils, Embryology, Compared Anatomy, Biogeography and Molecular Biology. In here you will find examples of fossils, the types of fossils, some activities that work skills like data analysis, interpretations of models, comparison between two or more situations and very interesting facts that will make your students be a little bit more in love with science.

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Breathing Process
ProfeCoins 10
Tipo de recurso Guía de trabajo
Edad recomendada 8 - 11 años
Info. del archivo pdf, 1 páginas, 285 KB
OA7: Identify, locate and explain the function of some vital parts and organs of the human body, such as  the heart, lungs, stomach, skeleton and muscles, among others.

With this worksheet, students will be able to apply what they have learnt about the respiratory system and breathing process, by completing a text with vocabulary from the unit.

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Respiratory System
ProfeCoins 5
Tipo de recurso Actividad
Edad recomendada 6 - 8 años
Info. del archivo pdf, 1 páginas, 265 KB
I wrote this poem to teach the respiratory process. Students should know the main organs: nose, trachea, bronchi and lungs. You can ask them to recite the poem and at the same time, use pictures to show the process.

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