Actividad de lectura: "El monstruo es el bullying"
ProfeCoins 5
Resource type Worksheet
Recommended age 10 - 13 years
File information docx, 2 pages, 32.8 KB
- Profundizar en el concepto de solidaridad y amistad.
- Reflexionar sobre la importancia de salir de la zona de confort en ocasiones para conseguir retos.

Primera parte "Un slogan contra el acoso"
Segunda parte “Mi parte menos favorita de la escuela es el recreo”
Tercera parte "Receta de la amistad"

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Actividad de lectura "Elijo ser amable"
ProfeCoins 5
Resource type Worksheet
Recommended age 10 - 13 years
File information docx, 2 pages, 30.6 KB
- Profundizar en el concepto de solidaridad y amistad.
- Reflexionar sobre la importancia de salir de la zona de confort en ocasiones para conseguir retos. 

Primera parte: “Cuando puedas elegir entre tener la razón o ser amable, elige ser amable”
Segunda parte: "Salir de tu zona de confort"

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Libro Wonder Libro Wonder Libro Wonder Libro Wonder Libro Wonder
Downloads count 11
Resource type Activity
Recommended age 6 - 10 years
File information pdf, 15 pages, 12.5 MB
Comments count 2
La aclamada película Extraordinario, está basada en este libro, en breves páginas nos cuenta una linda historia para compartir con los estudiantes.
La aclamada película Extraordinario, está basada en este libro, en breves páginas nos cuenta una linda historia para compartir con los estudiantes.

Downloads count 37
Resource type Activity
Recommended age 6 - 11 years
File information docx, 1 pages, 115 KB
Resumen del texto "Wonder: Todos somos únicos" para que trabajes la lectura y comprensión en aula, además puedes analizar el tema de la igualdad junto a los pequeños. 
Recurso totalmente gratis, para descargar y editar.

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ProfeCoins 5
Resource type Activity
Recommended age 8 - 13 years
File information 2:39 mp4, 25.1 MB
Esta actividad es para compresión lectora, una historia creada para que el estudiante pueda leer en ingles y a su vez analizar y luego pueda responder unas series de preguntas relacionada con la historia. espero les guste.

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GATE Differentiation Matrix of Life Cycles GATE Differentiation Matrix of Life Cycles
ProfeCoins 5
Downloads count 1
Resource type Lesson
Recommended age 7 - 9 years
File information pdf, 4 pages, 62.8 KB
Gifted and Talented Education is a wonderful topic! These students need differentiated curriculum in order to meet their needs, interests and abilities. GATE children needs to go beyond the learning standards!

This is why I created this differentiation matrix that has different activities and assessments in the unit of life cycle. You can see the differentiation by readiness, interest and learning profile in the content, process and products.

Hope you can help your gifted students thrive!

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Interactions in ecosystems Interactions in ecosystems Interactions in ecosystems Interactions in ecosystems Interactions in ecosystems
ProfeCoins 20
Resource type Worksheet
Recommended age 10 - 14 years
File information Private link to
Are you looking for a deeper and student center way to work the topic of ecosystems with your students?
This digital study guide is designed using the Thinking Routine Slow Complexity Capture - Find, Capture, Explain, Wonder.
Thinking Routines are powerful tools that help students to dig deeper in the process of learning and thinking and answer the following question: What can we do as educators to help our students become better thinkers?
Using this guide, students will be able to give definitions, explain, and ask questions related to the topic.
*A text will be added in October 2021.

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Visible thinking routine: K-W-L Chart
ProfeCoins 5
Downloads count 2
Resource type Activity
Recommended age 6 - 12 years
File information pdf, 1 pages, 81 KB
 We are all familiar with how important is for students to develop a sense of metacognition and being aware of their learning process.
TThis chart is very helpful to gather information about the student knowledge about a certain topic, specially at the beginning of studying a new unit.
How to use:
-Print a copy for each student.
-At the beginning of the unit only complete the K and W column: what they know about the new topic and what they wonder.
-After they studied the topic, they can complete the L column of what they'd learned.

This routine has a lot of variations, but this template is from Pinterest. 

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ProfeCoins 20
Resource type Project
Recommended age 7 - 15 years
File information Private link to
Comments count 1
Este bello y útil recursos se convertirá en un aliado y tremendo apoyo tanto para tus estudiantes como también para tus hijos, sobrinos.
Esta en formato JPG insertable en PPT con el tamaño para llegar e imprimir.
Puedes plastificar y hacerlo llavero, ideal para llevar en el estuche en todo momento.

Daily Routine Mind Map - Second Grade
ProfeCoins 5
Downloads count 1
Resource type Activity
Recommended age 7 - 9 years
File information pdf, 1 pages, 534 KB
Daily Routine's are an excellent moment to build confidence and let our students express themselves a 100% in English. This is why I always use Mind Maps and choose one of my students (the "mini teacher") to guide the routine. 

In this routine students have to present themselves, say how old they are, how are they feeling (emphasis in the vocabulary words wonderful, tired, curious, nervous and sick) and days of the week.

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