Compare and order decimals task cards Compare and order decimals task cards Compare and order decimals task cards Compare and order decimals task cards Compare and order decimals task cards
ProfeCoins 12
Resource type Assessment
Recommended age 8 - 12 years
File information pdf, 15 pages, 4.24 MB
This product includes 20 task cards with real life problems where the students have to compare and order decimal numbers.

- 20 color task cards
- 20 white and black task cards

My suggestion if that you print them, laminate them and paste them around the classroom for students to walk from to the other solving the problems.

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Math Review Math Review Math Review Math Review Math Review
ProfeCoins 10
Resource type Activity
Recommended age 7 - 8 years
File information pdf, 16 pages, 159 KB
This fun review includes ordering numbers, comparing numbers and completing sequences. I gave my students a little whiteboard for them to write their answers and they had to write it in 30 seconds or a minute. If you have a SmartBoard, you can also take kids randomly to answer.

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Should and Must : Advice and Order Should and Must : Advice and Order Should and Must : Advice and Order Should and Must : Advice and Order Should and Must : Advice and Order
ProfeCoins 8
Downloads count 3
Resource type Activity
Recommended age 10 - 18 years
File information pptx, 37 pages, 12.3 MB
Materia: Ingles
Este recurso busca ser un apoyo para aprender y practicar acerca de los modales de consejo y obligaciones(order, prohibition) en ingles: Should and Must.
 Contiene una breve explicación de qué son, cómo se usan y su estructura.
Ademas de ejercicios para practicar.
Al final de la presentacion agreguè un par de ejercicios donde se puede practicar Speaking usando Should and Must, en el primero de ellos los alumnos describiran un lugar diciendo lo que se puede o no se puede hacer en ese lugar, sin decir el nombre del mismo, con el fin de que los demas alumnos adivinen de que lugar se habla.
En el segundo ejercicio se inventara una situacion conflictiva para que despues den consejos haciendo uso de Should o Shouldn't.

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Christmas games (Juegos para Navidad) Christmas games (Juegos para Navidad) Christmas games (Juegos para Navidad) Christmas games (Juegos para Navidad) Christmas games (Juegos para Navidad)
ProfeCoins 5
Rating 4.7 out of 5 (3 reviews)
Downloads count 515
Resource type Activity
Recommended age 6 - 18 years
File information ppsx, 15 pages, 9.13 MB
Comments count 25
                                          Christmas games presentation!
Hola Profes! Les traigo otro regalito navideño, una presentación de PPT con varios juegos navideños:
-Feelings with the gingerbread man
(Escoge la cara del Gingerbread man de acuerdo al feeling)
-Order the picture
(Ordena las partes para formar una imagen)
-Who is it?
(Descubre el personaje por su sombra)
-Become the meme
(Diviertete con tus alumnos, recreando caras graciosas de memes navideños)
Puedes usar estos juegos para iniciar el día o para bajar el estrés de la clase.
Te pido des like y dejes un comentario positivo, si te fué de ayuda, para que más profes puedan ver este material.
Merry Christmas
Prueba reevaluación primero básico Prueba reevaluación primero básico Prueba reevaluación primero básico
ProfeCoins 10
Downloads count 2
Resource type Assessment
Recommended age 6 - 10 years
File information docx, 7 pages, 1.2 MB
Prueba de reevalucación PIE para primeros básicos, centrada en área de lenguaje y matemática. 
Se evalúa dictado de palabras, escritura, artículos, ordenar oraciones y comprensión lectora. composicion y descomposición de números, dictado de números, secuencia numérica, etc. 

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Compare and order decimals task cards Compare and order decimals task cards Compare and order decimals task cards Compare and order decimals task cards Compare and order decimals task cards
ProfeCoins 12
Resource type Activity
Recommended age 9 - 13 years
File information pdf, 15 pages, 4.24 MB
This product includes 20 task cards with problems where the students have to compare and order decimal numbers.
- 20 color task cards
- 20 white and black task cards

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Compare and order decimals interactive notebook Compare and order decimals interactive notebook Compare and order decimals interactive notebook
ProfeCoins 30
Resource type Lesson
Recommended age 9 - 13 years
File information Private link to
This interactive notebook is designed with the Launch, Explore, Discuss model. I provide a brief explanation at the beginning of the notebook to familiarize you with this model, and I also detail the steps as we use them.
The notebook contains a total of 16 pages:
  • 6 for introduction and exploration of the topic
  • 1 set of vocabulary cards
  • 1 Venn diagram to compare and contrast the process of comparing and ordering integers with the process of comparing and ordering decimals
  • 6 for practicing the topic using only numbers
  • 1 for practicing the topic using problems
  • 1 for student-created problems
In addition to the interactive notebook, you will find three other supporting files for the development of the topic:
  • Answer key
  • Presentation with a brief explanation of the topic
  • Vocabulary cards with the most relevant vocabulary
If you are looking for this resource in Spanish, here is the link:

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Story Plots Story Plots Story Plots Story Plots Story Plots
ProfeCoins 5
Resource type Lesson
Recommended age 9 - 12 years
File information pptx, 23 pages, 1.38 MB
This Power Point was created in order to work with 6th grade students in the Story Plot topic.

This material was used in 2/3 different classes because it is long and it requires a lot of work from them.

The idea is that they discuss about the previous knowledge about story parts and then, they come closer to each one of them and get to understand their definitions and which elements they include.

I selected two Pixar short stories but you can use any other story.

Hope you enjoy!

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Poster Recycle Marine Life
ProfeCoins 5
Resource type Socialemotional development
Recommended age 9 - 18 years
File information pdf, 1 pages, 201 KB
The following poster contains information in order to call the attention of the audience about the problem that is happening in our planet: too much contamination. This one is focused in recycling in order to save the oceans because there is too much trash in them and it is killing their biodiversity.

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Poster Biodiversity
ProfeCoins 5
Resource type Socialemotional development
Recommended age 9 - 18 years
File information pdf, 1 pages, 7.4 MB
The following infographic contains information in order to call the attention of the audience about the problem that is happening in our planet: deforestation. This poster is focused in taking care of the biodiversity and a call for taking action and inform about it.

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