Game: Places around City V.1 Game: Places around City V.1 Game: Places around City V.1 Game: Places around City V.1 Game: Places around City V.1
ProfeCoins 30
Cantidad descargas 3
Tipo de recurso Actividad
Edad recomendada 6 - 10 años
Info. del archivo pptx, 29 páginas, 17,8 MB
Hola, espero se encuentren bien! A pedido hoy les traigo un divertido Juego en inglés sobre los lugares que mas frecuentamos en la ciudad para los niños! Este recurso educativo musicalizado tiene el objetivo de trabajar las habilidades básicas de atención visual, agilidad mental, vocabulario, pronunciación, conteo, descripción y creatividad. (puedes desactivar la música)

Contiene 24 preguntas ubicadas en ventanas, el niñ@ debe escoger un número y este nos llevará a una pregunta sobre que lugar de la ciudad nos están enseñando, cada una  viene con 3 opciones de respuesta, la correcta emite un sonido de alegría y si presionan la incorrecta sonara error y te permitirá seguir participando. Para volver al inicio se debe dar click en la flecha negra ubicada en la parte inferior izquierda y le damos la oportunidad a otro estudiante a que elija un nuevo Lugar.
¡Pon a prueba la creatividad y la rapidez mental!

En lo personal lo use también para preguntar que profesionales y objetos encontramos en el lugar, que actividades podemos realizar allí, pedí realizaran una descripción de la imagen que observaban, cuantas personas o ciertos objetos se apreciaban en ellas y crearan oraciones entre otras cosas permitiendo expresaran que conocimientos tienen sobre el lugar. Puedes trabajarlo de diferentes formas según la edad y grado, creando un ambiente de aprendizaje practico y divertido.

Powerpoint de mi autoria totalmente editable por si deseas cambiar las opciones de respuestas o usar la plantilla, actividad ideal para realizar antes o al finalizar una clase. Se puede trabajar proyectándola en clase presencial, imprimiendo en láminas y plastificando o compartiéndolo por clase virtual. (Recuerda que para que la animación funcione correctamente debe estar en modo presentación con diapositivas). Espero se diviertan! Si te gustó no olvides seguirme para recibir mas contenido en mis redes, dejar un corazón y comentarme tus dudas, experiencias o sugerencia en comentarios y reseñas. Saludos!
Acompáñame también en mis redes y formemos una linda comunidad: Youtube - Instagram

 Otros juegos/actividades en inglés:
💖 Cuando adquieras este material úsalo de manera responsable y no lo vendas, republiques o reclames como propio en cualquiera de las redes disponibles. Gracias. 💖

Créditos de las imágenes usadas en este recurso a Freepik. 

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Valentine's -Love & Friendship: 6 Valentine's Day Tools to Engage and Practice English (B1-B2 Level) Valentine's -Love & Friendship: 6 Valentine's Day Tools to Engage and Practice English (B1-B2 Level) Valentine's -Love & Friendship: 6 Valentine's Day Tools to Engage and Practice English (B1-B2 Level) Valentine's -Love & Friendship: 6 Valentine's Day Tools to Engage and Practice English (B1-B2 Level) Valentine's -Love & Friendship: 6 Valentine's Day Tools to Engage and Practice English (B1-B2 Level)
ProfeCoins 5
Tipo de recurso Actividad
Edad recomendada 12 - 18 años
Info. del archivo pdf, 24 páginas, 11,8 MB
Hello, hello! Teacher Kris here!

This resource is for English teachers. It's a compilation of 6 tools in a PDF with links to Google Drive, including lesson plans, resources, and presentations to support activities.

A dynamic activity for appreciating others.
5. LESSON PLAN Hugging: Embracing the Power of Human Connection

The intention is to use Valentine's Day as a pretext to practice English, but above all, to share and create knowledge together. Through fun games, we can get to know and recognize each other. I've also added a lesson plan about the power of hugs and a ready-to-read presentation that will allow us to generate dialogue and learn about the opinions and experiences of our students. I love Valentine's Day because it's also my birthday, and I hope you enjoy this material as much as I do.

I'm sending you a big virtual hug, and Happy Valentine's Day!
Kris Mega

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Measurement metric system length digital study guide Measurement metric system length digital study guide Measurement metric system length digital study guide Measurement metric system length digital study guide
ProfeCoins 30
Tipo de recurso Proyecto
Edad recomendada 10 - 11 años
Info. del archivo Link privado a
This resource is a digital study guide to work the metric system length
- Tools to measure length
- Most used units of measure and its abbreviations 
- Estimate measures
- 7 pages with conversion problems: charts, simple conversions, compare measurements, word problems
- 1 blank page in case the teacher would like to write their own problems

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Measurement metric system weight digital study guide Measurement metric system weight digital study guide Measurement metric system weight digital study guide Measurement metric system weight digital study guide
ProfeCoins 30
Tipo de recurso Proyecto
Edad recomendada 10 - 11 años
Info. del archivo Link privado a
This resource is a digital study guide to work the metric system weight
- Tools to measure capacity
- Most used units of measure and its abbreviations
- Estimate measures
- 7 pages with conversion problems: charts, simple conversions, compare measurements, word problems
- 1 blank page in case the teacher would like to write their own problems

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Measurement customary system length digital study guide Measurement customary system length digital study guide Measurement customary system length digital study guide
ProfeCoins 30
Tipo de recurso Proyecto
Edad recomendada 10 - 11 años
Info. del archivo Link privado a
his resource is a digital study guide to work the customary system: length
- Tools to measure length
- Most used units of measure and its abbreviations
- Estimate measures
- 7 pages with conversion problems: charts, simple conversions, compare measurements, word problems
- 1 blank page in case the teacher would like to write their own problems

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Measurement customary system weight digital study guide Measurement customary system weight digital study guide Measurement customary system weight digital study guide Measurement customary system weight digital study guide
ProfeCoins 30
Tipo de recurso Proyecto
Edad recomendada 10 - 11 años
Info. del archivo Link privado a
This resource is a digital study guide to work the customary system weight
- Tools to measure length
- Most used units of measure and its abbreviations
- Estimate measures
- 7 pages with conversion problems: charts, simple conversions, compare measurements, word problems
- 1 blank page in case the teacher would like to write their own problems

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Interactions in ecosystems Interactions in ecosystems Interactions in ecosystems Interactions in ecosystems Interactions in ecosystems
ProfeCoins 20
Tipo de recurso Guía de trabajo
Edad recomendada 10 - 14 años
Info. del archivo Link privado a
Are you looking for a deeper and student center way to work the topic of ecosystems with your students?
This digital study guide is designed using the Thinking Routine Slow Complexity Capture - Find, Capture, Explain, Wonder.
Thinking Routines are powerful tools that help students to dig deeper in the process of learning and thinking and answer the following question: What can we do as educators to help our students become better thinkers?
Using this guide, students will be able to give definitions, explain, and ask questions related to the topic.
*A text will be added in October 2021.

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Crisis and Conflict Resolution_ 4 Week Unit on Crisis and Conflict Solution with SDG Crisis and Conflict Resolution_ 4 Week Unit on Crisis and Conflict Solution with SDG Crisis and Conflict Resolution_ 4 Week Unit on Crisis and Conflict Solution with SDG Crisis and Conflict Resolution_ 4 Week Unit on Crisis and Conflict Solution with SDG Crisis and Conflict Resolution_ 4 Week Unit on Crisis and Conflict Solution with SDG
ProfeCoins 62
Tipo de recurso Proyecto
Edad recomendada 10 - 18 años
Info. del archivo Link privado a
4 Week Unit on Crisis and Conflict Solution with SDG

Hello, hello there!
My name is Kristen, and this is a 4 week unit.
Engage and inspire your 6th to 12th-grade students with this exciting and immersive 4-week unit on crisis and conflict solution, integrated with essential Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) such as reducing inequalities, promoting quality education, and establishing peace, justice, and strong institutions. This unit is specifically designed to foster critical thinking, empathy, and global citizenship skills among your students, all while exploring the power of photography and photojournalism in conflict resolution.
Key Features of the Unit:
  1. Create a Conflict Word Web: Kickstart the unit by building a comprehensive understanding of conflict through the creation of a conflict word web. Students will delve into the different aspects and causes of conflicts, enhancing their vocabulary and analytical skills.
  2. Hone Your Skills as a Photographer: Discover the art of photography and empower your students to express their perspectives on conflicts and their potential solutions. Engage them in fun and interactive photography exercises, fostering creativity and visual storytelling abilities.
  3. Investigate Global Conflicts: Encourage students to delve into real-world conflicts and crises, analyzing their causes, consequences, and potential solutions. This inquiry-based approach will ignite their curiosity, research skills, and broaden their global awareness.
  4. Create a Photojournalism Story about a Conflict Scenario: In this exciting phase of the unit, students will combine their newfound photography skills with their research on global conflicts to create compelling photojournalism stories. They will learn the power of visual narratives and explore how photography can promote conflict resolution and social change.
Key Questions Addressed:
  • What is conflict, and why is it important to understand conflict?
  • Why is dialogue essential in preventing the escalation of conflict?
  • How can photography and photojournalism be used to promote conflict resolution?
Benefits for Teachers:
  • Comprehensive lesson plans with clear learning objectives and step-by-step instructions.
  • Varied and engaging activities that cater to different learning styles.
  • An integrated approach to teach conflict resolution, empathy, and critical thinking skills.
  • Opportunities for cross-curricular connections with language arts, social studies, and visual arts.
  • Access to ready-to-use worksheets, graphic organizers, and assessment tools.
Benefits for Students:
  • Active and collaborative learning experiences that encourage student participation.
  • Development of critical thinking and problem-solving skills.
  • Enhanced global awareness and empathy towards diverse conflicts and communities.
  • Opportunities for creative expression through photography and visual storytelling.
  • A deeper understanding of the Sustainable Development Goals and their relevance in today's world.
Included 3 Files:
  1. PDF Presentation
  2. PDF Worksheets
  3. Google Slides
Don't miss this opportunity to empower your students with skills for conflict resolution and understanding, equip them with the tools they need to make a positive impact on the world.

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Mystery picture: addition
ProfeCoins 5
Tipo de recurso Guía de trabajo
Edad recomendada 6 - 8 años
Info. del archivo pdf, 2 páginas, 224 KB
This worksheet is a very entertaining tool to practice addition of one digit addends. The students have to solve the additions and look at the bottom for the color of each result. Then, they have to paint the space of the addition with that color. Fun, and also a way to practice coloring small areas.

If you want more resources like this, you can go to this publication.

Disclaimer: I downloaded this resource from superteacherworksheets with a paid account. 

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Mystery picture: addition #2
ProfeCoins 5
Tipo de recurso Guía de trabajo
Edad recomendada 6 - 8 años
Info. del archivo pdf, 2 páginas, 240 KB
 This worksheet is a very entertaining tool to practice addition of one digit addends. The students have to solve the additions and look at the bottom for the color of each result. Then, they have to paint the space of the addition with that color. Fun, and also a way to practice coloring small areas.

If you want more resources like this, you can go to this publication.

Disclaimer: I downloaded this resource from superteacherworksheets with a paid account. 

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