Color Monster: Identifying Characters' Feelings.
ProfeCoins 5
Resource type Worksheet
Recommended age 6 - 8 years
File information pdf, 1 pages, 161 KB
Objective: Reading Comprehension (Character Feelings)

Before doing this worksheet, it is necessary to read the story "The Color Monster" with your class. The idea is for students to identify the color that is related with each feeling, according to the story. 

If you have the book, you may read it aloud to your students. If your students can already read on their own, you might want them to take turns for reading aloud. For example, each child could read about one feeling. That way, you can also check fluency and pronunciation.

If you don't have the book, you can find the story on the following link:

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Larry Gets Lost in Seattle Reading Comprehension
ProfeCoins 15
Resource type Worksheet
Recommended age 6 - 9 years
File information pdf, 2 pages, 363 KB
Objective: Reading comprehension - Identify character feelings.

Before doing this worksheet, students need to read and/or listen to the story "Larry Gets Lost in Seattle". If you have the book, you can read aloud or students can take turns to read aloud, so you can check fluency and pronunciation.
If you do not have the book, you can find the story in the following link:

After reading and/or listening to the story, students answer some questions and then they identify how Larry felt with the situation. Then, they complete a key by writing the name of the emotions next to some emojis. 

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Daily Routine Mind Map - Kinder Daily Routine Mind Map - Kinder
ProfeCoins 5
Downloads count 1
Resource type Activity
Recommended age 4 - 6 years
File information pdf, 3 pages, 530 KB
Daily Routine's are an excellent moment to build confidence and let our students express themselves a 100% in English. This is why I always use Mind Maps and choose one of my students (the "mini teacher") to guide the routine. 

In this pdf you can find 3 routines. The three of them includes a presentation. the presentation of the book main character (Bobby Bear from the AMCO program), feelings (differnt feelings in each routine) and days of the week (today is, yestreday was, tomorrow will be). The first routine also includes the favorite color.

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Dolly's Drama Queen Day
ProfeCoins 5
Resource type Worksheet
Recommended age 6 - 7 years
File information pdf, 1 pages, 141 KB
Dolly's Drama Queen Day is a story that talks about a girl who experiences different feelings throughout a day. She gets angry, sad, happy, etc.
Ask your students to identify the feeling and the action that relates to that feeling.
E.g., She cries - She feels sad
The story is from , but you can also check it in Youtube

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Create Your Own Dr. Seuss Character. For print Create Your Own Dr. Seuss Character. For print
Downloads count 48
Resource type Project
Recommended age 4 - 7 years
File information pdf, 3 pages, 507 KB
Comments count 1

Create Your Own Dr. Seuss Character.

Archivo imprimible para colorear, recortar y pegar. 
Crea tu personaje estilo Dr. Seuss, incluyendo su hábitat, personalidad y tipo de dieta.
Divertida actividad para niños de preescolar y primaria.
Book report template
Downloads count 557
Resource type Worksheet
Recommended age 6 - 10 years
File information pdf, 1 pages, 235 KB
Comments count 3
This book report template is my favorite for students to complete.
It includes space to draw the cover, to identify the author's and illustrator's name, a space to identify and describe characters and the setting of the story. Also, a space to write down the sequence of events in the story, a little chart for students to evaluate the book and to write their favorite event.

This resource is from Pinterst. 
Character profile- Boy
Downloads count 27
Resource type Worksheet
Recommended age 6 - 10 years
File information pdf, 1 pages, 284 KB
Comments count 1
This character profile organizer from Pinterest is a great way for students to record any information about the main and secondary characters of the story.
It includes a space for students to describe physically and psychologically the character and their role on the story.
If you need the same profile but for a girl character you can go to this post

Character Autopsy
Downloads count 1
Resource type Activity
Recommended age 10 - 14 years
File information Private link to
I used this activity for a character analysis, this could be used for any novel. What really engaged my students at first was the name of the activity. If you want to add more body parts you can or students could think of some.

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Guess the character Halloween Guess the character Halloween Guess the character Halloween Guess the character Halloween Guess the character Halloween
ProfeCoins 6
Downloads count 3
Resource type Activity
Recommended age 4 - 7 years
File information pptx, 12 pages, 2.54 MB
Hola, hoy comparto con ustedes un juego que me ha funcionado con mis pequeños de preescolar durante la temporada de Halloween, es un juego para adivinar a los personajes y repasar el vocabulario, los alumnos tienen que adivinar quienes estas escondidos detrás de la calabaza y poder reclamar su premio, puede jugarse en equipos. Espero les guste.

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Where's the Character? Christmas challenge Where's the Character? Christmas challenge Where's the Character? Christmas challenge Where's the Character? Christmas challenge Where's the Character? Christmas challenge
ProfeCoins 15
Downloads count 3
Resource type Activity
Recommended age 6 - 12 years
File information pptx, 13 pages, 19.5 MB
Hola! hoy les traigo a pedido un divertido Juego en inglés realizado en powerpont para los niños en el que tendrán que buscar el personaje indicado. Este recurso educativo musicalizado con temática de Navidad tiene el objetivo de trabajar las habilidades básicas de atención visual, agilidad mental, lateralidad y orientación espacial.
Versión del juego en español
Tendrás 15 segundos para encontrarlo y si no lo consigues en ese tiempo, puedes continuar hasta encontrarla o ceder el turno a tu compañero.
¡Pon a prueba tu atención! ¿Conseguirás llegar hasta la última fase? Para pasar al siguiente reto debes presionar la flecha ubicada en la parte inferior derecha.
En lo personal antes de continuar también les preguntaba por otros personajes que se aprecian en los 10 escenarios para trabajar conceptos de orientación espacial, lateralidad, diversidad, colores, vocabulario, entre otros.
Powerpoint de mi autoria totalmente editable por si deseas agregar o cambiar el orden de los personajes. Ideal para trabajar antes de iniciar o al finalizar una clase. (Recuerda que para que la animación funcione debe estar en modo presentación). Espero se diviertan! Si te gustó no olvides seguirme para recibir mas contenido, dejar un corazón y comentarme tu experiencia o sugerencia en comentarios y reseñas. Saludos!

Versión del juego en español

Acompáñame también en mis redes y formemos una linda comunidad: Youtube - Instagram

Otros juegos en Inglés:
My Favorite things (Wheel)
Lucia's Myopia (Pack with 4 activities)
Difference Challenge (Valentine's Day)
Game: Find the emoji that does not repeat (Valentine's day)
Reach for the Star: Back to School
New Year Resolutions
Pack: Frosty, the snowman (with 6 activities)
Game: Save Santa from the Grinch (Christmas)
Game Pasapalabras (Christmas)
Find the different picture (Christmas)
Game of Fruits (Wheel)
Guess the Word (My Family)
Game of Colors (Wheel)
Game: Circus of Synonyms and Antonyms
Farm Animals
Wild Animals

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