Solving Problems Solving Problems Solving Problems Solving Problems Solving Problems
ProfeCoins 15
Downloads count 1
Resource type Activity
Recommended age 4 - 5 years
File information pdf, 17 pages, 1.03 MB
Hello Everyone!

Today I will share with you an activity that you can make at home and using different objects that you have in there. In this case, I used post it and unifixes, but instead of unifixes you can use fruits, socks, legos, etc.

Concrete material is always a good idea because children can manipulate and that would help them to relate the number with the quantity. This way it will make it easier for them to count and get the result.

Hope you have fun with this!!

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Dados interactivos (en inglés) Four dices Dados interactivos (en inglés) Four dices Dados interactivos (en inglés) Four dices
ProfeCoins 5
Downloads count 6
Resource type Activity
Recommended age 4 - 10 years
File information pptx, 6 pages, 6.68 MB
Comments count 1
4 Dados interactivos en inglés 
  1. Quantities dice (6 caras con manzanas)
  2. Numbers dice (Numeros del 1 al 6)
  3. Emotions dice (6 emociones en inglés y español: Feliz/Happy, Triste/Sad, Calmado/Relax, Enfadado/Angry, Aburrido/Bored y Asustado/Scared
  4. Shapes dice (Circle, triangle, rectangle, square, oval and rhombus)
Funciona de la misma forma que funcionan los dados en español, los dados de la segunda página te llevan directamente al dado que escoges usar, en el botón Back regresas a la lista de dados de la segunda página, en el botón de start comienzan a moverse las caras visibles del dado y al pararlo en stop se detienen las caras.
Video de como funciona:
Karime Castellón P  karime.castellon.p

@aldo Si claro, funciona de la misma forma que funcionan los dados en español, los dados de la segunda página te llevan directamente al dado que tu escoges usar, en el botón "Back" regresas a la lista de dados, en el botón de "start" comienzan a moverse las caras y al pararlo en "stop" se detienen las caras.

Use of: An - A - Some - Any - A lot of - Much - Many Use of: An - A - Some - Any - A lot of - Much - Many Use of: An - A - Some - Any - A lot of - Much - Many Use of: An - A - Some - Any - A lot of - Much - Many Use of: An - A - Some - Any - A lot of - Much - Many
ProfeCoins 5
Downloads count 4
Resource type Lesson
Recommended age 10 - 14 years
File information pptx, 19 pages, 4.53 MB
Estimados colegas,

El recurso adjunto es una Presentación Power Point contiene 20 slides, la cuál contiene la explicación de An - A - Some - Any - A lot of - Much - Many  en contexto de comida, está basada en el currículo nacional de Chile para 7° básico unidad 2 'Healthy Food'.

La presentación contiene:
- Explicaciones de cada caso y ejemplos.
- 1 actividad a realizar en el PPT
- 2 Links de actividades para realizar en conjunto con los estudiantes
- Tablas de resumen de avance que pueden los estudiantes registrar en sus cuadernos o imprimir.
- Una tarea final para realizar con los estudiantes e incluso de forma asincrónica.

Espero les sea muy útil.


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Count and Clip Cards Christmas Tree A contar Arbolito de navidad Count and Clip Cards Christmas Tree A contar Arbolito de navidad Count and Clip Cards Christmas Tree A contar Arbolito de navidad Count and Clip Cards Christmas Tree A contar Arbolito de navidad Count and Clip Cards Christmas Tree A contar Arbolito de navidad
ProfeCoins 30
Resource type Activity
Recommended age 4 - 10 years
File information pdf, 27 pages, 5.83 MB

In color: 
11 Ball Cards 
11 Christmas tree Cards
11 Star Cards 
11 Light Cards 

A Black and white: 
11 Ball Cards 
11 Christmas tree cards 
11 Star Cards 
11 Light Cards 


Print, cut out and use these cards to review the numbers, associating the images with the quantities with each other, for greater recognition. 

Do these activities with a clothespin as a marker, as well as decorate them in their black and white version, using different techniques, among other activities. 

We suggest printing this product on thick paper or cardboard, for better use. 

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Count and Clip Cards back to school a contar regreso a clase Count and Clip Cards back to school a contar regreso a clase Count and Clip Cards back to school a contar regreso a clase Count and Clip Cards back to school a contar regreso a clase Count and Clip Cards back to school a contar regreso a clase
ProfeCoins 30
Resource type Activity
Recommended age 4 - 10 years
File information pdf, 27 pages, 6.04 MB

In color: 
11 Color Cards 
11 Marker Cards 
11 Paint tubes Cards
11 Brush Cards 

A Black and white: 
11 Color Cards 
11 Marker Cards 
11 Paint tubes Cards
11 Brush Cards 


Print, cut out and use these cards to review the numbers, associating the images with the quantities with each other, for greater recognition. 

Do these activities with a clothespin as a marker, as well as decorate them in their black and white version, using different techniques, among other activities. 

We suggest printing this product on thick paper or cardboard, for better use. 

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Count and Clip Cards Back to school A Contar Regreso a clases 2 Count and Clip Cards Back to school A Contar Regreso a clases 2 Count and Clip Cards Back to school A Contar Regreso a clases 2 Count and Clip Cards Back to school A Contar Regreso a clases 2 Count and Clip Cards Back to school A Contar Regreso a clases 2
ProfeCoins 30
Resource type Activity
Recommended age 4 - 10 years
File information pdf, 27 pages, 5.53 MB
 In color: 
11 Notebook Cards 
11 Pin Cards 
11 Paint Palette Cards 
11 Rules Cards

A Black and white: 
11 Notebook Cards 
11 Pin Cards 
11 Paint Palette Cards 
11 Rules Cards


Print, cut out and use these cards to review the numbers, associating the images with the quantities with each other, for greater recognition. 

Do these activities with a clothespin as a marker, as well as decorate them in their black and white version, using different techniques, among other activities. 

We suggest printing this product on thick paper or cardboard, for better use. 

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Count and Clip Cards The Ocean A contar El mar Animales Count and Clip Cards The Ocean A contar El mar Animales Count and Clip Cards The Ocean A contar El mar Animales Count and Clip Cards The Ocean A contar El mar Animales Count and Clip Cards The Ocean A contar El mar Animales
ProfeCoins 30
Resource type Activity
Recommended age 4 - 10 years
File information pdf, 27 pages, 9.09 MB

In color: 
4 sets of 11 cards 
Total: 44 cards 

To black and white:
4 sets of 11 cards 
Total: 44 cards

Print, cut out and use these cards to review the numbers, associating the images with the quantities with each other, for greater recognition. 

Do these activities with a clip as a marker, as well as decorate them in their black and white version, using different techniques, among other activities. 

We suggest printing this product on thick paper or cardboard, for better use.

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Decimals and fractions math project your own Bakery Shop Decimals and fractions math project your own Bakery Shop Decimals and fractions math project your own Bakery Shop
ProfeCoins 35
Resource type Project
Recommended age 10 - 11 years
File information Private link to
In this resource the students have to create their own bakery shop and they will use decimals and fractions for that.
- 1 page for students to get creative and design the name, the logo and the slogan of the shop
- 6 pages of recipes (multiply and divide fractions)
- 1 page to estimate quantities (add fractions)
- 2 pages to compare prices (compare decimals)
- 3 pages with mixed problems of decimals
- 2 pages with mixed problems of fractions
You will also find a blank page to create your own problems.
All the texts are editable and you can do all the changes you consider for your students.
You can also erase the slides that are not appropriate for your students.

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Decimals and fractions math project your own Bakery Shop Decimals and fractions math project your own Bakery Shop Decimals and fractions math project your own Bakery Shop
ProfeCoins 35
Resource type Project
Recommended age 10 - 11 years
File information Private link to
In this resource the students have to create their own bakery shop and they will use decimals and fractions for that.
- 1 page for students to get creative and design the name, the logo and the slogan of the shop
- 6 pages of recipes (multiply and divide fractions)
- 1 page to estimate quantities (add fractions)
- 2 pages to compare prices (compare decimals)
- 3 pages with mixed problems of decimals
- 2 pages with mixed problems of fractions
You will also find a blank page to create your own problems.
All the texts are editable and you can do all the changes you consider for your students.
You can also erase the slides that are not appropriate for your students.

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Flash Cards Numbers Tarjetas Ilustrativas 1 a 100 Bilingual Bilingüe Spanish English Español Inglés Flash Cards Numbers Tarjetas Ilustrativas 1 a 100 Bilingual Bilingüe Spanish English Español Inglés Flash Cards Numbers Tarjetas Ilustrativas 1 a 100 Bilingual Bilingüe Spanish English Español Inglés Flash Cards Numbers Tarjetas Ilustrativas 1 a 100 Bilingual Bilingüe Spanish English Español Inglés Flash Cards Numbers Tarjetas Ilustrativas 1 a 100 Bilingual Bilingüe Spanish English Español Inglés
ProfeCoins 30
Downloads count 1
Resource type Activity
Recommended age 4 - 18 years
File information pdf, 62 pages, 4.6 MB
101 Color Numbers
101 black and white numbers
15 Color mathematical signs
15 black and white mathematical signs


Print, cut out and use these cards to review the numbers, starting from 1 to 10, then moving on to the others as needed.

Perform activities such as organizing them in numerical order, matching games, looking for the missing number, identifying numbers with common quantities in the environment, as well as decorating them in their black and white version, using different techniques, among other activities.

We suggest printing this product on thick paper or cardboard, for better use.

101 Números a color 
101 Números a blanco y negro
15 Signos matemáticos a color
15 Signos matemáticos a blanco y negro


Imprime, recorta y utiliza estas tarjetas para repasar los números, iniciando del 1 al 10, para luego continuar con los demás, según sea necesario.

Realiza actividades como organizarlos en orden numérico, juegos de parejas, buscar el número faltante, identificar los números con cantidades comunes del entorno, así como decorarlos en su versión blanco y negro, utilizando diferentes técnicas, entre otras actividades. 

Sugerimos realizar la impresión de este producto en un papel grueso o cartulina, para una mejor utilización. 

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