Boys and Girls. Boys and Girls. Boys and Girls. Boys and Girls. Boys and Girls.
ProfeCoins 5
Resource type Lesson
Recommended age 4 - 6 years
File information pptx, 13 pages, 541 KB
This Power Point was used to introduce the vocabulary of Boy and Girl in a Prekinder (non bilingual school)

At first, you show each one of the genders and say the name out loud. Student must repeat and do the mimicry that the teacher does. This helps them to remember.

After that, you choose some random students to come to the board and point with some picture work.
At the end, there is a questions game with: Can you show me a girl/boy in this table?

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Color the boys.
ProfeCoins 5
Resource type Activity
Recommended age 4 - 6 years
File information docx, 1 pages, 492 KB
In this worksheet about boys and girls, students will have to listen to the instructions and color the three boys, each one of them in a different color.

It is very important to practice this type of exercises, in which they have to follow three different instructions for the same activity.

Complementary with boys and girls class.

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Color the girls.
ProfeCoins 5
Resource type Activity
Recommended age 4 - 6 years
File information docx, 1 pages, 1020 KB
In this worksheet about boys and girls, students will have to listen to the instructions and color the three boys, each one of them in a different color.

It is very important to practice this type of exercises, in which they have to follow three different instructions for the same activity.

Similar exercise that the color the boys worksheet but with different instructions.
Complementary with boys and girls class.

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Character profile- Boy
Downloads count 27
Resource type Worksheet
Recommended age 6 - 10 years
File information pdf, 1 pages, 284 KB
Comments count 1
This character profile organizer from Pinterest is a great way for students to record any information about the main and secondary characters of the story.
It includes a space for students to describe physically and psychologically the character and their role on the story.
If you need the same profile but for a girl character you can go to this post

Girls and boys recognition game: SAY IT OUT LOUD! Girls and boys recognition game: SAY IT OUT LOUD! Girls and boys recognition game: SAY IT OUT LOUD! Girls and boys recognition game: SAY IT OUT LOUD! Girls and boys recognition game: SAY IT OUT LOUD!
ProfeCoins 5
Downloads count 1
Resource type Activity
Recommended age 4 - 6 years
File information pptx, 12 pages, 1.44 MB
This is a Power Point in which students will have to quickly recognize if it is a boy or a girl. The idea is to do it as a warming up activity with the whole group, but also you can call random students to say the answers.
At the end, it includes some pointing/circle part.

Complementary ppt to continue working with Boys and Girls vocabulary.

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My new boy by Joan Phillips
ProfeCoins 5
Resource type Lesson
Recommended age 6 - 7 years
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After we read our literature book "My new boy" by Joan Phillips we played this comprehension game in where the students had to choose the correct answer. You can also use it as a fun way tu evaluate how much they understood from the book. 

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Guía de laboratorio LEY DE BOYLE-MARIOTTE Guía de laboratorio LEY DE BOYLE-MARIOTTE
ProfeCoins 20
Downloads count 1
Resource type Worksheet
Recommended age 10 - 18 years
File information docx, 3 pages, 41 KB
¡Bienvenidos, aventureros de la ciencia! Hoy, les invitamos a un emocionante viaje a través de un mundo mágico donde exploraremos la Ley de Boyle. En este laboratorio, descubriremos cómo los cambios de volumen y presión pueden llevarnos a sorprendentes revelaciones. ¡Prepárense para una experiencia única!

Historia Mágica: El Cuento del Viajero Dimensional

Antes de sumergirnos en nuestro experimento, embarquemos en un viaje mágico. Imagina que eres un intrépido viajero dimensional que llega a un mundo donde la magia es real. Aquí, los magos pueden controlar la presión y el volumen del aire a su antojo. Sin embargo, una antigua profecía habla de que solo aquellos que comprendan la Ley de Boyle podrán desbloquear el poder oculto en los pergaminos mágicos. Tu misión es aprender esta ley y desvelar su magia.

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I am, Yo soy
Downloads count 20
Resource type Activity
Recommended age 4 - 5 years
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Ficha para trabajar I am

El objetivo de aprendizaje es que los estudiantes sean capaces de reconocer la palabra Boy (niño) y Girl (niña) en ingles

Se les debe entregar la ficha a los niños 
En caso de se una niña debe colorear la muñeca y la palabra girl
En caso de se una niño debe colorear el muñeca y la palabra boy

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Body parts worksheet.
ProfeCoins 5
Resource type Activity
Recommended age 4 - 6 years
File information docx, 2 pages, 283 KB
This worksheet about body parts consists in two different parts:

  • First, they have listen and follow instructions (circle/color) each one of the body parts.
  • Then, they have to listen and color in the big boy picture.

Complementary activity for Our Body class.

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My family My family My family My family My family
ProfeCoins 15
Downloads count 4
Resource type Lesson
Recommended age 6 - 7 years
File information pptx, 20 pages, 1.56 MB
Book "Family and Friends 1" Vocabulary unit 6. 

In this Power Point you can find family members vocabulary and also you can practise the use of "this is..." - "these are..." / "he is ..." - "she is..." 

On the activity attached the students need to identify which family members refers to a girl and which ones refers to a boy. 

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