ProfeCoins 80
Cantidad descargas 1
Tipo de recurso Actividad
Edad recomendada 6 - 16 años
Info. del archivo Link privado a
Versión en español del juego (plantilla con 110 preguntas)
Hola, espero se encuentren bien! Hoy les traigo un divertido super mega juego en inglés de cultura general editable para los niños! Este ppt educativo esta formado por una ruleta con 11 categorías donde cada una trae 10 preguntas para escoger con un total de 110 Preguntas!
El objetivo de esta actividad es trabajar las habilidades básicas de atención, agilidad mental, retroalimentar los conocimientos en las diferentes materias, repasar vocabulario, pronunciación conceptos, permitiendo que cada estudiante se exprese de una manera interactiva y entretenida.
El juego consiste en girar la ruleta presionando el botón PRESS HERE la detenemos cuando el estudiante nos indique y posteriormente hacemos click en el color que se detuvo. Este nos llevara a su categoria como podemos observar, donde encontraremos 10 preguntas. Nuevamente el estudiante debe escoger un número donde saldrá una pregunta relacionada con la categoria. Una vez se reciba la respuesta para regresar el Menú, debes dar click en la miniruleta ubicada en la parte inferior izquierda y damos la oportunidad a que otro estudiante gire la ruleta. (puedes desactivar la música)

¡Pon a prueba la atención, la rapidez mental y diviertete en grande con tus estudiantes permitiendo que vivan la magia de aprender jugando!

Esta actividad la pueden jugar de manera individual o grupalmente formando dos equipos, desafiando a contestar cada pregunta en cierta cantidad de segundos, llevando un puntaje de cada uno. En si puedes trabajarlo de diferentes formas según la edad y grado, creando un ambiente de aprendizaje creativo,  practico y divertido.

Powerpoint de mi autoria totalmente editable por si deseas cambiar las 11 categorías, las 110 preguntas imágenes o usar la plantilla con una unidad temática en especifico. Actividad ideal para trabajar en los grados de primaria, con nuestros peques en casa y Si lo editas en secundaria, interactuando en la tablet, en el computador, proyectandolo en la clase presencial o compartiéndolo en la clase virtual.. (Recuerda que para que la animación funcione correctamente debe estar en modo presentación con diapositivas). Espero se diviertan! Si te gustó no olvides seguirme para recibir mas contenido en mis redes, dejar un corazón y comentarme tus dudas, experiencias o sugerencia en comentarios y reseñas. Saludos!
Acompáñame también en mis redes y formemos una linda comunidad: Youtube - Instagram

Juegos en inglés sobre animales:
Game: Sea Animals (30-question template)
Farm Animals Game (Wheel)
Wild Animals Game (Wheel)

💖 Cuando adquieras este material úsalo de manera responsable y no lo vendas, republiques o reclames como propio en cualquiera de las redes disponibles. Gracias. 💖

Créditos de las imágenes usadas en este recurso a Freepik. 

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Six Thinking Hats. A dynamic to develop creative thinking Six Thinking Hats. A dynamic to develop creative thinking
ProfeCoins 30
Tipo de recurso Actividad
Edad recomendada 4 - 18 años
Info. del archivo pdf, 4 páginas, 1,16 MB
The Six Thinking Hats by Bono is a powerful tool developed by the thinker, psychologist, and writer Edward de Bono in the 1980s to enhance creative and critical thinking in decision-making and problem-solving and to develop lateral thinking.
In the educational context, this technique can inspire a deeper and collaborative approach to learning.
This technique involves using six imaginary or physical hats to focus on the problem or challenge from six different perspectives.
Hats and perspectives:
  • White Hat. Information: Facts and data 
  • Black Hat. Pessimistic: Critique and caution 
  • Yellow Hat. Optimistic: Benefits and advantages 
  • Red Hat. Intuition: Emotions and feelings 
  • Green Hat. Creativity: Alternatives and proposals 
  • Blue Hat. Executive: Organization and processes 
How to use the Six Thinking Hats:
  1. Choose a topic, event, problem, or project to analyze. 
  2. Divide the students into groups of six or divide the entire class into six groups. 
  3. If you divide the students into groups of six, each student will be assigned a hat and thinking style to analyze. For example, one student will have the White Hat, which is informative, and will have to investigate the facts and data being analyzed. If you divide the class into six groups, each group will be assigned a hat and thinking style to analyze. For example, one complete group will have the White Hat, which is informative, and will have to investigate the facts and data being analyzed. 
  4. Once they have completed the analysis, either each member within their team or each team within the classroom will share their part of the analysis. 
  5. Others can ask questions or request further information, but always from their hat and thinking style.
It's also possible to ask each student to consider a situation or problem from the six perspectives if you want to conduct this activity individually.
PDF containing: 
• Explanation and theory of the topic 
• Posters with guiding questions for each hat and thinking style. You can project and explain these to the students or print them and place them in different parts of the classroom or a hallway to indicate the different workstations for each thinking type. 
• Interactive notebook format. Two formats of interactive notebooks with the guiding questions for your students to follow. Two blank interactive notebook formats for the teacher to add questions or even for asking students to think of questions related to the topic and each thinking style. 
Google Form with questions. You should modify the Google Form as per the instructions to add what you want your students to work on.
PDF with topic explanation, printable posters, and interactive notebook formats
Google Form
If your are looking for this resource in Spanish, here is the link:

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Sentence Starters Sentence Starters Sentence Starters Sentence Starters Sentence Starters
ProfeCoins 10
Tipo de recurso Actividad
Edad recomendada 7 - 9 años
Info. del archivo pdf, 13 páginas, 4,41 MB
This presentation is a great way to get your students confident in sentence writing! It includes different sentence starters and pictures. I gave each student a little whiteboard and presented a sentence starter. They had to try to write something using that sentence starter according to the picture on the slide. Repeat with the rest of the sentence starters.

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Creative ways to say Hello in English
ProfeCoins 5
Cantidad descargas 3
Tipo de recurso Desarrollo socioemocional
Edad recomendada 7 - 7 años
Info. del archivo png, 204 KB
Esta es una simple imagen con formas creativas de decir "Hello", para poder implementar clase a clase  y salir del clásico "Hello" para poder utilizar real English en la clase de Inglés.
What's going on?
How have you been?
Good to see you!
Hey! great to see you

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AT sound words
Cantidad descargas 3
Tipo de recurso Guía de trabajo
Edad recomendada 4 - 4 años
Info. del archivo pdf, 2 páginas, 248 KB
With this resource you can plan an e-learning or houseroom class with preschoolers ESL that are just learning their first words. It's fun and creative, you can complement it with songs and other games. Thanks for supporting my work. 

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Project Women who changed the world Project Women who changed the world Project Women who changed the world Project Women who changed the world Project Women who changed the world
ProfeCoins 10
Tipo de recurso Proyecto
Edad recomendada 8 - 16 años
Info. del archivo Link privado a
Only for this month, you can get it for 10 profe coins!

This project about women who changed the world is ideal to work with your students during women's history month in a creative, different way.
Students will do a little research to learn why some women are important. Later, they will choose a woman to do a more detailed investigation, a mosaic and a presentation.
  • Research: it is an excellent opportunity to work with students on the proper use of web pages, how to know which web page is more appropriate, and how to choose the most relevant information.
  • Mosaic: it develops and explores creativity. It is also a way evaluate the assimilation of the content in a very different way.
  • Presentation: it works communication skills.
  • And of course, we continue to raise awareness in our students of the importance of SDG5 (Sustainable Development Goal 5: Gender equality).
For the purchase of this resource, you receive as a gift the Posters women who changed the world

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Decimals and fractions math project your own Bakery Shop Decimals and fractions math project your own Bakery Shop Decimals and fractions math project your own Bakery Shop
ProfeCoins 35
Tipo de recurso Proyecto
Edad recomendada 10 - 11 años
Info. del archivo Link privado a
In this resource the students have to create their own bakery shop and they will use decimals and fractions for that.
- 1 page for students to get creative and design the name, the logo and the slogan of the shop
- 6 pages of recipes (multiply and divide fractions)
- 1 page to estimate quantities (add fractions)
- 2 pages to compare prices (compare decimals)
- 3 pages with mixed problems of decimals
- 2 pages with mixed problems of fractions
You will also find a blank page to create your own problems.
All the texts are editable and you can do all the changes you consider for your students.
You can also erase the slides that are not appropriate for your students.

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Decimals and fractions math project your own Bakery Shop Decimals and fractions math project your own Bakery Shop Decimals and fractions math project your own Bakery Shop
ProfeCoins 35
Tipo de recurso Proyecto
Edad recomendada 10 - 11 años
Info. del archivo Link privado a
In this resource the students have to create their own bakery shop and they will use decimals and fractions for that.
- 1 page for students to get creative and design the name, the logo and the slogan of the shop
- 6 pages of recipes (multiply and divide fractions)
- 1 page to estimate quantities (add fractions)
- 2 pages to compare prices (compare decimals)
- 3 pages with mixed problems of decimals
- 2 pages with mixed problems of fractions
You will also find a blank page to create your own problems.
All the texts are editable and you can do all the changes you consider for your students.
You can also erase the slides that are not appropriate for your students.

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Bingo Espeluznante
ProfeCoins 15
Tipo de recurso Actividad
Edad recomendada 8 - 14 años
Info. del archivo Link privado a
👻Este bingo contiene 14 cartones con la temática de Halloween, ademas de  fichas recortables para poner en la tómbola.🎃
PDF listo para imprimir.
Plantillas de Canva @Worsheet Canva Creative
Editado por Catalina González 

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Christmas Elf
ProfeCoins 5
Tipo de recurso Actividad
Edad recomendada 7 - 9 años
Info. del archivo pdf, 1 páginas, 30,8 KB
Every kid loves christmas. It's their favourite time in the year! I created this activity and they had so much fun. I gave each student one on this books which they had to fill however they wanted. I challenged them to be as creative as possible and we got some pretty fun outcomes! After they were done, they had to color the elf I'm attaching below.
We took pictures of each student's face and paste them on top of the elf's face. The book goes pasted on the elf's body, as if he/she was holding it. My kids had a good laugh looking at them as little elfs! Hope you can use it too.

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