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elizabeth lopez - @elizalopez

elizabeth lopez

Joined on 12 Aug, 2021
4 Posts
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Recent resources

Letter N sound
ProfeCoins 5
Resource type Worksheet
Recommended age 4 - 4 years
File information pdf, 2 pages, 250 KB
You can use this worksheet to teach your preschoolers the sound of the letter N. Try to prepare some videos or other resources that might be helpful for teaching the concepts Neat and Nice. Hope it will be helpful for all of you. 

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Letter B - Preschool reading
Downloads count 3
Resource type Worksheet
Recommended age 4 - 4 years
File information pdf, 1 pages, 94 KB
This worksheet is helpul to teach kids about letter B. If you have skills with "origami" you can teach them how to make a paper boat, so it complements this activity. You can use the doted images as "flashcards" and cut it to ask to each other the words that they've learned. I hope it becomes helpful. 

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AT sound words
Downloads count 3
Resource type Worksheet
Recommended age 4 - 4 years
File information pdf, 2 pages, 248 KB
With this resource you can plan an e-learning or houseroom class with preschoolers ESL that are just learning their first words. It's fun and creative, you can complement it with songs and other games. Thanks for supporting my work. 

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letter A - Preschool reading - ESL letter A - Preschool reading - ESL
Downloads count 6
Resource type Worksheet
Recommended age 4 - 5 years
File information pdf, 3 pages, 202 KB
Comments count 2
Trabajar "Letter A" con los niños de preescolar, enfocada en el refuerzo de la enseñanza bilingüe usando esta corta historia. Incentiva la lectura en los niños, pueden ser a través de un "repeat after me" y con el casco, incentivar en ellos la imaginación y que ellos se apropien del personaje. 

elizabeth lopez  elizalopez

@aldo Hola Alejandro, Si claro, cuentame que letra necesitarias? es que de acuerdo a mi programa con mis chicos asi voy sacando recursos, pero con gusto puedo ayudarte en lo que necesites y de paso me sirve para cuando llegue a ese tema ;)

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