Bracelet to Cut out The Colors - Manillas para recortar Los Colores Bracelet to Cut out The Colors - Manillas para recortar Los Colores Bracelet to Cut out The Colors - Manillas para recortar Los Colores Bracelet to Cut out The Colors - Manillas para recortar Los Colores Bracelet to Cut out The Colors - Manillas para recortar Los Colores
Downloads count 47
Resource type Activity
Recommended age 4 - 10 years
File information pdf, 19 pages, 1.73 MB
Comments count 5
Bracelets to cut out The Colors 

This material is suitable for children from 2 years old. It contains a wide variety of graphics and activities, specially designed for them. Its purpose is to allow children to develop their psychomotor skills, while having fun learning. 

16 Color bracelets
Bracelets to cut graduation Manillas para recortar graduación Bracelets to cut graduation Manillas para recortar graduación Bracelets to cut graduation Manillas para recortar graduación Bracelets to cut graduation Manillas para recortar graduación Bracelets to cut graduation Manillas para recortar graduación
ProfeCoins 35
Resource type Activity
Recommended age 4 - 18 years
File information pdf, 39 pages, 10.2 MB
18 colored bracelet
18 Black and white bracelet

Print, cut out, decorate and use these bracelets to celebrate Graduation. 
We suggest printing this product on thick paper or cardboard, for better use.

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Behavior bracelets (Pulseras de recompensa) Behavior bracelets (Pulseras de recompensa)
ProfeCoins 5
Downloads count 2
Resource type Socialemotional development
Recommended age 6 - 10 years
File information pdf, 3 pages, 3.13 MB
Comments count 3
Hola Profes! Espero estén descansando como merecen. Mientras, para ayudarles a prepararse para la siguiente parte del curso escolar, les traigo estos "Behavior bracelets" o pulseras de recompensa de comportamiento.
El objetivo es que durante la semana, los alumnos realicen acciones que les puedan ayudar a obtener la pulsera al final de la semana.
Por ejemplo, a aquel alumno que le gusta participar pero le cuesta escuchar a los demás, podría tener como objetivo ganar la pulsera de "I am an awesome listener", por lo que durante la semana tendrá que esforzarse en escuchar a sus compañeros.
Esta actividad les ayudará a fijarse metas y trabajar por ellas, ayudándolos a su autorregulación. Cada semana, podrían obtener una pulsera diferente.
De igual forma, al llevarse la pulsera a casa, los padres de familia podrán ser participes de los logros de sus hijos en clase.
Espero les guste, me ayudarían dandole like a la publicación y comentando para que el recurso llegue a más compañeros docentes!
Color bracelets Color bracelets Color bracelets Color bracelets
Downloads count 2
Resource type Activity
Recommended age 4 - 11 years
File information pdf, 8 pages, 115 KB
OA: Identificar colores en inglés.

Estudiantes deben colorear los elementos y letras de su pulsera con el color correspondiente, luego recortarla y finalmente pegarla para que funcione como una pulsera alrededor de su muñeca

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Bracelet to Cut out Christmas New Year - Manillas para recortar Navidad Año Nuevo Bracelet to Cut out Christmas New Year - Manillas para recortar Navidad Año Nuevo Bracelet to Cut out Christmas New Year - Manillas para recortar Navidad Año Nuevo
Downloads count 7
Resource type Activity
Recommended age 4 - 18 years
File information pdf, 7 pages, 1.29 MB
2 colored bracelets
2 black and white bracelets

Print, cut out, decorate and use these bracelets to celebrate Christmas and the New Year. 

We suggest printing this product on thick paper or cardboard, for better use.

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Bracelets to cut Halloween Craft Color Bracelets to cut Halloween Craft Color Bracelets to cut Halloween Craft Color Bracelets to cut Halloween Craft Color Bracelets to cut Halloween Craft Color
ProfeCoins 35
Resource type Activity
Recommended age 4 - 12 years
File information pdf, 35 pages, 14.9 MB

16 colored bracelet
16 Black and white bracelet


Print, cut out, decorate and use these bracelets to celebrate Halloween. 

We suggest printing this product on thick paper or cardboard, for better use. 

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Bracelet Cut Bee Day Animals Craft Color Cut Bracelet Cut Bee Day Animals Craft Color Cut
Downloads count 5
Resource type Activity
Recommended age 4 - 18 years
File information pdf, 5 pages, 1.35 MB
1 colored bracelet
1 Black and white bracelet


Print, cut out, decorate and use these bracelets to celebrate Bee day. 

We suggest printing this product on thick paper or cardboard, for better use.

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Crown and Bracelet Water Day Dia del Agua Corona Manilla Color Crown and Bracelet Water Day Dia del Agua Corona Manilla Color Crown and Bracelet Water Day Dia del Agua Corona Manilla Color
Downloads count 14
Resource type Activity
Recommended age 4 - 12 years
File information pdf, 6 pages, 893 KB
This material is suitable for children from 2 years old. It contains a wide variety of graphics and activities, specially designed for them. Its purpose is to allow children to develop their psychomotor skills, while having fun learning.

On our website you’ll find other content from this same series. 

1 Crown water day color
1 Bracelet water day color

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