Months of the year Months of the year Months of the year Months of the year Months of the year
Downloads count 4
Resource type Project
Recommended age 4 - 10 years
File information pdf, 12 pages, 3.91 MB
Meses del año en inglés! Hay una versión en blanco y otra con líneas para que sea adaptable a cualquier necesidad dentro de la sala de clases. Coloridos e ideales para decorar la sala de manera fácil. 

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Collaborative Activity Easter Eggs Pennant Craft Banderines Huevos de Pascua Collaborative Activity Easter Eggs Pennant Craft Banderines Huevos de Pascua Collaborative Activity Easter Eggs Pennant Craft Banderines Huevos de Pascua Collaborative Activity Easter Eggs Pennant Craft Banderines Huevos de Pascua Collaborative Activity Easter Eggs Pennant Craft Banderines Huevos de Pascua
ProfeCoins 60
Resource type Activity
Recommended age 4 - 12 years
File information pdf, 64 pages, 11.7 MB
This project is a great activity to share in class.

Each student decorates, colors and cuts out their part, which will later be integrated with that of their classmates, forming a large piece, made up of the union of all the works. It is very easy and fun and will allow you to share a pleasant and entertaining moment in class. The options are endless.

Once the collaborative activity is finished, the result can decorate the classroom or any place chosen for its exhibition.


Each participant will be in charge of decorating one of the pieces, which, once cut, will be assembled into a ribbon, using the gluing area located at the top of the page.

The number of pieces will depend on the number of participants, without affecting the result. You can join as many pieces as necessary, choosing them freely.

The color activity is also included, which can be used as a reference or as decoration.


30 colored eggs.
30 Eggs in black and white. 

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DAYS OF THE WEEK - Super Heroes DAYS OF THE WEEK - Super Heroes DAYS OF THE WEEK - Super Heroes DAYS OF THE WEEK - Super Heroes
ProfeCoins 5
Downloads count 3
Resource type Lesson
Recommended age 4 - 13 years
File information pdf, 10 pages, 2.92 MB
Ayuda a tus alumnos a que aprendan los días de la semana con estos divertidos carteles decorados con super héroes. Los podes utilizar para pegar en un afiche o plastificarlos y usarlos como recurso en tus clases diarias.

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Back to school activities Back to school activities Back to school activities Back to school activities Back to school activities
ProfeCoins 30
Resource type Activity
Recommended age 6 - 18 years
File information Private link to
On the first day of class, I have three objectives:
  1. To make my students feel accepted.
  2. To make my students feel loved.
  3. To have them enjoy themselves.

If I achieve this, they'll want to come back to study the next day. On the first day, don't worry about procedures, rules, or academics. You'll have plenty of time for that. But you only have one chance to make the first impression that your students will have of you.
This manual includes:
  • Ideas on how to turn the first day of class into a party for your students and thereby achieve these objectives.
  • An editable Canva template for creating an invitation for your students.
  • 2 activities to get to know the teacher.
  • 10 activities for students to get to know each other, and for you to start getting to know them a bit.

  • Word search: find your classmates' names.
  • My object: select an object, take a photo, and describe why it's important to you.
  • My cubicle: decorate your cubicle with things that are meaningful to you.
  • Compliments hallway: walk through your classmates' cubicles and leave them a compliment, a quality, or something good you remember about them.
  • Create a calligram.
  • Star of truth: write an assertion about yourself in each corner of a star. Three must be true, and two false.
  • Star of truth: write five assertions about yourself, but you can only use a number or a word. Your classmates will have to guess what you mean with that information by asking you questions.
  • Unconventional puzzle.
  • My 10.
  • Friendship diagram.

The students' activities are available in Google Slide format if you want to use them that way, and in PowerPoint format for printing. If you prefer printed activities, you can use the Google Slide presentation as a guiding presentation for your students.
Some activities may need to be modified or adapted by the teacher.

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Project 5 senses Project 5 senses
ProfeCoins 5
Resource type Assessment
Recommended age 6 - 7 years
File information pdf, 3 pages, 108 KB
Exploring the topic of 5 senses is amazing! There is so much to do!
That's why, I am leaving an assessment that you can also use as a project or activity in class. 
The idea is that you make 5 groups in your class, each group with a different sense. They have to complete the information and decorate it as they want. 

I did this activity with my friend Carmen Ortúzar. 

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Set Primer Día de clases Decoración + cuadernillo + tarjetitas Set Primer Día de clases Decoración + cuadernillo + tarjetitas
Downloads count 185
Resource type Socialemotional development
Recommended age 5 - 9 years
File information Private link to
Comments count 4
Estimada Profe Comunidad: Junto con saludar, comparto con ustedes este tierno set titulado: Bee una colmena.
Este contiene:
Decoración para el aula.
Cuadernillo de actividades.
Set de tarjetitas.
Espero que les agrade mucho.
Flipbook: Todo Sobre Mi (Color - B&N) Flipbook: Todo Sobre Mi (Color - B&N) Flipbook: Todo Sobre Mi (Color - B&N) Flipbook: Todo Sobre Mi (Color - B&N) Flipbook: Todo Sobre Mi (Color - B&N)
ProfeCoins 10
Downloads count 6
Resource type Activity
Recommended age 7 - 16 years
File information pdf, 16 pages, 578 KB
¡Hola a todos!  Hoy traigo el flipbook: Todo sobre mi. Vienen dos juegos de hojas para plasmar todos nuestros datos con 6 págs. Uno a color y otro en blanco y negro, para que lo trabajes con tus estudiantes. El objetivo es que los ayudes a conocerse y reflexionar sobre quienes son y que les agrada de una manera divertida.
Este libro es la actividad perfecta para el primer día de clase o para la vuelta al cole donde pensaran, dibujaran y escribirán.

Actividades: Campos para que se dibujen o coloquen su foto y su nombre, luego viene las hojas adicionales para agregar la familia, su hogar, mascotas, rutina diaria y las actividades que les gustan o desagradan. 
Terminada la actividad proceden a recortar y armar su librito con sus datos bien sea con pegante o con la grapadora.
Muy practico para trabajar en los grados de Primaria y Secundaria.

Actividades inicio de clases:

Espero sea de su agrado y les ayude a trabajar el tema. Si te gustó no olvides seguirme para recibir mas contenido, dejar un corazón y comentarme tu experiencia o sugerencia en comentarios. Saludos!
Acompáñame también en mis redes y formemos una linda comunidad: Youtube - Instagram

💖 Cuando adquieras este material úsalo de manera responsable y no lo vendas, republiques o reclames como propio en cualquiera de las redes disponibles. Gracias. 💖
***Producto para uso PERSONAL, NO comercial. 

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Banderín Bienvenido Banderín Bienvenido Banderín Bienvenido Banderín Bienvenido Banderín Bienvenido
Downloads count 33
Resource type Lesson
Recommended age 4 - 13 years
File information pdf, 11 pages, 3.45 MB
Comments count 1
Una sala de clases decorada, es amigable y confortable para los estudiantes. Dejo este hermoso banderín para dar la bienvenida a tus estudiantes a través decoración de aula.  
Ya no tienes excusas para NO tener tu salita decorada. 
Espero puedan disfrutar de este hermoso banderín. 
nombres de asignaturas nombres de asignaturas
ProfeCoins 5
Rating 5.0 out of 5 (1 review)
Downloads count 67
Resource type Activity
Recommended age 4 - 12 years
File information pdf, 3 pages, 433 KB
Comments count 5
Nombres de asignaturas primer ciclo. Sirve como horario de clases para:
- decoración diario mural
- decoración pared sala de clases
- etiquetas de libros
Incluye Lenguaje, matemática, cs. naturales, historia, Artes, Tecnologia, religión, Orientación, convivencia, ed. fisica, Música, manualidades

Banderines primavera Banderines primavera Banderines primavera Banderines primavera Banderines primavera
ProfeCoins 5
Downloads count 5
Resource type Project
Recommended age 4 - 14 years
File information pdf, 21 pages, 4.03 MB

Esta es la frase de los banderines que pueden poner en sus salas de clases para decorar y recibir la primavera.
Cuenta con 2 banderines esquineros de adorno (como el primero que se ve) y la frase ya descrita. 

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