José Hernández - @joe.cardenal cover photo
José Hernández - @joe.cardenal

José Hernández

Hello, I’m Joe just let me tell you something new. I’m like you! I enjoy making technology and doing wellbeing activities to feeling good. My personal experience offers you a creative mindset to develop projects for many fields supported and justified in a critical and logical way.

I’m a mechatronics engineer and I like to be energetic, dynamic, empathic, honest, and collaborative. Proactivity for short describes me in any problem we could have because the point is just to solve the troubles thinking the best comfortable, economical, and faster possibility to do it.

I’m another you and you are another me, remember that always we can do something amazing, life is a dream and dreams, dreams are, let’s get it. 
Joined on 05 Aug, 2021
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Recent resources

Práctica 1_Circuitos simples con Tinkercad y material Práctica 1_Circuitos simples con Tinkercad y material Práctica 1_Circuitos simples con Tinkercad y material
ProfeCoins 10
Resource type Worksheet
Recommended age 12 - 18 years
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La guía puede ser utilizada para introducir a los jóvenes aficionados a la electrónica de manera practica utilizando la plataforma de Tinkercad ya con conocimientos previos a este en la parte de circuitos. 

El enlace los dirige a la lista de materiales a solicitar para que los estudiantes identifiquen como funciona la conexión serie, paralelo, y mixto.

Cualquier comentario favor de escribir a [email protected]

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