Cuadernillo animales en peligro de extinción en Chile
Price: 20
Cuadernillo animales en peligro de extinción en Chile
Price: 20
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Grandes mujeres de Chile
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Resource type | Socialemotional development |
Recommended age | 5 - 9 years |
File information | pdf, 4 pages, 473 KB |
Resource type | Activity |
Recommended age | 4 - 15 years |
File information | pdf, 13 pages, 9.79 MB |
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Resource type | Assessment |
Recommended age | 8 - 11 years |
File information | pdf, 2 pages, 324 KB |
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Resource type | Assessment |
Recommended age | 8 - 14 years |
File information | pdf, 6 pages, 1.07 MB |
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Rating | 5.0 out of 5 (1 review) |
Downloads count | 11 |
Resource type | Project |
Recommended age | 6 - 8 years |
File information | pdf, 12 pages, 3.81 MB |
* This teacher didn't use the resource with students
Un excelente recurso para evaluar el objetivo de 2° Básico sobre animales nativos y como protegerlos (OA 05: Observar e identificar algunos animales nativos que se encuentran en peligro de extinción, así como el deterioro de su hábitat, proponiendo medidas para protegerlos)
Resource type | Socialemotional development |
Recommended age | 6 - 10 years |
File information | pdf, 6 pages, 141 KB |
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Downloads count | 1 |
Resource type | Assessment |
Recommended age | 10 - 16 years |
File information | pdf, 5 pages, 128 KB |
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Downloads count | 16 |
Resource type | Activity |
Recommended age | 6 - 10 years |
File information | Private link to drive.google.com |
Comments count | 3 |
Downloads count | 3 |
Resource type | Activity |
Recommended age | 5 - 10 years |
File information | pdf, 3 pages, 742 KB |
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Resource type | Activity |
Recommended age | 8 - 12 years |
File information | pdf, 2 pages, 102 KB |
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