A woman that I admire (Día internacional de la mujer) (International women's day)
Downloads count 65
Resource type Activity
Recommended age 6 - 18 years
File information pdf, 2 pages, 159 KB
Comments count 1
Hola profes!
Este 8 de marzo, se conmemora el día internacional de la mujer. Es importante incitar a nuestros alumnos a reflexionar sobre este día y que mejor que reconociendo a alguna mujer que ellos admiren.
En este material, encontrarán las versiones en inglés y en español de esta actividad.
Espero les guste, me regalen un like y un comentario para que este recurso sea visible para más maestros.
Downloads count 8
Resource type Activity
Recommended age 9 - 15 years
File information pdf, 1 pages, 239 KB
Comments count 1

Actividad complementaria para la conmemoración del Dia Internacional de la Mujer, después de platicar con los alumnos acerca del porqué se conmemora este día y hablar sobre algunas de las mujeres que han cambiado el mundo, podemos resolver junto con ellos, esta sopa de Letras (inglés)



International Women's Day International Women's Day International Women's Day International Women's Day
ProfeCoins 6
Downloads count 2
Resource type Activity
Recommended age 9 - 15 years
File information pdf, 9 pages, 2.9 MB
Comments count 2
Esta es una presentación ppt y archivo pdf, donde hablaremos acerca del 8 de marzo (en ingles), incluye algunas biografías de mujeres que han cambiado la historia, la razón de la conmemoración de esta fecha, y un juego para descubrir personajes con los alumnos. Si tienes alguna duda o problema con el material, házmelo saber. :)
Posters women who changed the world Posters women who changed the world Posters women who changed the world Posters women who changed the world Posters women who changed the world
ProfeCoins 5
Resource type Activity
Recommended age 4 - 18 years
File information pdf, 84 pages, 7.7 MB
Only during this month, you can get if for 5 profe coins!

This product has different posters to work with your students during women's history month.
You can use them for your bulletin board, for your students to do a research based on them o to read the biographies and quotes and discuss it your students.
Includes 3 types of posters
  • Name and image
  • Brief description
  • Quotes (2 for each woman)
Women included:
  • Althea Gibson
  • Ann Bancroft
  • Celia Cruz
  • Clara Barton
  • Elizabeth Cady Stanton
  • Ellen Ochoa
  • Florence Nightingale
  • France Córdova
  • Frida Kahlo
  • Helen Rodríguez Trías
  • Indira Gandhi
  • Irma Rangel
  • Jane Goodall
  • Leymah Gbowee
  • Mae Jemison
  • Margaret Thatcher
  • Marie Curie
  • Mother Teresa
  • Oprah Winfrey
  • Rigoberta Menchú
  • Sonia Sotomayor
  • Wangari Maathai
If you want me to include another woman, please, let me know!
If you buy the Project Women who changed the world, this posters are included!

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Project Women who changed the world Project Women who changed the world Project Women who changed the world Project Women who changed the world Project Women who changed the world
ProfeCoins 10
Resource type Project
Recommended age 8 - 16 years
File information Private link to docs.google.com
Only for this month, you can get it for 10 profe coins!

This project about women who changed the world is ideal to work with your students during women's history month in a creative, different way.
Students will do a little research to learn why some women are important. Later, they will choose a woman to do a more detailed investigation, a mosaic and a presentation.
  • Research: it is an excellent opportunity to work with students on the proper use of web pages, how to know which web page is more appropriate, and how to choose the most relevant information.
  • Mosaic: it develops and explores creativity. It is also a way evaluate the assimilation of the content in a very different way.
  • Presentation: it works communication skills.
  • And of course, we continue to raise awareness in our students of the importance of SDG5 (Sustainable Development Goal 5: Gender equality).
For the purchase of this resource, you receive as a gift the Posters women who changed the world

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Women in STEM interactive notebook Women in STEM interactive notebook Women in STEM interactive notebook
ProfeCoins 30
Resource type Activity
Recommended age 9 - 13 years
File information Private link to docs.google.com
Are you looking for an exciting and inspiring activity to work on with your students during the International Women's Month? Your students will embark on a journey of discovery as they explore the incredible contributions of outstanding women in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics). This innovative interactive notebook will challenge your students to research, learn, and celebrate the lasting impact of these pioneering women in the world of science and innovation.
What is included?
  • Interactive notebook format with guiding questions.
  • Larger format for bulletin boards with guiding questions.
  • Interactive notebook format with blank spaces for students to include the information you want.
  • Larger format for making bulletin boards with blank spaces.
How to Use this Resource:
1. Interactive Notebook: Use the interactive notebook for each of your students to research a prominent woman in STEM. Upon completing their research, they can share about these women in a gallery walk.
2. Collaborative Mural: Transform the interactive notebook into a collaborative project to create a mural in the classroom. Each student can have a section of the mural dedicated to a woman in STEM, using their interactive notebook to gather information and create visual elements. By combining all the sections, an impactful mural is formed that celebrates the diversity of prominent women in STEM.
Included Characters:
1. Alice Ball - Pioneer in the effective treatment of leprosy, contributing to medical advancements.
2. Ada Byron Lovelace - First computer programmer, paving the way for women in computing.
3. Anne Easley - Prominent engineer and mathematician who opened doors for women in the aerospace industry.
4. Betty Holberton - Lead programmer of ENIAC, contributing to the onset of the computer era.
5. Clara Barton - Founder of the American Red Cross and advocate for professional nursing.
6. Chien-Shung Wu - Key experimental physicist in nuclear research, challenging gender barriers.
7. Diana Trujillo - Lead engineer at NASA, inspiring women in space exploration.
8. Ellen Ochoa - First Latina woman in space, a pioneer in space exploration.
9. Evelyn Boyd Granville - Mathematician and engineer excelling in aerospace and technology.
10. Florence Nightingale - Founder of modern nursing, transforming healthcare.
11. France Cordova - Astrophysicist and the first woman to lead the National Science Foundation.
12. Grace Hopper - Pioneer in computer programming and a U.S. Navy admiral.
13. Hayat Sindi - Scientist and entrepreneur, advocate for women's inclusion in science.
14. Hedy Lamarr - Actress and inventor whose technological discoveries paved the way for modern communications.
15. Hypatia - Prominent mathematician and philosopher in antiquity, influencing education and philosophy.
16. Jane Goodall - Primatologist and conservation advocate, redefining the relationship between humans and animals.
17. Julia Bowman Robinson - Outstanding mathematician, pioneer in number theory, and advocate for equality in education.
18. Katherine Johnson - NASA mathematician, essential contributor to achievements in space exploration.
19. Lise Meitner - Nuclear physicist who contributed to the theory of nuclear fission.
20. Mae Jemison - First African American woman in space, breaking barriers in space exploration.
21. Maggie Gee - World War II pilot, challenging gender stereotypes in aviation.
22. Margaret Hamilton - Computer scientist, led the software team for the Apollo program.
23. Margaret Mead - Cultural anthropologist and advocate for gender equality and cultural diversity.
24. Marie Curie - Nobel Prize winner in two scientific fields, pioneer in radioactive research.
25. Martine Rothblatt - Entrepreneur and advocate for transgender rights, founder of Sirius XM.
26. Mary Sherman Morgan - Pioneering chemist, contributed to the development of rocket fuels.
27. Merit Ptah - Possibly the first known female physician in history.
28. Rachel Carson - Biologist and author, played a crucial role in the environmental movement.
29. Rosalind Franklin - Chemist and crystallographer whose work was fundamental in understanding DNA.
30. Sally Ride - First American woman in space, paving the way for female astronauts.
31. Sau Lan Wu - Leading experimental physicist in elementary particle research.
32. Shirley Ann Jackson - Theoretical physicist and president of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.
33. Vera Rubin - Astronomer who confirmed the existence of dark matter.
34. Wang Zhenyi - Prominent mathematician and astronomer in ancient China.
If you liked this resource and it was useful for your class and your students, follow my store for more products.
Are you looking for this resource in Spanish? Here is the link


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Rating 5.0 out of 5 (1 review)
Downloads count 18
Resource type Activity
Recommended age 4 - 18 years
File information pdf, 10 pages, 2.35 MB
¡Hi profes!💖
En esta oportunidad comparto con ustedes un set de tarjetas FAMOUS WOMEN IN HISTORY.
La idea es que lo descargues y lo imprimas.
Puedes también plastificarlas y usarlas con tus estudiantes en clases.
Yo dividiré el curso el grupos y le asignaré una tarjeta a cada grupo. A partir de eso, ellos deberán investigar y completar con la información que se les solicita.

Espero te sirva un montón.

Miss Danae 😺
Miss Johanna  missjo -

* This teacher used this resource with 9 to 10 year-old students

Excelente material. Busque información tipo texto para que los chicos y chicas trabajaran la extracción de información. Funcionó excelente. Gracias

Chilean Women | Mujeres Chilenas en Inglés Chilean Women | Mujeres Chilenas en Inglés Chilean Women | Mujeres Chilenas en Inglés Chilean Women | Mujeres Chilenas en Inglés Chilean Women | Mujeres Chilenas en Inglés
ProfeCoins 30
Downloads count 3
Resource type Activity
Recommended age 4 - 10 years
File information ppsx, 33 pages, 14.8 MB
Comments count 2
Versión en inglés del PPT Interactivo de Mujeres Chilenas destacas.

Las mujeres incluidas son: Javiera Carrera, Eloísa Díaz, Gabriela Mistral, Margot Duhalde, Marcela Paz, Violeta Parra, Gladys Marín, Michelle Bachelet, María Teresa Ruiz y Christiane Endler.

Si te gustan mis recursos puedes seguirme en Instagram o Facebook

Si publican en redes sociales etiqueten a @carpatitas.homeschool, se los agradecería un montón! 🐾 
Game of Professions (Women's version) Game of Professions (Women's version) Game of Professions (Women's version) Game of Professions (Women's version) Game of Professions (Women's version)
ProfeCoins 30
Downloads count 1
Resource type Activity
Recommended age 6 - 10 years
File information ppsx, 33 pages, 13 MB
>> Versión en español <<
Hola! Hoy les traigo un divertido Juego en inglés de adivinanzas para niños! Este recurso educativo musicalizado con temática de Profesiones tiene el objetivo de trabajar las habilidades básicas de atención visual y agilidad mental. Tendrás 15 segundos para adivinar la palabra y si no lo consiguen en ese tiempo cedemos el turno a otro estudiante.
El juego tiene 31 diapositivas con adivinanzas, cada una tiene una descripción con la finalidad de descubrir una palabra alusiva a una profesión. Si presionas en PISTA saldrá la imagen de la palabra a buscar, si el estudiante no acierta presiona el botón azul con la X (sonido de error) y dale la oportunidad a otro niñ@ para que participe. Si el estudiante acierta click en PALABRA (sonido de felicitación). ¡Pon a prueba la atención y la rapidez mental!
Para pasar a la siguiente adivinanza debes presionar la flecha verde ubicada en la parte inferior derecha.

En lo personal antes de continuar también les preguntaba que funcionalidad tiene cada profesión, que herramientas usan o que productos puede ofrecer, como también formar oraciones, descripciones, que otra profesión conocen por esa letra etc. Lo puedes trabajar de muchas maneras creando un ambiente de aprendizaje muy practico y entretenido.

Diviertete en grande con tus estudiantes permitiendo que vivan la magia de aprender jugando!

Powerpoint de mi autoria ideal para trabajar antes de iniciar o al finalizar una clase. Se puede trabajar proyectándola en clase presencial, imprimiendo y plastificando el material o compartiéndolo por clase virtual. Espero se diviertan! Si te gustó no olvides seguirme para recibir mas contenido en mis redes, dejar un corazón y comentarme tus dudas, experiencias o sugerencia en comentarios y reseñas. Saludos!
Acompáñame también en mis redes y formemos una linda comunidad: Youtube - Instagram

Otros juegos en inglés sobre las profesiones:

💖 Cuando adquieras este material úsalo de manera responsable y no lo vendas, republiques o reclames como propio en cualquiera de las redes disponibles. Gracias. 💖

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Women in I.C.T. -
ProfeCoins 5
Resource type Activity
Recommended age 13 - 18 years
File information docx, 2 pages, 638 KB
Se propone que los estudiantes unan las diferentes oraciones con las tres mujeres propuestas. Acompaña a la actividad la respuesta, pero se puede complementar con videos disponibles en YouTube. 
La actividad es útil para trabajar con biografías y con simple past, además de reconocer el trabajo de estas mujeres en las ciencias de la computación

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