ProfeCoins 10
Resource type Activity
Recommended age 7 - 9 years
File information pptx, 8 pages, 1.47 MB
Grupo de plantillas con palabras que el estudiante debe colocar la letra inicial para formarla. Puedes usarlo en Google classroom. solo debe ver la imagen, y completar la palabra pinchando y arrastrando la letra.

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Creating the alphabet Creating the alphabet Creating the alphabet Creating the alphabet Creating the alphabet
ProfeCoins 14
Downloads count 1
Resource type Activity
Recommended age 4 - 8 years
File information pdf, 15 pages, 3.04 MB
This activity is ideal to create your own class alphabet posters.

Students need to draw and write a word with the given letter. Then, you can display the mini-posters in the class, for visual support.

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Playing with the alphabet (Nouns) Playing with the alphabet (Nouns) Playing with the alphabet (Nouns) Playing with the alphabet (Nouns) Playing with the alphabet (Nouns)
ProfeCoins 10
Downloads count 1
Resource type Activity
Recommended age 7 - 12 years
File information pptx, 30 pages, 7.31 MB
      --->Versión en español aquí <---
Hola! hoy les traigo un divertido Juego en inglés en powerpont para los niños en el que tendrán que mencionar 5 sustantivos con una letra especifica del abecedario y formar historias con ellos. Este recurso educativo musicalizado y editable con preguntas alusivas a las letras del abecedario, tiene el objetivo de trabajar las habilidades básicas de comprensión lectora, agilidad mental, escritura creativa y vocabulario, reforzando el tema de los Sustantivos en inglés.

Contiene 24 preguntas ubicadas en libretas enumeradas. Cada niño debe tomar un número y responder 5 sustantivos que empiecen con la letra que le tocó, un nombre, un objeto, un lugar, un animal y una profesión. Luego en su cuaderno deben plasmar una minihistoria con estas palabras.  No hay opciones de respuesta, el objetivo es permitir que el estudiante se exprese usando su creatividad e imaginación. Lo puedes trabajar de muchas maneras según el grado y la edad de los estudiantes creando un ambiente de aprendizaje muy practico y entretenido.
Para volver al menú debe hacer click en el cuadro de colores ubicado en la parte inferior de la diapositiva.

Powerpoint de mi autoria totalmente editable por si deseas agregar/cambiar las preguntas o usar la plantilla con otro tema para reforzar conceptos. Se puede trabajar proyectándola en clase presencial o compartiéndolo por clase virtual. (Recuerda que para que la animación funcione correctamente debe estar en modo presentación con diapositivas). Espero se diviertan! Si te gustó no olvides seguirme para recibir mas contenido en mis redes, dejar un corazón y comentarme tus dudas, experiencias o sugerencia en comentarios y reseñas. Saludos!
Acompáñame también en mis redes y formemos una linda comunidad: Youtube - Instagram

Otros juegos en inglés que podrían interesarte:
Circus of Adjectives (Challenge)
Memory Game: Numbers 1 to 9
Game: Places around City V.1
Game: Means of Transports v.1
Circus of verbs (Game)
Wild Animals Game (Wheel)
Game of professions (Wheel)
Lucia's Myopia (Pack with 4 activities)
Pack: Frosty, the snowman (with 6 activities)
Game of Fruits (Wheel)
Game of Colors (Wheel)
Game: Circus of Synonyms and Antonyms

💖 Cuando adquieras este material úsalo de manera responsable y no lo vendas, republiques o reclames como propio en cualquiera de las redes disponibles. Gracias. 💖

Créditos de las imágenes usadas en este recurso a Freepik.

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Worksheets Coloring The Alphabet Numbers included 0 to 10 Worksheets Coloring The Alphabet Numbers included 0 to 10 Worksheets Coloring The Alphabet Numbers included 0 to 10 Worksheets Coloring The Alphabet Numbers included 0 to 10 Worksheets Coloring The Alphabet Numbers included 0 to 10
ProfeCoins 40
Resource type Activity
Recommended age 4 - 12 years
File information pdf, 56 pages, 3.45 MB
This material is suitable for children from 2 years old. It contains a wide variety of graphics and activities, specially designed for them. Its purpose is to allow children to develop their psychomotor skills, while having fun learning.

You’ll find the instructions for its use at the top of each page. 

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Worksheets Tracing The Alphabet - Extra Numbers Worksheets Tracing The Alphabet - Extra Numbers Worksheets Tracing The Alphabet - Extra Numbers Worksheets Tracing The Alphabet - Extra Numbers Worksheets Tracing The Alphabet - Extra Numbers
ProfeCoins 40
Resource type Activity
Recommended age 4 - 10 years
File information pdf, 68 pages, 7.13 MB
This material has been designed for children from 2 years old. It contains a wide variety of graphics and activities, specially designed for them. Its purpose is to allow children to develop their psychomotor skills, while having fun learning. 

In this edition the children will trace the alphabet and the numbers from 0 to 10, becoming familiar with them while having fun and practicing their writing.

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Worksheet Tracing The Alphabet Practice Letters Trazos El Abecedario Actividad 2 Worksheet Tracing The Alphabet Practice Letters Trazos El Abecedario Actividad 2 Worksheet Tracing The Alphabet Practice Letters Trazos El Abecedario Actividad 2 Worksheet Tracing The Alphabet Practice Letters Trazos El Abecedario Actividad 2 Worksheet Tracing The Alphabet Practice Letters Trazos El Abecedario Actividad 2
ProfeCoins 40
Resource type Activity
Recommended age 4 - 10 years
File information pdf, 82 pages, 10.5 MB
This material has been designed for children from 2 years old. It contains a wide variety of graphics and activities, specially designed for them. Its purpose is to allow children to develop their psychomotor skills, while having fun learning. 

In this edition the children will trace the alphabet, becoming familiar with the letters while having fun and practicing their writing.

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Flash Cards The Alphabet Christmas Tree Tarjetas El Abecedario Navidad Flash Cards The Alphabet Christmas Tree Tarjetas El Abecedario Navidad Flash Cards The Alphabet Christmas Tree Tarjetas El Abecedario Navidad Flash Cards The Alphabet Christmas Tree Tarjetas El Abecedario Navidad Flash Cards The Alphabet Christmas Tree Tarjetas El Abecedario Navidad
ProfeCoins 30
Resource type Activity
Recommended age 4 - 10 years
File information pdf, 20 pages, 2.34 MB

In color: 
26 Uppercase Letters 
26 Lowercase Letters 
11 Number Cards 


Print, cut out and use these cards to review the letters of the alphabet, starting with the vowels, and then doing it with the consonants, both in lower case and upper case, associating them with each other, for greater recognition. 

Perform activities such as organizing them in alphabetical order, matching games, looking for the missing letter, identifying the letters with common objects in the environment, among other activities. 

We suggest printing this product on thick paper or cardboard, for better use.

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Flash Cards The Alphabet santa's Hat Tarjetas El Abecedario Navidad Flash Cards The Alphabet santa's Hat Tarjetas El Abecedario Navidad Flash Cards The Alphabet santa's Hat Tarjetas El Abecedario Navidad Flash Cards The Alphabet santa's Hat Tarjetas El Abecedario Navidad Flash Cards The Alphabet santa's Hat Tarjetas El Abecedario Navidad
ProfeCoins 30
Resource type Activity
Recommended age 4 - 10 years
File information pdf, 20 pages, 2.36 MB

In color: 
26 Uppercase Letters 
26 Lowercase Letters 
11 Number Cards


Print, cut out and use these cards to review the letters of the alphabet, starting with the vowels, and then doing it with the consonants, both in lower case and upper case, associating them with each other, for greater recognition. 

Perform activities such as organizing them in alphabetical order, matching games, looking for the missing letter, identifying the letters with common objects in the environment, among other activities. 

We suggest printing this product on thick paper or cardboard, for better use.

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Flash Cards The Alphabet Glitter Tarjetas El Abecedario Navidad Flash Cards The Alphabet Glitter Tarjetas El Abecedario Navidad Flash Cards The Alphabet Glitter Tarjetas El Abecedario Navidad Flash Cards The Alphabet Glitter Tarjetas El Abecedario Navidad Flash Cards The Alphabet Glitter Tarjetas El Abecedario Navidad
ProfeCoins 30
Resource type Activity
Recommended age 4 - 10 years
File information pdf, 20 pages, 5.48 MB
In color: 
26 Uppercase Letters 
26 Lowercase Letters 
11 Number Cards 


Print, cut out and use these cards to review the letters of the alphabet, starting with the vowels, and then doing it with the consonants, both in lower case and upper case, associating them with each other, for greater recognition. 

Perform activities such as organizing them in alphabetical order, matching games, looking for the missing letter, identifying the letters with common objects in the environment, among other activities. 

We suggest printing this product on thick paper or cardboard, for better use.

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The alphabet The alphabet The alphabet
ProfeCoins 5
Downloads count 2
Resource type Lesson
Recommended age 6 - 12 years
File information Private link to
Comments count 2
En esta presentación completamente editable encontraras una clase diseñada con actividades que nos permitan conocer y reforzar el uso del alfabeto en inglés. contiene actividad de listening para desarrollar la capacidad auditiva de nuestros alumnos. Algunas de las imágenes han sido obtenidas de la web con la finalidad de permitirnos enriquecer nuestra clase con actividades de reforzamiento. 
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