Table Labels for Preschool📖 - Fabianatips Table Labels for Preschool📖 - Fabianatips Table Labels for Preschool📖 - Fabianatips
ProfeCoins 5
Resource type Lesson
Recommended age 4 - 6 years
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 ¡Hola Profes! El día de hoy Fabianatips les trae estás Etiquetas de Mesa Interactivas para niños de 4 a 6 años en Inglés (versión en español aquí)
▪ 7 Diapositivas con Etiquetas Recortables
▪ 3 Etiquetas que contienen el ABC o Abecedario
3 Etiquetas que contienen los Números 0-20🔢

!Espero les guste y les sea de utilidad¡😉👍

(Está prohibida su venta en Profe Social y en otras plataformas, ya que infringe la propiedad intelectual y derecho de autor) 

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Letter B - Preschool reading
Downloads count 3
Resource type Worksheet
Recommended age 4 - 4 years
File information pdf, 1 pages, 94 KB
This worksheet is helpul to teach kids about letter B. If you have skills with "origami" you can teach them how to make a paper boat, so it complements this activity. You can use the doted images as "flashcards" and cut it to ask to each other the words that they've learned. I hope it becomes helpful. 

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school supply sorting
ProfeCoins 5
Downloads count 3
Resource type Worksheet
Recommended age 4 - 6 years
File information pdf, 1 pages, 88.8 KB
This worksheet is great to practice the use of scissors, school supplies vocabulary and sorting skills. Students have to cut the pictures at the bottom on the page and sort them by school supply or not school supply. Have them color the pictures when they are ready so it looks more beautiful! 

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AT sound words
Downloads count 3
Resource type Worksheet
Recommended age 4 - 4 years
File information pdf, 2 pages, 248 KB
With this resource you can plan an e-learning or houseroom class with preschoolers ESL that are just learning their first words. It's fun and creative, you can complement it with songs and other games. Thanks for supporting my work. 

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Letter N sound
ProfeCoins 5
Resource type Worksheet
Recommended age 4 - 4 years
File information pdf, 2 pages, 250 KB
You can use this worksheet to teach your preschoolers the sound of the letter N. Try to prepare some videos or other resources that might be helpful for teaching the concepts Neat and Nice. Hope it will be helpful for all of you. 

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Complete Alphabet words and drawings Complete Alphabet words and drawings Complete Alphabet words and drawings Complete Alphabet words and drawings Complete Alphabet words and drawings
ProfeCoins 8
Downloads count 2
Resource type Worksheet
Recommended age 4 - 10 years
File information pdf, 26 pages, 4.78 MB
Alfabeto completo en inglés, colorido con imágenes.
Láminas que puedes imprimir en diferentes tamaños carta, media carta o tabloide para decorar el aula, puedes forrarlos con plástico trasparente para que duren mucho más.
Incluyen trazos de las letras en script o letra de molde.

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Number Puzzle Number Puzzle Number Puzzle Number Puzzle
ProfeCoins 5
Resource type Activity
Recommended age 4 - 6 years
File information pdf, 8 pages, 1.32 MB
These number puzzles are great for working number order and sequence. My preschoolers were struggling a lot with the number sequence and this puzzles were a fun way to practice it. In this document you will find puzzles with numbers up to 5 and others with numbers up to 10. I printed them, laminated them, cut and ready to reuse as many times as you want!

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School Supplies Booklet School Supplies Booklet School Supplies Booklet School Supplies Booklet
ProfeCoins 5
Downloads count 17
Resource type Worksheet
Recommended age 4 - 8 years
File information pdf, 10 pages, 665 KB
Comments count 2
This booklet is a great way for working initial writing, pencil grip and fine motor skills while practicing school supplies vocabulary. I printed the pages, cut them in half and stapled them together as a booklet. Students have to trace the words, color the school supplies and at the end, they have to choose their favorite school supply, draw it and write it by themselves. 
Eggs passover Eggs passover
Downloads count 17
Resource type Activity
Recommended age 4 - 7 years
File information pdf, 3 pages, 635 KB
Material a descargar, los números del 1 al 10 en inglés.
Una hoja a color para presentación
Una hija a color para colorear.
Términos de uso y fuentes en el PDF

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Gracias por respetar mi trabajo ;) 

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Alfabeto en inglés con imágenes
Downloads count 65
Resource type Worksheet
Recommended age 4 - 10 years
File information JPG, 197 KB
Comments count 2
Alfabeto en inglés, colorido con imágenes.
Láminas que puedes imprimir en diferentes tamaños carta, media carta o tabloide para decorar el aula, puedes forrarlos con plástico trasparente para que duren mucho más.
Incluyen trazos de las letras en script o letra de molde.
¿Quieres el alfabeto completo? está disponible aquí:
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