Travelling Travelling Travelling Travelling Travelling
ProfeCoins 5
Resource type Lesson
Recommended age 13 - 18 years
File information pdf, 13 pages, 22 MB
OA: Utilizar su conocimiento del inglés en la comprensión y producción de textos orales y escritos breves y claros, con el fin de construir una postura personal crítica en contextos relacionados con sus intereses e inquietudes. 
1. Emotional check-in
2. Discussion: Where would you like to travel? 
3. Making inferences: Have students guess where that picture is from base on the clues on it (It's the Casa Rosada on Buenos Aires, Argentina). 
4. Giving directions: Phrases for giving people directions. 
5. Play GeoGuessr: Play GeoGuessr with your students and have them give you the directions with the phrases you just learned. 
6. Assignment: Description. 

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