Worksheet: Balancing Equations Worksheet: Balancing Equations
ProfeCoins 10
Resource type Worksheet
Recommended age 13 - 18 years
File information docx, 4 pages, 8.63 KB
This resource contains various exercises for the students to practice methods to balance chemical equations. It also contains questions in order to relate the law of conservation of mass with balancing equations.

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PPT Limiting Reactant and Percentage Yield PPT Limiting Reactant and Percentage Yield PPT Limiting Reactant and Percentage Yield PPT Limiting Reactant and Percentage Yield PPT Limiting Reactant and Percentage Yield
ProfeCoins 15
Resource type Lesson
Recommended age 13 - 18 years
File information pptx, 14 pages, 1.82 MB
The following lesson is focused in teaching the main concepts related to limiting reactants and percentage yield. For this, both concepts are defined and exemplified with common contexts. At the end, the student. will have to identify the limiting reactant and calculate the theoretical yield.

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Quiz: Photosynthesis
ProfeCoins 5
Resource type Assessment
Recommended age 14 - 18 years
File information docx, 2 pages, 512 KB
The evaluation is a multiple choice quiz on the topic of photosynthesis with 8 questions. It is designed to assess students' understanding of the key concepts of photosynthesis, including the reactants and products of the light dependent and light independent reactions, the enzymes involved in photosynthesis, and the importance of photosynthesis for energy, oxygen, and carbon dioxide. Also, includes one open question focused on the importance of photosynthesis.

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ProfeCoins 25
Downloads count 3
Resource type Lesson
Recommended age 14 - 15 years
File information pdf, 13 pages, 1.91 MB
Comments count 2
OA:establecer relaciones cuantitativas entre  reactantes y productos en reacciones químicas .
PPT para una clase de introducción a la estequiometría :Concepto de estequiometría, coeficiente estequiométrico, esquema para resolver ejercicios. Un ejercicio resuelto y una actividad para dar de tarea.
Downloads count 21
Resource type Activity
Recommended age 8 - 18 years
File information pdf, 1 pages, 1.26 MB
Comments count 1
Fotsíntesis, modificado a partir de formato canva.

Reactantes y productos del proceso de fotosíntesis, esquema para abordar en sexto básico. 

Luz solar + dióxido de carbono + agua --> oxígeno y glucosa (alimento).

Ideal para relacionar con la molécula de agua, dióxido de carbono y oxígeno.
ProfeCoins 5
Downloads count 1
Resource type Activity
Recommended age 13 - 18 years
File information pdf, 1 pages, 2.99 MB
El objetivo es identificar 2 estructuras básicas de la mitocondria. 
Luego, deben comparar el procesos de fotosíntesis y respiración celular a partir de un cuadro comparativo. 
Estructura (cloroplasto y mitocondria), reactantes, productos energía saliente y entrante. 

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