PPT Theories of Evolution PPT Theories of Evolution PPT Theories of Evolution PPT Theories of Evolution PPT Theories of Evolution
ProfeCoins 20
Resource type Lesson
Recommended age 13 - 18 years
File information pptx, 25 pages, 9.53 MB
The following lesson has as an objective to review the three main theories of evolution: Fixism, Lamarckism and Darwinism (Natural Selection). The presentation starts with some definitions of concepts that must have been acquired for now and may be helpful. It continues with a question in order to rise previous knowledge about evolution and how it happened. Then, the three theories are studied with examples and definitions. The one that has more content is Darwinism because the types of selections (stabilising, directional, disruptive and artificial) are shown with graphs. As closure, a small question is made about antibiotic resistance and a fun evaluated activity is proposed in order to evaluate the theories of evolution.

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PPT Evidences of Evolution PPT Evidences of Evolution PPT Evidences of Evolution PPT Evidences of Evolution PPT Evidences of Evolution
ProfeCoins 20
Resource type Lesson
Recommended age 13 - 18 years
File information pptx, 43 pages, 17.4 MB
The following lesson contains 43 slides full of activities, questions, examples and definitions of the main five evidences of evolution: Fossils, Embryology, Compared Anatomy, Biogeography and Molecular Biology. In here you will find examples of fossils, the types of fossils, some activities that work skills like data analysis, interpretations of models, comparison between two or more situations and very interesting facts that will make your students be a little bit more in love with science.

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Worksheet: Identifying Human Species by Skull Characteristics Worksheet: Identifying Human Species by Skull Characteristics Worksheet: Identifying Human Species by Skull Characteristics Worksheet: Identifying Human Species by Skull Characteristics
ProfeCoins 10
Resource type Worksheet
Recommended age 13 - 18 years
File information pdf, 9 pages, 6.87 MB
The goal of this worksheet is to hone critical skills such as reading comprehension and the analysis of information related to the behaviour and physical characteristics of human ancestors. Students will apply these skills to connect this knowledge with visual representations of skulls and various fossils. To achieve this, students will:

1. Begin by reading a text containing information about human fossils.
2. Observe images of human fossils and match each image with the appropriate description, providing justifications for their choices.
3. Proceed to construct a timeline that illustrates the evolution of humanity, with a specific focus on understanding the reasons for this evolution and its significance.
4. Answer open questions in order to understand the evolution of the human being, specifically why it happened and the importance of it.

In essence, this worksheet serves as a comprehensive exercise to help students explore the evolution of human beings by integrating textual and visual information, critically analysing it, and drawing connections to broader concepts.

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PPT Neo-Darwinism and Speciation PPT Neo-Darwinism and Speciation PPT Neo-Darwinism and Speciation PPT Neo-Darwinism and Speciation PPT Neo-Darwinism and Speciation
ProfeCoins 20
Resource type Lesson
Recommended age 13 - 18 years
File information pptx, 26 pages, 7.25 MB
The following lesson contains two different topics: Neo-Darwinism as the new theory of evolution and Speciation. This presentation has different activities like questions and videos in the beginning, and a study case in the end with two different situations in which the student will have to identify the type of speciation described. Please write to me if the videos don't show so I can send you the links :)

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What about the Chilean Culture? What about the Chilean Culture? What about the Chilean Culture? What about the Chilean Culture? What about the Chilean Culture?
ProfeCoins 5
Rating 5.0 out of 5 (1 review)
Downloads count 2
Resource type Lesson
Recommended age 12 - 18 years
File information pptx, 11 pages, 6.89 MB
Estimados colegas, 
Este recurso es una presentación Power Point de 11 diapositivas, está basada en el currículo nacional de Chile para Idioma Extranjero Inglés para III° Medio en la unidad: 'The importance of the evolution of languages'. Compara expresiones chilenas y con ayuda de los estudiantes podemos definirlas, luego se muestra adjunto un video de youtube de 'La gringa loca' que habla respecto de nuestros gestos culturales, y finalmente hay un texto de la cultura Británica y su 'body language'. 

Espero les sea útil.

A hug!

Noemiss :)
Dani Yavar  dani.yavar1 -

* This teacher used this resource with 12 to 14 year-old students

El recurso fue llamativo y de gran ayuda para los estudiantes. Fue fácil de usar y adecuar a cada curso.

Talking about other decades - Used to Talking about other decades - Used to Talking about other decades - Used to Talking about other decades - Used to Talking about other decades - Used to
ProfeCoins 5
Downloads count 7
Resource type Lesson
Recommended age 12 - 18 years
File information pptx, 13 pages, 2.6 MB
Estimados colegas,
Este recurso es una presentación PPT, está enfocada en estilos de música del pasado y presente, utilizando USED TO para expresar ideas. Este recurso está basado en el currículo nacional de Chile para III° Medio en la Unit 3: The importance of the evolution of languages, pero puede ser utilizado para cualquier curso de Enseñanza media.

- Different styles of music
- Used to (Affirmative, Negative and Q's forms)

Espero les sea útil.


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Rating 5.0 out of 5 (1 review)
Downloads count 60
Resource type Lesson
Recommended age 10 - 18 years
File information jpg, 56.7 KB
Comments count 2
La evolución biológica es el conjunto de cambios en caracteres fenotípicos y genéticos de poblaciones biológicas a través de generaciones.​ Dicho proceso ha originado la diversidad de formas de vida que existen sobre la Tierra a partir de un antepasado común.​​
ProfeCoins 9
Downloads count 2
Resource type Lesson
Recommended age 10 - 18 years
File information Private link to drive.google.com

Objetivo curricular
OA 2: Analizar e interpretar datos para proveer de evidencias que apoyen que la diversidad de organismos es el resultado de la evolución, considerando:
 • Evidencias de la evolución (como el registro fósil, las estructuras anatómicas homólogas, la embriología y las secuencias de ADN). 
• Los postulados de la teoría de la selección natural.
• Los aportes de científicos como Darwin y Wallace a las teorías evolutivas.

La evidencias de la evolución están relatadas por Darwin y Wallace creados especialmente en Bitmoji para estas clases 
Clase 3: Mecanismos de selección
Clase 4: Evidencias paleontológicas y anatómicas.
Clase 5: Evidencias biogeográficas, embriológicas y moleculares

Las presentación incluyen actividades de cierre. 
Una vez comprado se entrega un link con las clases. 

Si es de utilidad deja un comentario!

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Teorías pre Evolutivas Teorías pre Evolutivas Teorías pre Evolutivas Teorías pre Evolutivas Teorías pre Evolutivas
ProfeCoins 20
Downloads count 7
Resource type Lesson
Recommended age 14 - 17 years
File information pptx, 12 pages, 3.61 MB
Material de apoyo para clases del Electivo de 3° Medio "Biología de los Ecosistemas". Corresponde a la Unidad N°1 ANALIZANDO EL ESTADO ACTUAL DE LA BIODIVERSIDAD, la siguiente clase trata sobre las "Teorías Evolutivas según Darwin"

Su objetivo es dar una introducción a las teorías de la Evolución y adaptación de las especies.

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Evidencias Evolutivas Evidencias Evolutivas Evidencias Evolutivas Evidencias Evolutivas Evidencias Evolutivas
ProfeCoins 40
Downloads count 9
Resource type Lesson
Recommended age 14 - 18 years
File information pptx, 19 pages, 4.96 MB
Material de apoyo para clases del Electivo de 3° Medio "Biología de los Ecosistemas". Corresponde a la Unidad N°1 ANALIZANDO EL ESTADO ACTUAL DE LA BIODIVERSIDAD, la siguiente clase trata sobre las "Pruebas sobre la evolución"

Acá podrán encontrar la clasificación y todos los tipos de pruebas existentes que datan de la evolución y adaptación de especies, para dar inicio a un nuevo tema que son "Los fósiles.

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