Muscles Exit Ticket
ProfeCoins 5
Resource type Worksheet
Recommended age 7 - 8 years
File information pdf, 2 pages, 674 KB
Use this exit ticket to work with muscles!
Students have to understand that muscles cover and protect the bones.
Fun facts are great! Let them guess how many bones and muscles are in their body!

Watch this video to explain muscles.
Complement it with the ppt review!

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Worksheet: Identifying Human Species by Skull Characteristics Worksheet: Identifying Human Species by Skull Characteristics Worksheet: Identifying Human Species by Skull Characteristics Worksheet: Identifying Human Species by Skull Characteristics
ProfeCoins 10
Resource type Worksheet
Recommended age 13 - 18 years
File information pdf, 9 pages, 6.87 MB
The goal of this worksheet is to hone critical skills such as reading comprehension and the analysis of information related to the behaviour and physical characteristics of human ancestors. Students will apply these skills to connect this knowledge with visual representations of skulls and various fossils. To achieve this, students will:

1. Begin by reading a text containing information about human fossils.
2. Observe images of human fossils and match each image with the appropriate description, providing justifications for their choices.
3. Proceed to construct a timeline that illustrates the evolution of humanity, with a specific focus on understanding the reasons for this evolution and its significance.
4. Answer open questions in order to understand the evolution of the human being, specifically why it happened and the importance of it.

In essence, this worksheet serves as a comprehensive exercise to help students explore the evolution of human beings by integrating textual and visual information, critically analysing it, and drawing connections to broader concepts.

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PPT Evidences of Evolution PPT Evidences of Evolution PPT Evidences of Evolution PPT Evidences of Evolution PPT Evidences of Evolution
ProfeCoins 20
Resource type Lesson
Recommended age 13 - 18 years
File information pptx, 43 pages, 17.4 MB
The following lesson contains 43 slides full of activities, questions, examples and definitions of the main five evidences of evolution: Fossils, Embryology, Compared Anatomy, Biogeography and Molecular Biology. In here you will find examples of fossils, the types of fossils, some activities that work skills like data analysis, interpretations of models, comparison between two or more situations and very interesting facts that will make your students be a little bit more in love with science.

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Vertebrate and Invertebrate Animals Vertebrate and Invertebrate Animals Vertebrate and Invertebrate Animals Vertebrate and Invertebrate Animals
ProfeCoins 10
Resource type Lesson
Recommended age 7 - 8 years
File information pdf, 10 pages, 1.12 MB
I made this to introduce vertebrate and invertebrate animals. First, I compare an insect and a mammal (try to elicit the answer). Then, I continue by asking about bones. Do all animals have bones? They'll see some examples. You may try asking for more. 
Send me a message and I'll send you the PPT.

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Human Body bulletin
ProfeCoins 5
Rating 5.0 out of 5 (1 review)
Downloads count 12
Resource type Lesson
Recommended age 8 - 9 years
File information pdf, 2 pages, 317 KB
Comments count 1
On second grade, when students learn about human body we use a big skeleton on the Science board as a display, so every time that we learn something new about organs, bones, tendons and muscles we add the description and also the organ or body part to the skeleton. That way students can visually integrate what they are learning and what they have learnt.  
I got the skeleton and body parts for free on Pinterest. Here is the link if you want it: 
Craft Skeletal System Craft Skeletal System
ProfeCoins 5
Downloads count 1
Resource type Activity
Recommended age 6 - 7 years
File information pdf, 3 pages, 497 KB
I saw this craft and I loved it! We did it in classes and my students liked it too. I prepared a pdf with the materials you'll need and some skulls you can use to make the craft. If you want, you can try labelling the main bones of the body.

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Receta de bon o bon casero paso a paso Receta de bon o bon casero paso a paso Receta de bon o bon casero paso a paso Receta de bon o bon casero paso a paso
ProfeCoins 5
Resource type Lesson
Recommended age 4 - 18 years
File information pptx, 10 pages, 7.03 MB
Bon o Bon es una deliciosa golosina originaria de Argentina. Consiste en una suave crema de maní rodeada de una capa de chocolate, todo cubierto con una fina capa de chocolate blanco. Su sabor es una mezcla equilibrada entre lo dulce y lo salado, con una textura cremosa y crujiente. Es un placer irresistible para los amantes del chocolate y el maní. El Bon o Bon es un clásico en las mesas argentinas y un regalo popular en ocasiones especiales.

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Escala de emociones con personajes de Bob Esponja. Escala de emociones con personajes de Bob Esponja.
ProfeCoins 5
Downloads count 19
Resource type Socialemotional development
Recommended age 6 - 18 years
File information ppsx, 5 pages, 1.75 MB
De manera aleatoria se le pedirá a un alumno que seleccione uno de los tres personajes de Bob Esponja de la diapositiva número dos, una vez seleccionado, se le solicitará al grupo escribir en el chat el número con el que se sientan identificado respecto a la escala del personaje que aparezca en pantalla (1 al 9).

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ProfeCoins 5
Rating 4.0 out of 5 (2 reviews)
Downloads count 93
Resource type Lesson
Recommended age 4 - 18 years
File information Private link to
Comments count 10
¡Holiiis, mis profes!
subo por acá dos salitas de espera de las asignaturas de ciencias y tecnología, en ella encontraras videos para activar a nuestros estudiantes así como los minutos de espera antes de entrar a una clase.
Al momento de descargar este archivo se te realizara una copia para ti en Google Slides, o si prefieres puedes descargarlo en PowerPoint.
Espero las disfrutes💖
Besitos a la distancia...
Conteo 1-10 Conteo 1-10 Conteo 1-10 Conteo 1-10 Conteo 1-10
ProfeCoins 5
Downloads count 5
Resource type Activity
Recommended age 4 - 5 years
File information pptx, 15 pages, 28.5 MB
El objetivo de este recurso es que los escolares observen las colecciones y expliciten de manera verbal la cantidad de elementos en las colecciones. En algunas colecciones se puede trabajar la descomposición aditiva para formar números e incluso en la colección de los pulpos reversibles que identifican las colecciones felices y tristes . Se puede jugar al ser el más rápido señalando que el que indique la cantidad con sus manos o con fichas gana. 

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