Resultados para "who"

I'm an English teacher who loves her job.
A dynamic teacher who wants to improve their methods/strategies.
Just a Teacher who wants to learn MORE!!! THANK YOU! 
I'm a passionate English teacher who loves innovate and teach English in a variety of ways. 
I’m an English teacher from Mexico who is interested in multilevel resources
Hello everyone I'm an english teacher from Colombia who is interested in getting and posting resources that will be very useful for any class.
I am a person who enjoys his life!
I'm an English teacher who likes different aspects regarding to language learning and teaching.
I´m a Mexican English teacher who is always looking for help to be a bit better in my job. I love teaching! Thanks for supporting us in this beatiful job! 
A teacher who loves fun classes
English teacher who loves her profession and enjoy it every class!
I´m a nice person who likes learning everyday.
A teacher by calling who combines knowledge and experience in Special Education for teaching English and Spanish as second languages to students of different levels and ages. I´m constantly looking fo ...
Soy psicopedagoga, siempre pensando en el juego y como incentivar a trabajar en base a sus intereses
I am an English teacher from Chile who is working in Australia
Office Administrator who love creative things and beautiful fonts.
English teacher who like to creates and share resources for classes!
A mother who is devoted to helping her child succeed. 
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