ProfeCoins 25
Cantidad descargas 1
Tipo de recurso Actividad
Edad recomendada 4 - 8 años
Info. del archivo Link privado a
Cantidad comentarios 3

The video that appears in the presentation is illustrative, the file contains the question statements in English, and the pictogram activity appears with traditional carols from the United States and England.
banner agradecimiento (1080 x 1080 px).jpg

Type of file: Jamboard (digital)

Description: A Flipaguía Christmas is here! In this delivery we offer a didactic resource of 8 interactive activities, so that it can be carried out in class or on the contrary it can be applied as recreational vacation activities. Enjoy the material. Happy Holidays! Wishes you Flipaguia!

Age of application: 4 to 8 years old

*To enable the interactive activity on android or iphone you need to have the Jamboard app installed.

** If you have problems opening the link, do not hesitate to write us through social networks: Facebook: Facebook: flipaguiatienda Instagram: @flipaguia or mail flipaguí[email protected]

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Remember that all pages in this teaching resource are copyrighted. The following restrictions are prohibited, within the limits established by law and under the legal provisions provided for: you must grant the corresponding credit, provide a link to the license and indicate if changes were made. You may not use the material for commercial purposes. 
If you remix, transform, or build on the material, you cannot distribute the modified material. This resource is for the exclusive use of the teacher who acquired the material. Please do not share with your colleagues. If they are interested in making use of this teaching material, they can buy it in my store © Flipaguía in Profe Social
You have permission to use this material with your students online or in print, through a password protected on the page only.
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Flipaguía  flipaguia

@aldo ¡Listo profe! ya el material está listo para descargar. El material en su versión inglesa tiene pictogramas con villancicos tradicionales de Estados Unidos e Inglaterra. Quise dejarle la sopa de letras con las tradiciones hispanoaméricanas para que sus estudiantes reconozcan situaciones comunicativas propias del español. De antemano ¡Gracias por su compra! y por aquí ¡A la orden! 🟨🟦🟥

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