Exploring the Impact of Hugs: A Sustainable Well-being Session- Lesson Plan & Presentations
Downloads count 3
Resource type Lesson
Recommended age 8 - 18 years
File information Private link to docs.google.com
Hello hello!

Teacher Kris here. I'm sharing this lesson about hugs and how they promote physical and mental health, directly related to SDG number 3. Here you will find a Lesson Plan and 2 presentations with some content to implement the lesson. Feel free to modify and adapt as needed.

Enjoy connecting!
Kris Mega

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Valentine's -Love & Friendship: 6 Valentine's Day Tools to Engage and Practice English (B1-B2 Level) Valentine's -Love & Friendship: 6 Valentine's Day Tools to Engage and Practice English (B1-B2 Level) Valentine's -Love & Friendship: 6 Valentine's Day Tools to Engage and Practice English (B1-B2 Level) Valentine's -Love & Friendship: 6 Valentine's Day Tools to Engage and Practice English (B1-B2 Level) Valentine's -Love & Friendship: 6 Valentine's Day Tools to Engage and Practice English (B1-B2 Level)
ProfeCoins 5
Resource type Activity
Recommended age 12 - 18 years
File information pdf, 24 pages, 11.8 MB
Hello, hello! Teacher Kris here!

This resource is for English teachers. It's a compilation of 6 tools in a PDF with links to Google Drive, including lesson plans, resources, and presentations to support activities.

A dynamic activity for appreciating others.
5. LESSON PLAN Hugging: Embracing the Power of Human Connection

The intention is to use Valentine's Day as a pretext to practice English, but above all, to share and create knowledge together. Through fun games, we can get to know and recognize each other. I've also added a lesson plan about the power of hugs and a ready-to-read presentation that will allow us to generate dialogue and learn about the opinions and experiences of our students. I love Valentine's Day because it's also my birthday, and I hope you enjoy this material as much as I do.

I'm sending you a big virtual hug, and Happy Valentine's Day!
Kris Mega

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Afiches Cuidados Covid para el Aula en Inglés | Covid Safety Posters Afiches Cuidados Covid para el Aula en Inglés | Covid Safety Posters
ProfeCoins 20
Downloads count 6
Resource type Activity
Recommended age 4 - 10 years
File information Private link to drive.google.com
18 afiches para imprimir en PDF y poner en tu aula de clases con normas/medidas contra el Covid 100% en Inglés.

 Dos tamaños disponibles: ¡carta y oficio!

Afiches incluidos: 
  • Wear a mask
  • Keep a safe distance
  • Wash your hands frequently
  • Don't touch your face
  • Cover coughs and sneezes with your arm or a tissue
  • Use your own school supplies
  • Greet your classmates for afar
  • For now, you cannot share food
  • Change your mask when you feel is wet or worn down
  • Use hand sanitizer when you need it
  • Remain in your desk
  • When changing your mask, dispose the old one in a trash bin
  • Use hand sanitizer when entering the classroom
  • Do air hugs!
  • Do air high fives!
  • Your backpack must be on the back of your chair
  • If you feel ill, notify your teacher
  • We follow these rules to take care of ourselves and all our loved ones!
Aprovecho de agradecer a tod@s quienes me ayudaron con ideas para los afiches, ya que ustedes están en la sala de clases y saben lo hace falta, así que muy, pero muy agradecida!

Si te gustan mis recursos recuerda que puedes seguirme en Instagram o Facebook

Si publican en redes sociales pueden etiquetar a @carpatitas.homeschool en instagram, muchas gracias!

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Guess the Words -English Vocabulary Game Guess the Words -English Vocabulary Game Guess the Words -English Vocabulary Game Guess the Words -English Vocabulary Game Guess the Words -English Vocabulary Game
Downloads count 4
Resource type Activity
Recommended age 12 - 18 years
File information pdf, 44 pages, 31.5 MB
¡Esto es "Guess the Words"! Este es un juego donde deberás adivinar las palabras que se forman con la combinación de imágenes. Por ejemplo, 🌧️rain+🎀bow = 🌈 rainbow. Es una dinámica sencilla que puede formar parte del vocabulario en clase o ser una actividad lúdica y divertida en cualquier momento del día. ¡Espero que lo disfruten!

Kris Mega

Check out "Guess the Words"! This is a game where you'll have to guess the words formed by the combination of images. For example, 🌧️rain+🎀bow =🌈 rainbow. It's a simple yet engaging activity that can be part of classroom vocabulary or a fun and playful game at any time of the day. I hope you enjoy it!

Kris Mega

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