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Hello hello Kris - @hellohellokris

Hello hello Kris

 Soy Kristen pero puedes llamarme Kris. Tengo 15 años de dedicarme a la educación. He impartido clases de inglés y arte  así como teatro, oratoria y proyectos comunitarios. Soy una apasionada por repensar la educación como un proyecto comunitario. Defensora del trabajo colaborativo como la herramienta más poderosa para crear soluciones a los desafíos globales.

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Joined on 17 Jan, 2024
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DÍA DE LA TIERRA_Lista de Actividades ECO Español DÍA DE LA TIERRA_Lista de Actividades ECO Español DÍA DE LA TIERRA_Lista de Actividades ECO Español DÍA DE LA TIERRA_Lista de Actividades ECO Español
Downloads count 17
Resource type Activity
Recommended age 11 - 18 years
File information Private link to www.canva.com
¡Hello, hello!

Por el Día de la Tierra, estoy emocionada de compartir contigo una actividad divertida que puedes usar con tus estudiantes para promover la conciencia y acción ambiental. Esta Lista de Tareas del Día de la Tierra está diseñada para inspirar a los estudiantes a dar pasos significativos hacia el cuidado de nuestro planeta mientras se divierten en el proceso.

La Lista de Tareas del Día de la Tierra contiene una variedad de actividades ecológicas que los estudiantes pueden elegir para completar el día de la Tierra o durante los días previos. Estas actividades van desde acciones simples en el día a día hasta proyectos más prácticos, permitiendo que los estudiantes adapten su participación según sus intereses y habilidades. Ya sea plantando un árbol, organizando una limpieza comunitaria o comenzando un compostaje, hay algo para que todos se involucren.

Cómo usar:
  • Descarga la Lista de Tareas del Día de la Tierra PDF.
  • Comparte el PDF con tus estudiantes y anímalos a elegir las actividades que les gustaría completar.
  • Los estudiantes pueden completar las actividades de forma independiente o trabajar en grupos, según tu preferencia y dinámica en el aula.
  • A medida que los estudiantes completen cada actividad, pueden documentar su progreso marcando las casillas correspondientes en la lista de tareas.
  • También puedes usar el enlace de Canva para crear una copia de la plantilla de la Lista de Tareas del Día de la Tierra y personalizarla con tus propias actividades e ideas con la intención de personalizarla a tus estudiantes y contextos. Esto permite una mayor personalización y creatividad en sus iniciativas del Día de la Tierra. 
Al involucrar a los estudiantes en esta actividad de Lista de Tareas del Día de la Tierra, los empoderamos para convertirse en participantes activos en la protección del medio ambiente. ¡Juntos podemos marcar la diferencia y crear un futuro más brillante y sostenible para todos!

¡Te deseo a ti y a tus estudiantes un Día de la Tierra lleno de alegría y impacto positivo!
Kris Mega

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EARTH DAY_ Eco Bucket List English EARTH DAY_ Eco Bucket List English EARTH DAY_ Eco Bucket List English EARTH DAY_ Eco Bucket List English
Downloads count 5
Resource type Activity
Recommended age 12 - 18 years
File information Private link to www.canva.com
Hello, hello!
In celebration of Earth Day, I'm excited to share with you a fun and engaging activity that you can use with your students to promote environmental awareness and action. This Earth Day Bucket List is designed to inspire students to take meaningful steps towards caring for our planet while having fun along the way.

The Earth Day Bucket List contains a variety of eco-friendly activities that students can choose from to complete on or leading up to Earth Day. These activities range from simple everyday actions to more hands-on projects, allowing students to tailor their participation based on their interests and abilities. Whether it's planting a tree, organizing a community clean-up, or starting a compost bin, there's something for everyone to get involved in.

How to Use:
  1. Download the Earth Day Bucket List PDF 
  2. Share the PDF with your students and encourage them to choose activities they would like to complete.
  3. Students can either complete the activities independently or work together in groups, depending on your preference and classroom dynamics.
  4. As students complete each activity, they can document their progress by checking off the corresponding boxes on the bucket list.
  5. Students can also use the Canva link to create a copy of the Earth Day Bucket List template and customize it with their own ideas and reflections. This allows for greater personalization and creativity in their Earth Day initiatives.
By engaging students in this Earth Day Bucket List activity, we empower them to become active participants in environmental stewardship. 

Together we can make a difference and create a brighter, more sustainable future for all.

Wishing you and your students a joyful and impactful Earth Day!
Kris Mega

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Arte: Shantell Martin "Sigue la línea"  ¿Quién soy yo? Identidad A través del Arte Arte: Shantell Martin "Sigue la línea"  ¿Quién soy yo? Identidad A través del Arte Arte: Shantell Martin "Sigue la línea"  ¿Quién soy yo? Identidad A través del Arte Arte: Shantell Martin "Sigue la línea"  ¿Quién soy yo? Identidad A través del Arte Arte: Shantell Martin "Sigue la línea"  ¿Quién soy yo? Identidad A través del Arte
Downloads count 2
Resource type Lesson
Recommended age 11 - 18 years
File information Private link to drive.google.com
Hello, hello!
¡Con mucho cariño, les comparto esta clase diseñada para todos los maestros de arte, pero que también puede ser interesante como dinámica, apertura o cierre de cualquier clase, o incluso para el día escolar en general! Shantell Martin es una artista nacida en Londres, cuya identidad artística se ha forjado a través de su exploración de las líneas, jugando con ellas y confiando en el proceso creativo.

Su obra se destaca por su estilo distintivo y enérgico, donde las líneas se convierten en protagonistas, creando un mundo visual único y fascinante. Desde murales a gran escala hasta piezas de arte más íntimas, Martin ha ganado reconocimiento internacional por su habilidad para transmitir emociones y provocar la imaginación a través de su arte.

Les comparto un PDF y un enlace a la presentación en Google Slides, junto con una planificación detallada que les ayudará a implementar esta clase en sus entornos educativos. ¡Espero que disfruten explorando el mundo creativo de Shantell Martin tanto como yo lo hice al preparar esta clase!

¡Un abrazo lleno de inspiración y creatividad!
Kris Mega

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Astrology: Exploring the Zodiac Signs  (Reading-Writing-Listening-Speaking) Astrology: Exploring the Zodiac Signs  (Reading-Writing-Listening-Speaking) Astrology: Exploring the Zodiac Signs  (Reading-Writing-Listening-Speaking) Astrology: Exploring the Zodiac Signs  (Reading-Writing-Listening-Speaking) Astrology: Exploring the Zodiac Signs  (Reading-Writing-Listening-Speaking)
Downloads count 1
Resource type Lesson
Recommended age 12 - 18 years
File information Private link to drive.google.com
Hello, hello!

This is a class about astrology, and you don't need to be an expert or believe in astrology, nor do you have to like it. It's not about teaching your students to read tarot cards; it's simply a topic that you can explore together and work on language skills through video, reading, and some comprehension questions. Enjoy learning about the characteristics of each energy surrounding the zodiac signs and discuss whether they believe these traits apply to them or if they think they don't actually fit.

I've added a lesson plan to provide a bit more guidance for applying this material, but feel free to adapt and work with it in the way that works best for you.

Best regards.
Kris Mega

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Who is most likely to... ENGLISH_ICE-BREAKER_GAME Who is most likely to... ENGLISH_ICE-BREAKER_GAME Who is most likely to... ENGLISH_ICE-BREAKER_GAME Who is most likely to... ENGLISH_ICE-BREAKER_GAME Who is most likely to... ENGLISH_ICE-BREAKER_GAME
Downloads count 3
Resource type Activity
Recommended age 10 - 18 years
File information pdf, 23 pages, 170 KB
Hello, hello!

I love activities that foster connection, and this is one of my favorites! With these 20 'Who is most likely to...' questions, you can engage your students in a fun and meaningful way. Not only does it allow them to discover how others perceive them, but it also promotes an atmosphere of camaraderie and laughter.

I have used it with the teachers, with the students talking about the teachers, and with my classroom of students talking about each other, and they have all been very fun and interesting. You can go from pointing at names of everyone on the floor or a table, to using a small whiteboard and a whiteboard marker so that the students can point to who they think is most likely to...

Have fun!
Kris Mega

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ProfeCoins 45
Resource type Activity
Recommended age 10 - 18 years
File information png, 235 KB
Hello, hello!

Soy Kristen y compartir es uno de los puntos que más disfruto de enseñar, esoy segura que este juego ayudará en la creación y construcción de comunidad entre los estudiantes.

Incluído en este paquete:
  • 25 Yo nunca nunca afirmaciones Edición General + 5 en blanco*
  • 20 Yo nunca nunca afirmaciones Edición Estudiantes + 5 en blanco
  • 25 Yo nunca nunca afirmaciones Edición Maestros Statements + 5 en blanco
  • 15 Yo nunca nunca afirmaciones Edición Cuarentena + 5 en blanco
  • 15 Yo nunca nunca afirmaciones Edición Cosas Penosas + 5 en blanco
  • Los letreros HECHO y NUNCA
Yo nunca nunca en blanco - para ser llenados por maestros o alumnos*

Abrazo enorme,
Kris Mega

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ProfeCoins 45
Resource type Activity
Recommended age 12 - 18 years
File information Private link to docs.google.com
Hello, hello there!

I’m Kristen and sharing is one of my favorite aspects of teaching, and this game will aid in the formation of a sense of community among your students. This is a fun and easy icebreaker that you and your students will love playing.

Have fun!
Included in the is packet is:
  • 25 General Edition Never Have I Ever Statements + 5 blank* Never Have I Ever
  • 20 Students Edition Never Have I Ever Statements + 5 blank Never Have I Ever
  • 25 Teachers Edition Never Have I Ever Statements + 5 blank Never Have I Ever
  • 15 Quarantine Edition Never Have I Ever Statements + 5 blank Never Have I Ever
  • 15 Embarrassing Things Edition Never Have I Ever Statements + 5 blank Never Have I Ever
  • The I Have and I Never Have Signs
*Blank Never Have I Ever - for teachers to create their own

Kris Mega

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MARCH_Bulletin Board & Decor Letters and Numbers MARCH_Bulletin Board & Decor Letters and Numbers MARCH_Bulletin Board & Decor Letters and Numbers
Resource type Activity
Recommended age 4 - 18 years
File information pdf, 7 pages, 51.5 KB
Hello hello!
Teacher Kris here!

Are you seeking for MARCH letters, numbers, and symbols to display on your bulletin board or elsewhere as spring classroom decor?
This is exactly what you need!

Kris Mega

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MARZO_ Letrero para Periódico Mural + Números para calendario ESPAÑOL MARZO_ Letrero para Periódico Mural + Números para calendario ESPAÑOL MARZO_ Letrero para Periódico Mural + Números para calendario ESPAÑOL
Downloads count 4
Resource type Activity
Recommended age 4 - 18 years
File information pdf, 7 pages, 51 KB
Hello hello!
Soy Kristen y te comparto estas letras y números con temática de primavera para el mes de MARZO puedes usarlo para decorar el salón o para el Periódico Mural.

Te mando muchos abrazos,
Kris Mega

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Crisis and Conflict Resolution_ 4 Week Unit on Crisis and Conflict Solution with SDG Crisis and Conflict Resolution_ 4 Week Unit on Crisis and Conflict Solution with SDG Crisis and Conflict Resolution_ 4 Week Unit on Crisis and Conflict Solution with SDG Crisis and Conflict Resolution_ 4 Week Unit on Crisis and Conflict Solution with SDG Crisis and Conflict Resolution_ 4 Week Unit on Crisis and Conflict Solution with SDG
ProfeCoins 62
Resource type Project
Recommended age 10 - 18 years
File information Private link to drive.google.com
4 Week Unit on Crisis and Conflict Solution with SDG

Hello, hello there!
My name is Kristen, and this is a 4 week unit.
Engage and inspire your 6th to 12th-grade students with this exciting and immersive 4-week unit on crisis and conflict solution, integrated with essential Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) such as reducing inequalities, promoting quality education, and establishing peace, justice, and strong institutions. This unit is specifically designed to foster critical thinking, empathy, and global citizenship skills among your students, all while exploring the power of photography and photojournalism in conflict resolution.
Key Features of the Unit:
  1. Create a Conflict Word Web: Kickstart the unit by building a comprehensive understanding of conflict through the creation of a conflict word web. Students will delve into the different aspects and causes of conflicts, enhancing their vocabulary and analytical skills.
  2. Hone Your Skills as a Photographer: Discover the art of photography and empower your students to express their perspectives on conflicts and their potential solutions. Engage them in fun and interactive photography exercises, fostering creativity and visual storytelling abilities.
  3. Investigate Global Conflicts: Encourage students to delve into real-world conflicts and crises, analyzing their causes, consequences, and potential solutions. This inquiry-based approach will ignite their curiosity, research skills, and broaden their global awareness.
  4. Create a Photojournalism Story about a Conflict Scenario: In this exciting phase of the unit, students will combine their newfound photography skills with their research on global conflicts to create compelling photojournalism stories. They will learn the power of visual narratives and explore how photography can promote conflict resolution and social change.
Key Questions Addressed:
  • What is conflict, and why is it important to understand conflict?
  • Why is dialogue essential in preventing the escalation of conflict?
  • How can photography and photojournalism be used to promote conflict resolution?
Benefits for Teachers:
  • Comprehensive lesson plans with clear learning objectives and step-by-step instructions.
  • Varied and engaging activities that cater to different learning styles.
  • An integrated approach to teach conflict resolution, empathy, and critical thinking skills.
  • Opportunities for cross-curricular connections with language arts, social studies, and visual arts.
  • Access to ready-to-use worksheets, graphic organizers, and assessment tools.
Benefits for Students:
  • Active and collaborative learning experiences that encourage student participation.
  • Development of critical thinking and problem-solving skills.
  • Enhanced global awareness and empathy towards diverse conflicts and communities.
  • Opportunities for creative expression through photography and visual storytelling.
  • A deeper understanding of the Sustainable Development Goals and their relevance in today's world.
Included 3 Files:
  1. PDF Presentation
  2. PDF Worksheets
  3. Google Slides
Don't miss this opportunity to empower your students with skills for conflict resolution and understanding, equip them with the tools they need to make a positive impact on the world.

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