The Arts Introduction & Talking about Artistic expressions. The Arts Introduction & Talking about Artistic expressions. The Arts Introduction & Talking about Artistic expressions. The Arts Introduction & Talking about Artistic expressions.
ProfeCoins 5
Downloads count 3
Resource type Lesson
Recommended age 11 - 16 years
File information pptx, 8 pages, 3.19 MB
Estimados colegas,
Este recurso en una presentación Power Point, contiene elementos del arte y les sirve para presentar la Unidad 3 del currículo nacional de Chile: 'The Art'. La presentación contiene anexado un video para presentar para qué sirve el arte y un juego diseñado en Wordwall para reforzar y jugar con vocabulario relacionado al mundo de Las Artes. 

Espero les sea útil,


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Crisis and Conflict Resolution_ 4 Week Unit on Crisis and Conflict Solution with SDG Crisis and Conflict Resolution_ 4 Week Unit on Crisis and Conflict Solution with SDG Crisis and Conflict Resolution_ 4 Week Unit on Crisis and Conflict Solution with SDG Crisis and Conflict Resolution_ 4 Week Unit on Crisis and Conflict Solution with SDG Crisis and Conflict Resolution_ 4 Week Unit on Crisis and Conflict Solution with SDG
ProfeCoins 62
Resource type Project
Recommended age 10 - 18 years
File information Private link to
4 Week Unit on Crisis and Conflict Solution with SDG

Hello, hello there!
My name is Kristen, and this is a 4 week unit.
Engage and inspire your 6th to 12th-grade students with this exciting and immersive 4-week unit on crisis and conflict solution, integrated with essential Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) such as reducing inequalities, promoting quality education, and establishing peace, justice, and strong institutions. This unit is specifically designed to foster critical thinking, empathy, and global citizenship skills among your students, all while exploring the power of photography and photojournalism in conflict resolution.
Key Features of the Unit:
  1. Create a Conflict Word Web: Kickstart the unit by building a comprehensive understanding of conflict through the creation of a conflict word web. Students will delve into the different aspects and causes of conflicts, enhancing their vocabulary and analytical skills.
  2. Hone Your Skills as a Photographer: Discover the art of photography and empower your students to express their perspectives on conflicts and their potential solutions. Engage them in fun and interactive photography exercises, fostering creativity and visual storytelling abilities.
  3. Investigate Global Conflicts: Encourage students to delve into real-world conflicts and crises, analyzing their causes, consequences, and potential solutions. This inquiry-based approach will ignite their curiosity, research skills, and broaden their global awareness.
  4. Create a Photojournalism Story about a Conflict Scenario: In this exciting phase of the unit, students will combine their newfound photography skills with their research on global conflicts to create compelling photojournalism stories. They will learn the power of visual narratives and explore how photography can promote conflict resolution and social change.
Key Questions Addressed:
  • What is conflict, and why is it important to understand conflict?
  • Why is dialogue essential in preventing the escalation of conflict?
  • How can photography and photojournalism be used to promote conflict resolution?
Benefits for Teachers:
  • Comprehensive lesson plans with clear learning objectives and step-by-step instructions.
  • Varied and engaging activities that cater to different learning styles.
  • An integrated approach to teach conflict resolution, empathy, and critical thinking skills.
  • Opportunities for cross-curricular connections with language arts, social studies, and visual arts.
  • Access to ready-to-use worksheets, graphic organizers, and assessment tools.
Benefits for Students:
  • Active and collaborative learning experiences that encourage student participation.
  • Development of critical thinking and problem-solving skills.
  • Enhanced global awareness and empathy towards diverse conflicts and communities.
  • Opportunities for creative expression through photography and visual storytelling.
  • A deeper understanding of the Sustainable Development Goals and their relevance in today's world.
Included 3 Files:
  1. PDF Presentation
  2. PDF Worksheets
  3. Google Slides
Don't miss this opportunity to empower your students with skills for conflict resolution and understanding, equip them with the tools they need to make a positive impact on the world.

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ProfeCoins 5
Downloads count 1
Resource type Activity
Recommended age 4 - 5 years
File information mp4, 39.5 MB
Hello everyone!

Here I will show you how to make a guitar using waste material.  I will give you an idea, but if you choose to use other materials it doesn´t matter!! Also you can decorate it with other things such as lids, feathers, markers, etc.

Try this activity and have fun!!!

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Drawing your face Drawing your face
ProfeCoins 5
Downloads count 1
Resource type Activity
Recommended age 4 - 6 years
File information pptx, 3 pages, 180 KB
Hey there!

This activity will help children to get conscious of their own physical characteristics! They will look themselves on the mirror and draw it. This activity has been a success with my students!

Try it!!

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Joan Miró "The Rooster Project" Joan Miró "The Rooster Project" Joan Miró "The Rooster Project" Joan Miró "The Rooster Project" Joan Miró "The Rooster Project"
ProfeCoins 30
Resource type Project
Recommended age 6 - 8 years
File information pptx, 16 pages, 19.4 MB
Este proyecto busca que los estudiantes se familirizen más con el arte y los artistas más famosos. 
Tiene cómo objetivo crear la obra de "El gallo" de Joan Miró a través de sus propios ojos. Pueden usar lápices pasteles, acuarela, temperas etc... 
¡Lo van a pasar increíble! 

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Actividad de arte "Art through my eyes?
Rating 5.0 out of 5 (1 review)
Downloads count 214
Resource type Activity
Recommended age 5 - 18 years
File information pdf, 2 pages, 264 KB
Comments count 11
Actividad para la clase de Arte. Una forma muy divertida de compartir la visión artistica propia. En los lentes, los alumnos tienen que dibujar lo que ellos perciben como arte, una gran actividad para introducir la asignatura de artes.
Movimientos artísticos: POP ART Movimientos artísticos: POP ART Movimientos artísticos: POP ART Movimientos artísticos: POP ART Movimientos artísticos: POP ART
ProfeCoins 25
Downloads count 11
Resource type Lesson
Recommended age 12 - 18 years
File information pdf, 23 pages, 9.14 MB
Exposición unidad movimientos artísticos: Pop art  
En esta clase expositiva se presentan los orígenes, principales autores, corrientes y se resaltan los aportes de arte popular para la enseñanza  y como su influencia se puede llevar a las clases de educación artística actual.
Dirigida a:
Docentes que requieran repasar estos contenidos para presentar la unidad de movimientos artísticos en educación básica
Cursos de educación media con el objetivo de recordar y dar una mirada crítica al movimiento artístico .

El movimiento del pop art surge en en el siglo XX, cerca de los años 50, principalmente en Estados Unidos e Inglaterra como una manifestación cultural que ha ido creciendo bajo las condiciones capitalistas y tecnológicas de la sociedad industrial. 
El  pop art utiliza imágenes de la cultura popular tomadas de medios de comunicación y objetos cotidianos, modificándolos para transformar nuevas obras de arte. 

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Arte - Pixel art- 3° básico
ProfeCoins 12
Downloads count 6
Resource type Worksheet
Recommended age 8 - 9 years
File information docx, 2 pages, 161 KB
Guía de actividad con instrucciones y pauta de evaluación para la creación de obra de arte con la técnica de pixel art.  (3° básico)

(OA 3)Crear trabajos de arte a partir de experiencias, intereses y temas del entorno natural y artístico, demostrando manejo de:
› materiales de modelado, de reciclaje, naturales, papeles, cartones, pegamentos, lápices, pinturas, textiles e imágenes digitales
› herramientas para dibujar, pintar, cortar, modelar, unir y tecnológicas (pincel, tijera, mirete, computador, cámara fotográfica, entre otras)
› procedimientos de dibujo, pintura, grabado, escultura, técnicas mixtas, artesanía, fotografía, entre otros

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Artes visuales - Land art - 4° básico
ProfeCoins 12
Downloads count 3
Resource type Activity
Recommended age 9 - 10 years
File information docx, 2 pages, 697 KB
Guía de actividad con instrucciones y pauta de evaluación para la creación de una obra de arte basada en Land art. (4 ° básico)

(OA 2) Aplicar elementos del lenguaje visual (incluidos los de niveles anteriores) en sus trabajos de arte, con diversos propósitos expresivos y creativos:
líneas de contorno
› color (tono y matiz)
› forma (figurativa y no figurativa)

(OA 3) Crear trabajos de arte a partir de experiencias, intereses y temas del entorno natural, cultural y artístico, demostrando manejo de: materiales de modelado, de reciclaje, naturales, papeles, cartones, pegamentos, lápices, pinturas, textiles e imágenes digitales› herramientas para dibujar, pintar, cortar, unir, modelar. 

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Artes visuales - Op Art - 5° básico Artes visuales - Op Art - 5° básico
ProfeCoins 12
Downloads count 1
Resource type Activity
Recommended age 11 - 12 years
File information docx, 4 pages, 864 KB
Guía de actividad la cual consiste en aplicar la técnica del "Op Art". 
Contiene instrucciones y pauta de evaluación  (5° básico)

Crear trabajos de arte y diseños a partir de sus propias ideas y de la observación: entorno cultural y artístico. (OA1) 

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