Worksheets Coloring The Alphabet Numbers included 0 to 10 Worksheets Coloring The Alphabet Numbers included 0 to 10 Worksheets Coloring The Alphabet Numbers included 0 to 10 Worksheets Coloring The Alphabet Numbers included 0 to 10 Worksheets Coloring The Alphabet Numbers included 0 to 10
ProfeCoins 40
Resource type Activity
Recommended age 4 - 12 years
File information pdf, 56 pages, 3.45 MB
This material is suitable for children from 2 years old. It contains a wide variety of graphics and activities, specially designed for them. Its purpose is to allow children to develop their psychomotor skills, while having fun learning.

You’ll find the instructions for its use at the top of each page. 

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Worksheets Coloring Yellow Objects Amarillo Objetos Colorear Worksheets Coloring Yellow Objects Amarillo Objetos Colorear Worksheets Coloring Yellow Objects Amarillo Objetos Colorear Worksheets Coloring Yellow Objects Amarillo Objetos Colorear Worksheets Coloring Yellow Objects Amarillo Objetos Colorear
ProfeCoins 35
Resource type Activity
Recommended age 4 - 8 years
File information pdf, 32 pages, 8.08 MB
This material is suitable for children from 2 years old. It contains a wide variety of graphics and activities, especially designed for them. Its purpose is to allow children to develop their psychomotor skills, while having fun learning. 

In this edition, children will learn yellow objects, while they freely decorate their images. 

Light bulb 
Passion fruit 
Poison dart frog 

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Easter Worksheets April March NO PREP Color Easter Worksheets April March NO PREP Color Easter Worksheets April March NO PREP Color Easter Worksheets April March NO PREP Color Easter Worksheets April March NO PREP Color
ProfeCoins 40
Resource type Activity
Recommended age 6 - 10 years
File information pdf, 30 pages, 25.9 MB
This material is suitable for children from 6 years old. It contains a wide variety of graphics and activities, specially designed for them. Its purpose is to allow children to develop their psychomotor skills, while having fun learning.

On our website you’ll find other content from this same series.

You’ll find the instructions for its use at the top of each page.

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Valentine´s Day Worksheets February Full Color Love Valentine´s Day Worksheets February Full Color Love Valentine´s Day Worksheets February Full Color Love Valentine´s Day Worksheets February Full Color Love Valentine´s Day Worksheets February Full Color Love
ProfeCoins 40
Resource type Activity
Recommended age 6 - 10 years
File information pdf, 23 pages, 20.1 MB
This material is suitable for children from 6 years old. It contains a wide variety of graphics and activities, specially designed for them. Its purpose is to allow children to develop their psychomotor skills, while having fun learning.

On our website you’ll find other content from this same series.

You’ll find the instructions for its use at the top of each page.

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Downloads count 31
Resource type Activity
Recommended age 11 - 18 years
File information pdf, 3 pages, 265 KB
Comments count 2
✨✨🎉Hola, les saluda Miss Cinthia🎉 ✨✨
En esta oportunidad les presento este material que les puede servir para trabajar el tema: ''simple past'' con algunos verbos irregulares, como también puedan responder ayudándose de algunas preguntas.
Espero le sea de mucha utilidad como lo fue para mí al trabajarlo con mis estudiantes.

Downloads count 15
Resource type Activity
Recommended age 5 - 8 years
File information pdf, 1 pages, 416 KB
Esta ficha es para repasar la escritura de los números del 1 al 5 en Ingles. Lo primero es ordenar las letras para poder descubrir el nombre del número, luego escriben el nombre del numero en inglés dentro del triple renglón y al fina deben unir con el numero que corresponde.

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ProfeCoins 40
Downloads count 5
Resource type Activity
Recommended age 4 - 8 years
File information Private link to
¡Con este cuadernillo en PDF los más pequeños podrán aprender divertirse con la llegada de la primavera!

¡Incluye 20 variadas actividades integrales para usar desde los 3 años en adelante! Puedes modificar dejando páginas afuera si son muy complicadas para su rango etario.

Incluye: Encerrar los dibujos de primavera, trazar diversas líneas, trazar palabra Primavera + colorear dibujo, pintar con dedos, clasificar por colores, completar las letras que faltan, unir el dibujo con su sombra, conectar los puntos del 1 al 8 y del 1 al 20, diferencias (5 y 8), ¿cuál es diferente?, encontrar la sombra correcta, lateralidad, ordenar por tamaño, recortar y pegar para completar el patrón. 

📣 ¡Revisa mis otros recursos de Primavera!:

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	Worksheets Coloring Activities The Farm 	Worksheets Coloring Activities The Farm 	Worksheets Coloring Activities The Farm 	Worksheets Coloring Activities The Farm 	Worksheets Coloring Activities The Farm
ProfeCoins 35
Resource type Activity
Recommended age 4 - 10 years
File information pdf, 37 pages, 4.44 MB
Fichas de actividades para colorear - La Granja en Inglés

Este material es apto para niños desde los 2 años. Contiene una amplia variedad de gráficos y actividades, especialmente diseñadas para ellos. Su propósito es permitir a los niños el desarrollo de sus habilidades psicomotrices, mientras se divierten aprendiendo. 
Encontrarás las instrucciones para su utilización en la parte superior de cada página. 

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Worksheets Tracing Activities - The Farm Animals Fine motor Worksheets Tracing Activities - The Farm Animals Fine motor Worksheets Tracing Activities - The Farm Animals Fine motor Worksheets Tracing Activities - The Farm Animals Fine motor Worksheets Tracing Activities - The Farm Animals Fine motor
ProfeCoins 40
Downloads count 2
Resource type Activity
Recommended age 4 - 10 years
File information pdf, 46 pages, 4.66 MB
 This material has been designed for children from 2 years old. It contains a wide variety of graphics and activities, specially designed for them. Its purpose is to allow children to develop their psychomotor skills, while having fun learning. 

In this edition, children will get to know The Farm and the animals that inhabit it, while they carry out a series of fun activities and exercises. 

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Worksheets Tracing The Alphabet - Extra Numbers Worksheets Tracing The Alphabet - Extra Numbers Worksheets Tracing The Alphabet - Extra Numbers Worksheets Tracing The Alphabet - Extra Numbers Worksheets Tracing The Alphabet - Extra Numbers
ProfeCoins 40
Resource type Activity
Recommended age 4 - 10 years
File information pdf, 68 pages, 7.13 MB
This material has been designed for children from 2 years old. It contains a wide variety of graphics and activities, specially designed for them. Its purpose is to allow children to develop their psychomotor skills, while having fun learning. 

In this edition the children will trace the alphabet and the numbers from 0 to 10, becoming familiar with them while having fun and practicing their writing.

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