ProfeCoins 5
Resource type Activity
Recommended age 7 - 14 years
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This Genially is a great resource for your "Landscapes of Chile" unit.
Learning Goal: To associate the characteristics of certain landscapes with their location in Chile.

The resource you'll get is a puzzle game with the three zones of Chile. It includes a tag with the name of each region and a little explanation of the characteristics of each zone.

This Genially is the third of the series "Landscapes of Chile"
See the other Geniallys & resources of the series here:
  1. What are the landscapes of Chile? 
  2. Landscapes of Chile
  3. Chile's different zones (This resource)
  4. Landscapes in the Northern Zone
  5. Landscapes in Central Chile
  6. Landscapes in the Southern Zone
  7. Integrating what I've learned

This resource was made for Chile's curriculum "HI02OA08", but you may also use it as an activity for the following:
  • HI05OA09
  • HI06OA10
  • HI08OA20
*Disclaimer: To use it in these other levels, it is recommended to edit the resource, as some of the activities weren't created for these specific levels.

This resource greatly works with the book: 2 primary Social Sciences - Savia

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ProfeCoins 5
Resource type Activity
Recommended age 7 - 14 years
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This Genially is a great resource for your "Landscapes of Chile" unit.
Learning Goal: To describe the characteristics of some of the landscapes in the Northern Zone.

The resource you'll get has information about the Northern Zone of Chile, using the map and pictures as a reference.

This Genially is the fourth of the series "Landscapes of Chile"
See the other Geniallys & resources of the series here:
  1. What are the landscapes of Chile? 
  2. Landscapes of Chile
  3. Chile's different zones
  4. Landscapes in the Northern Zone (This resource)
  5. Landscapes in Central Chile
  6. Landscapes in the Southern Zone
  7. Integrating what I've learned
This resource was made for Chile's curriculum "HI02OA08", but you may also use it as an activity for the following:
  • HI05OA09
  • HI06OA10
  • HI08OA20
*Disclaimer: To use it in these other levels, it is recommended to edit the resource, as some of the activities weren't created for these specific levels.

This resource greatly works with the book: 2 primary Social Sciences - Savia

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Downloads count 18
Resource type Activity
Recommended age 7 - 14 years
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This Genially is a great resource for your "Landscapes of Chile" unit.
Learning Goal: To describe the characteristics of some of the landscapes in Central Chile.

The resource you'll get is a scape the room with information about Central Chile. Your kids will love it!

This Genially is the fifth of the series "Landscapes of Chile"
See the other Geniallys & resources of the series here:
  1. What are the landscapes of Chile? 
  2. Landscapes of Chile
  3. Chile's different zones
  4. Landscapes in the Northern Zone
  5. Landscapes in Central Chile (This resource)
  6. Landscapes in the Southern Zone
  7. Integrating what I've learned

This resource was made for Chile's curriculum "HI02OA08", but you may also use it as an activity for the following:
  • HI05OA09
  • HI06OA10
  • HI08OA20
*Disclaimer: To use it in these other levels, it is recommended to edit the resource, as some of the activities weren't created for these specific levels.

This resource greatly works with the book: 2 primary Social Sciences - Savia

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ProfeCoins 5
Resource type Activity
Recommended age 7 - 14 years
File information Private link to
This Genially is a great resource for your "Landscapes of Chile" unit.
Learning Goal: To describe the characteristics of some of the landscapes in the Southern Zone.

The resource you'll get is a scape the room with information about the Southern Zone.  We recommend downloading at least resource number 5 of the series, as it follows a funny story.

This Genially is the sixth of the series "Landscapes of Chile"
See the other Geniallys & resources of the series here:
  1. What are the landscapes of Chile? 
  2. Landscapes of Chile
  3. Chile's different zones
  4. Landscapes in the Northern Zone
  5. Landscapes in Central Chile
  6. Landscapes in the Southern Zone (This resource)
  7. Integrating what I've learned

This resource was made for Chile's curriculum "HI02OA08", but you may also use it as an activity for the following:
  • HI05OA09
  • HI06OA10
  • HI08OA20
*Disclaimer: To use it in these other levels, it is recommended to edit the resource, as some of the activities weren't created for these specific levels.

This resource greatly works with the book: 2 primary Social Sciences - Savia

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Guía 1: Elementos del paisaje
ProfeCoins 5
Downloads count 9
Resource type Worksheet
Recommended age 7 - 8 years
File information docx, 1 pages, 1.67 MB
Guía para evaluar formativamente los paisajes de Chile que tienen intervención humana y reflexionar sobre el tema.

1- Escriba los elementos del paisaje de la siguiente fotografía y luego responda.
2- ¿A qué tipo de elemento del paisaje corresponden? Pinte la respuesta.
3- Escriba 2 elementos naturales que observa.
4- Reflexione: ¿Cree que son siempre positivas las intervenciones que hace el ser humano en el paisaje? ¿Por qué?

** Se realiza con el PPT de la clase "Paisajes de Chile"

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Paisajes de Chile Paisajes de Chile Paisajes de Chile Paisajes de Chile Paisajes de Chile
ProfeCoins 13
Downloads count 23
Resource type Lesson
Recommended age 7 - 8 years
File information pptx, 13 pages, 3.58 MB
Comments count 2
Objetivo clase: Reconocer los elementos del paisaje, reflexionando sobre la intervención del hombre en la naturaleza.
En este PPT encontrarás imágenes y links con videos de los paisajes de Chile y los alumnos tendrán que reconocer los elementos naturales y la intervención del hombre en el paisaje.
Al final de la clase se realiza la actividad "Guía 1: Elementos del paisaje"
Ticket de salida zona norte
ProfeCoins 5
Resource type Activity
Recommended age 7 - 8 years
File information docx, 2 pages, 436 KB
Ticket de salida para cierre de clase "Paisajes de Chile zona norte"

1- ¿Qué es lo que más me gustó de la zona norte?
2-¿Aprendí algo nuevo?
3-¿Cómo me sentí en esta clase?

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Paisaje zona Sur de Chile I Paisaje zona Sur de Chile I Paisaje zona Sur de Chile I Paisaje zona Sur de Chile I Paisaje zona Sur de Chile I
ProfeCoins 11
Downloads count 8
Resource type Lesson
Recommended age 7 - 8 years
File information pptx, 11 pages, 9.15 MB
Objetivo clase: Reconocer y valorar los distintos elementos del paisaje de la zona sur de Chile.
En este PPT encontrarás imágenes y links con videos de la zona sur de Chile.
Para finalizar la clase se realiza un ticket de salida para comentar con el curso.

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ProfeCoins 5
Downloads count 1
Resource type Activity
Recommended age 7 - 14 years
File information Private link to
This Genially is a great resource for your "Landscapes of Chile" unit.
Learning Goal: To identify the geographical elements that constitute Chile’s natural and cultural landscape.

The resource you'll get is a memory game with different landscapes of Chile, with their definition.

This Genially is the second of the series "Landscapes of Chile"
See the other Geniallys & resources of the series here:
  1. What are the landscapes of Chile?
  2. Landscapes of Chile (This resource)
  3. Chile's different zones
  4. Landscapes in the Northern Zone
  5. Landscapes in Central Chile
  6. Landscapes in the Southern Zone
  7. Integrating what I've learned

This resource was made for Chile's curriculum "HI02OA08", but you may also use it as an activity for the following:
  • HI05OA09
  • HI06OA10
  • HI08OA20
*Disclaimer: To use it in these other levels, it is recommended to edit the resource, as some of the activities weren't created for these specific levels.

This resource greatly works with the book: 2 primary Social Sciences - Savia

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ProfeCoins 5
Resource type Activity
Recommended age 7 - 14 years
File information Private link to
This Genially is a great resource for your "Landscapes of Chile" unit.
Learning Goal: To evaluate the learning acquired in the unit: "Landscapes of Chile"

The resource you'll get is a breakout with questions of the whole series "Landscapes of Chile". Your students will have a great time with this game! We recommend downloading at least resources number 5 & 6 of the series, as it follows a funny story.

This Genially is the seventh of the series "Landscapes of Chile"
See the other Geniallys & resources of the series here:
  1. What are the landscapes of Chile? 
  2. Landscapes of Chile
  3. Chile's different zones
  4. Landscapes in the Northern Zone
  5. Landscapes in Central Chile
  6. Landscapes in the Southern Zone
  7. Integrating what I've learned (This resource)

This resource was made for Chile's curriculum "HI02OA08", but you may also use it as an activity for the following:
  • HI05OA09
  • HI06OA10
  • HI08OA20
*Disclaimer: To use it in these other levels, it is recommended to edit the resource, as some of the activities weren't created for these specific levels.

This resource greatly works with the book: 2 primary Social Sciences - Savia

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