Math bar models
ProfeCoins 5
Resource type Lesson
Recommended age 8 - 9 years
File information pdf, 1 pages, 41.8 KB
For Math Singapur Method.
This file is very helpful when you start to work with bar models in the word problem resolution. Once you have practiced every bar model and the students understood how they work they can use this file, which it can be pasted on their copybook or table, to help them identify and build bar models. 

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Numbers in English bulletin Numbers in English bulletin Numbers in English bulletin Numbers in English bulletin
ProfeCoins 5
Rating 5.0 out of 5 (1 review)
Downloads count 27
Resource type Lesson
Recommended age 7 - 9 years
File information pdf, 10 pages, 51 KB
Comments count 2
This is a material that I use as display on my Math bulletin board when we are working with numbers. I have used it in first and second grade. It is very helpful to the students when the don’t know how to say or write a number in English. I am uploading two versions of it. One with the numbers written and the other with the space to fill with your own writing.

Numbers in English bulletin bank
Addition and subtraction challenge Addition and subtraction challenge
ProfeCoins 5
Downloads count 1
Resource type Worksheet
Recommended age 6 - 10 years
File information pdf, 5 pages, 708 KB
In this worksheet you'll find additions and subtraction with and without reagrouping using 3 digit numbers. 

It's arrange in a way that each page has a major difficulty so you can use it as a formative assessment or a challenge to know the level of your students.

Have fun and let me know if it's needs any arrangements.

PD: The size of the paper in this document is 8-13,5.

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Guía sumas, versión digital y física.
ProfeCoins 5
Downloads count 3
Resource type Worksheet
Recommended age 7 - 9 years
File information Private link to
Guía para repasar sumas con y sin reagrupación. La gracia de este recurso, es que tienes la posibilidad de imprimir la guía, o realizarla en liveworksheets, de forma virtual con el link que adjunto. (para recibir las respuesta de los estudiantes deben crear un usuario, y personalizar la guía poniendo que las respuestas les lleguen a sus buzón)

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Presentación algoritmo resta Presentación algoritmo resta Presentación algoritmo resta Presentación algoritmo resta Presentación algoritmo resta
ProfeCoins 12
Downloads count 4
Resource type Lesson
Recommended age 7 - 10 years
File information Private link to
Esta presentación para enseñar el algoritmo de la resta, contiene animaciónes y un link a un video, que facilitan la comprensión del contenido, y es totalmente utilizable para clases virtuales. Es un google slides editable

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Problemas matemáticos,  razonamiento lógico Problemas matemáticos,  razonamiento lógico Problemas matemáticos,  razonamiento lógico Problemas matemáticos,  razonamiento lógico Problemas matemáticos,  razonamiento lógico
Rating 5.0 out of 5 (1 review)
Downloads count 101
Resource type Activity
Recommended age 10 - 14 years
File information pdf, 37 pages, 505 KB
Este recurso es un PDF con cinco problemas matemáticos de razonamiento lógico. Se explica paso a paso cómo realizarlos con imágenes grandes y claras. Se le puede mostrar al estudiante el problema, luego darle unos minutos para que los resuelva. O dar los problemas primero y luego bridarles la explicación. 
Claudia Peñaloza  clacanon -

* This teacher didn't use the resource with students


Represent and Interpret data. Digital study guide Represent and Interpret data. Digital study guide Represent and Interpret data. Digital study guide Represent and Interpret data. Digital study guide Represent and Interpret data. Digital study guide
ProfeCoins 20
Resource type Project
Recommended age 8 - 12 years
File information Private link to
This resource is a digital study guide to work with your students how to represent and interpret data.
  • Types of data
  • Types of graph
  • What is a line graph
  • How to read a line graph
  • How to create a line graph
  • 2 games with the app quizizz to practice the types of data and the types of graphs

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ProfeCoins 10
Resource type Assessment
Recommended age 8 - 12 years
File information Private link to
This resource includes 5 different line graphs with 4 question each for students to analyze the information provided and answer questions.
You can find the questions in Google Form with multiple choice questions.
Both are great activities to do with students as a way to check how is the understanding of the topic or to assess it.

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ProfeCoins 10
Resource type Lesson
Recommended age 8 - 14 years
File information Private link to
Buenas tardes amantes de las matemáticas, en este video te enseño a encontrar los resultados de la tabla de multiplicar del 10 de forma muy sencilla, estoy seguro que te será de gran utilidad, les envío un fuerte abrazo desde Puerto Montt, Chile y nos vemos en el próximo video.

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ProfeCoins 5
Downloads count 2
Resource type Activity
Recommended age 8 - 14 years
File information pdf, 3 pages, 175 KB
Buenas tardes amantes de las matemáticas, por acá les dejo uno de los contenidos más entretenidos de matemáticas, el objetivo de aprendizaje abordado es:
Comprenden la división de números racionales a través de representaciones concretas, pictóricas y simbólicas. 
Saludos desde Puerto Montt, Chile.

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